When I wake up tomorrow morning, our baby will be considered full-term, which means that they are ready to show up and start their life without any concerns about lung or brain or other developmental concerns related to prematurity. It also means that I have to be on-call at all times because labor could set in at any time. I can’t be going out to the bar. I can’t make any real time commitments. As the day approaches, thoughts about our expanded family take up more and more of my psychic life. When you combine that with the high level of frustration I’m feeling about the ability of Congress to accomplish anything worthwhile, and the general slow-down of the news cycle as the holidays approach, it creates a real challenge to a blogger like me to come up with material and the energy to do something entertaining and worthwhile with that material.

But I’ll do my best. The problem is that I pretty much hate everyone in Washington right now. But, as I told one of my brothers on the phone tonight, we’re so much better off than we were with Bush, Cheney, DeLay, and Frist in change that it’s easy to look a gift-horse in the mouth. Relatively speaking, times are good. I’ll keep reminding myself of that. Cuz it’s true.