I have some sad news to report. Longtime Frog Ponder, billjpa, died unexpectedly on Thursday. His daughter dropped me an email to let me know and to tell me how much Bill had enjoyed the site. I always enjoyed Bill’s passion. He was always up on the latest outrage and appropriately upset about it. In his last comment here he told another commenter to “Get your head out of you know where,” said Obama was failing to give people fair trials, and declared that we’re all screwed. That, and a determination not to ever use spellcheck, were Bill’s defining features in his over four years of participation at the site. I am going to miss him a lot, as I know many of you will, as well. Our thoughts are with his family during this holiday season. I hope they are comforted to know how much joy he brought to us over the years.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
🙁 RIP, and well-wishes to the family.
What terrible news.
My thoughts and best to his family.
Very sad indeed. Please convey my condolences to his family. I appreciated his comments though often didn’t agree with them. a kind of incisive outrage.
I’m really sad to hear that billjpa is no longer with us and I’ll miss the curmudgeonly comments. One of my good friends out here in verus vita is similarly inclined, so I was always prepared for one of his rants.
My condolences go out to his family and friends during this difficult time of loss.
I’m sorry to read this. Condolences to his family.
That is very sad; the site won’t be quite the same without his particular take on the events of the day.
My condolences to his family.
I tell my kids often that passion is good. So many people today seem to have very little of it.
My thoughts go out to his family.
I am so saddened to read this. There was never any doubt where billjpa’s heart was. My condolences to his family.
Very very sad news indeed. I wish his family well during this terrible time for them.
Sad whenever we lose a commenter… no matter what the opinion. My regrets.
Under The LobsterScope
Ah, bugger.
I convey my inadequate sympathies to the family.
Thank you all for the condolences.
Oh and thank you to Booman for posting about Dad
you’re welcome. Good luck to you. And have a good Thanksgiving.
He was in failing health for some time, and died quite suddenly while raking leaves. We will have a family get-together at Thanksgiving (Dad’s favorite holiday), and say words of remembrance for Dad.
I am so sorry for your loss. I wish you smiles, food, fond memories and peace on Thanksgiving.
Very sad news. My condolences to his family and friends.
My curiosity is high, but I’ll just say rest in peace.
Very sad news, indeed. We all knew so little about him but his opinions on politics. Makes me wonder more about who he was, how old, cause of death, where he lived, what he looked like. I don’t think I’ve lost an online comrade before like this.
Thanks Booman for letting us all know this sad news and condolences to the family, of course. Bill will certainly be missed.
This is sad. Best wishes to his family.
He was a 60’s hippy with a pony-tail and a full beard. He taught, dealt rare coins and played the guitar and dulcimer. He was old enough to go but still too young for my taste. He leaves behind 2 daughters who will miss him always and 2 grandaughters, 1 knows him well, the other is too young and that is sad. He went to Selma and marched with Dr. King and thought that we should get off our butts and do the same. He put me on a bus and took me to the march for womens rights. He cried when President Obama was elected. I grew up on Dillon, Peter Paul and Mary and Pete Seeger.
I will be lonely for a long time without him, but it is nice to know that other people that I will never know wish him well.
I’m very sorry for your loss. Nothing prepares us for losing our parents. I hope you and your family find some peace and comfort in his memory.
You should be very proud of your father. I suspect that you are about my age (I’m 39.) My mother, who was also very opinionated and funny and eccentric and would probably fit in real well with Bill, died six years ago and I still have trouble accepting that fact.
She is in my dreams always as though she is still here. It’s not disturbing though. It helps me deal with the current realities in the world. All of the things she taught me – always question authority (esoecially those claiming to represent a God,) don’t accept dogma, demand proof, stand up for the defenseless, “first they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew…”, don’t change who you are to fit the crowd, etc.
Just be proud. He did good with you. Pass it on.
I am very proud of him and I thank you for your kind words. I am sorry for the loss of your mom. We are both so lucky that we had parents that instilled something in us. I will think of you and your mom this holiday and wish you well.
Sounds like a great guy. Pass him on to his grandchildren, and he can live forever.
