You might be a wingnut if you vote against a bill to prevent the transmission of the HIV virus from mother to baby because HIV-positive babies are a good way to teach mothers about the dangers of promiscuity. Making the following Tweet just confirms your wingnut status:
“Don’t for a second think Obama wants what is best for U.S. He is flying the U.S. plane right into the ground at full speed. Let’s roll.”
That, of course, is a reference to Todd Beamer of Flight 93. Naturally, State Senator David Schultheis of Colorado denies that he was making any such allusion.
(Denver Post) – Schultheis’ comments, which infuriated Democrats and exasperated some Republicans, came two days after Sen. Scott Renfroe, R-Greeley, cited Bible verses to argue homosexuality is an “abomination” and a sin comparable to murder in a debate over a bill extending health benefits to same-sex partners of state employees.
Gay, or just shrimpy?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
It’s like they compete for the coveted position of the person uttering the remark that set a new low in the discourse. I realize they are pro birth, not pro life, but the HIV comment is just very mean spirited and very cold hearted.
This reminds me of Jesse Helms and some other fucking right-wing morons that insist that HIV/AIDS was God’s wrath on the LGBT community. What a bunch of cretins.
Jesse sure started the trend. Newtie put it on steroids. Dick Armey and Tom Delay started separating it from even a pretend truth. Boehner and McConnell made it a playground. Schmidt, Bachmann, Foxx, Goehmert, Wilson, DeMint, Coburn,…have taken it over the edge and into the swamp.
Thus the devolution of GOP civility.
It’s actually worse. Newborn babies are sinless, remember?
that’s not how l understand the concept of original sin. maybe it’s no longer operable, eh?
as for schultheis, he’s a textbook example of the lengths the wingnuts’ll go to incite their flock. he’s a hard core, fundie from the land of dobson…colorado springs…and he’s never accomplished anything meaningful in all his time in the colorado lege other than grasping for his 15 minutes of fame on occassion. so this publicity probably made his day.
he’s a clown of the first order and his statements are generally perceived by those of us in the
less batshit crazysaner parts of the state as tales told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.he’s a waste of space and air and not worth the time. but the /dobsonites/down there seem to love him.
I forgot, it was the apple in paradise.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
How do the Churchmen reconcile a loving God with a God that condemns newborns to Hell?
Another thought, does original sin mean that aborted fetuses go to Hell?
I’d like to hear Reverend Huckabee explain this.
It’s more like: “That crazy pilot is trying to land in the Hudson River! We need to tear him away from the controls!” than it is like Flight 93.