Leaves behind wonderful daughters and grandchildren. May billjpa live on in our memories for what he stood for and continue to be a compass in your and our lives. May he rest in peace. Please accept all our sympathies as a little comfort to overcome such a loss. Thanks also to BooMan and the Frog Tribe at the pond.
Billjpa’s first comment @BooMan:
Mr B- my first post here– Thanks to your efforts. Short, simple and hopefully- to the point. You are right with just one proviso. We have to start with the knowledge that the bush and what is now called the gop base is at 40%! How many can we call “Our Base”?
by billjpa (billjpa@aol.com) on Thu Aug 18th, 2005 at 12:25:47 PM PST
Billjpa was active across the Internet in many forums …
Merry Christmas, America’s children! George Bush has given you another veto!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thanks so much for linking to other sites! I am busy printing things he wrote so that I can teach my daughter as he taught me. You all have a wonderful community here, it is amazing where one can find comfort.
I’m also sorry to hear of your loss.
Your father’s username is certainly familiar to me as he joined the pond not long after I did. And as a “60s hippy” myself I’ve always found I had much in common with him and others from that era.
And likely, we only saw the “tip of the iceberg” so to speak, of who he was. Thank you very much for rounding that out some for us.
I also appreciate your letting us know, as it’s somewhat disconcerting when an internet-friend just disappears.
Sorry to hear the sad news. He always had a fire in his belly, which I loved.
for letting BooMan know about your Dad.
Your Dad was all about caring. Who bothers to get fired up if it isn’t important to them?
What has always stayed with me were the words of encouragement your Dad wrote to BooMan. Another facet of that caring.
My sympathies on your loss and ours.
Bill was a very unique commenter on this site; whose passion was so evident in everything that he posted. One did not ever have to see a signature at the end of a post to recognize who was behind the keyboard when you read anything which he submitted. His passion and his humor were often intertwined in his writings. A few times over the years I have found something he has dropped in my e-mail in box as a personal follow up to some exchange we had here. And those e-mails also had their own flair that only Bill could put on them.
Over time, from the content and context of his comments here, I had developed a visualization of Bill. I have found that I was only partly right, but the gaps which his daughter has filled in here only round out the image of the man who I had envisioned and added a significant measure of a greater respect for Bill and what he accomplished in his life.
I never met you, Bill. But I considered you a friend. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Peace be with you. We all grieve with you for your loss. He will be missed.
It is so hard to lose a parent. My thoughts are with you. Sounds like he was a real character.
Wow. Thank you so much Bill’s Daughter for letting BooMan and us know and for rounding out his character for us. I often found myself agreeing with Bill and always valued his input.
On a personal note, I lost my own dad a few years ago during this very month. He was a diehard liberal and while a bit old to be a hippie, he sure made me one. :>)
Hugs to you and your family in this time of loss. Know that we are all very grateful to have had Bill be a part of our lives.
I will miss you Bill.
He sent me the FDR quote at least 20 times just to make sure I had it down pat and then would periodically test me on it!
I very much appreciated him on Booman Tribune. He will be missed.
Condolences to his family.
I am so sorry to hear that. I’m grateful his daughter informed you, especially in the midst of her grief and immediate responsibilities.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Condolences to the family. Will miss his comments.
I’m very sorry to hear of Bill’s passing. I haven’t participated here in a long while but I do read every now and then and always found Bill’s opinions not unlike a lot of my own. Though he definitely had a unique way of expressing himself :o) I’ve done more than a few double takes when reading his fiery and passionate remarks :o) He’s a beauty in my book and more so now, since reading his daughter’s description of him
Go well, Bill……
Friends and family gather and re-unite in moments of sadness. I hope all is well with you and family, take care. Moments of wellness in life shoulf be treasured, here at the pond we’ve had those moments. Thanks to all.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Yes, I’m well, Oui and my family is well. Thank you.
We’re heading south to Maryland tonight to spend a week with family there. I’m looking forward to it, even if it is on the occasion of a puritanical fantasy celebration ;o)
Be well yourself :o)
Just a moment of silence
goodspeed Bill