(Here’s a link to any comments you may have missed in the old cafe.
And as of 3:15 am last night, I am now actually awkward and uncomfortable enough to be ready to have this baby. I don’t care if my Christmas shopping is finished or not… 🙂
Nope the invasion hasn’t arrived yet. Actually I think we may have less people for X-mas this year. Three have already said they have to work, so at the moment I’m not sure how many will be here. Oh well it won’t be a complete loss if we only have around 25 show up. 😉
Are you all set or has the snow slow everything down?
All done last Thursday – highly unusual for this procrastinator. Of course, all the nephews and nieces were done weeks ago so I could carry it all for my short trip to Norway instead of spending a fortune on postage.
She skipped out of her French exam 1/2 hr early to make her flight on Saturday, got to Portland and was told all flights were cancelled, though there was no snow there and it was barely snowing here at that time. Missed the early Christmas dinner w/an old friend 🙁
But she made it back on Sunday when it was snowing heavily 🙂
I drove cross-country with a gang of Europeans back in September ’81 & our drive-away car broke down in NOLA. We were lucky to be able to stay with someone in the French Quarter ’til we could fix the car. However, accommodations were sparse. I spent the night in a closet. Literally.
Yes. She goes to college in Brunswick (sophomore).
She was thoroughly warned about the northern climes and heavy winters. I guess her Norwegian genes help her cope.
Well, she is leaving for Sweden (and the boyfriend) tomorrow.
I maintain my Norwegian citizenship; my ex was Ethiopian/Eritrean (now US), with many relatives in southern Sweden (Lund). That’s how ‘swimmer’ met her beau, summers in Scandinavia.
The stereotype, at least in our case is accurate. He is hard working, reliable, tons of integrity, but wicked quiet. That took some getting used to, LOL!
CG do you have to go to work today? I hope not. Hopefully the roads up there are fairly well cleared out by now if you do.
It’s drying up and the temp has been going up during the day. We hit low 60’s yesterday. Expecting thunderstorms X-mas eve, but next day it’s supposed to be nice.
Ya never know down here. I’ve had X-mas where I was wearing shorts and other where it was coats. I do remember when I was in Germany being on the autobahn during a snow storm and seeing lighting. Never seen it in the states though.
I was trying to find our temp records for X-mas but it wasn’t readily available.
Just looking at the forecast we’ll be in the 60’s for X-mas eve, then the 50’s for X-mas. After that the temps keep going down. Jan is usually our coldest month and if we’re getting snow, it will usually be then.
Hi FM! I do have to go in today, until about 11 am, and then we’re off to the weekly midwife appointment and out for lunch and to finish some Christmas shopping.
We bagged the Christmas shopping for the moment…it was too hard to even get to the mall, and we need to pick CBtY up at school, so we’re chilling at home for a little while and then heading out later.
Awake. But hopefully I can get back to sleep. (It’s 4:15 AM here.)
On the plus side, I think I finally figured out what the last couple of pieces of my Christmas shopping are going to be. And I can do them over the web and have them here by Christmas. OTOH one of the presents I want to make for my grandkids is a couple of mix CDs and I need to get crackin’ on them.
Wow, what a chatty bunch this morning, and all gone off to bigger and better things.
I was feeling sort of positive about applying for a job at an assisted living (elderly) place yesterday, even cobbling together what passes as a resume for a stay at home mother. Then my own elderly mother called and I was so impatient and bored during our conversation that it made me seriously doubt my ability to emotionally handle a job like that again. Trouble is, no one else is hiring. Anywhere.
Yes, bigger and better…
curly decided that the bath tub needed re-glacing, I have the honors of being construction supervisor this morning. Got a guy with head set on singing in the bathroom…
And all I get to do is stand in line at the Social Security office for the second time in a week so I can get my SS number tied to my married name (while in the process of divorce)just so I can get my driver’s license renewed.
Just done, she just came home. Hi back!
swimmer and asklet will be here in 1/2 hr, or so. Poached salmon and cucumber salad, we need at least one light X-mas meal.
Exchange of presents tonight, since swimmer heads for Sweden on X-mas eve.
I need to straighten out my disorganized house too…I figured that and baking cookies would put me more in the holiday mood than an unsuccessful shopping venture would. 🙂
It’s the official start of the holiday here, and I’m drilling holes and then pounding nails into them. Which will be followed by sanding and wood puttying. And then finally finished with painting tomorrow. No rest for the wicked, apparently.
Hector would applaud your efforts (or more precisely the lack there of) – if he could be bothered.
It was a warm day in which much work got done. Most likely to be followed by more of the same tomorrow.
I actually got farther with the sanding and puttying than I thought I would today. Which means I should be finished painting the front of the house by mid-day. Which then leaves me free in the afternoon to get the niece’s wooden toy truck finished.
As far as I know, they’re all edible.
Just be sure to catch ’em early. You don’t want to try it when they look the way they do in your image — though the image is pretty great.
I think we’ve got you beat up here, b2. It’s one degree colder & 90 minutes later.
Hope everyone’s enjoying a good day.
CG, I think you’ll probably meet that tax-exemption deadline! Please stay safe out there on the roads & rest up as best you can!
Here’s a broadcast alert, for those of us with satellite tv service: LinkTV (channel 375) is broadcasting a show tonight about kayaking around Tasmania — I believe at 7:30 or 8 pm.
From what I’ve seen, the views are absolutely stunning, unlike anything we see in the States.
its 75 and sunny out. still have the ac on here. pool is 88 and pumping more warm water from the roof solar heater in every hour. we have decided to go out for 7 fishes this christmas eve if we can find a decent italian restaurant in the area serving it and open after 6pm, and i am making my parents and i lobsters with vanilla butter dipping sauce and buttery salted carmelized corn for christmas dinner. and canoli cream run soaked cupcakes. boyfriend is away. kids are away. and as soon as christmas is done i have to pack up and move to my new house down the road. and then i am going to need a vacation. i want to go to Marrakesh.
(Here’s a link to any comments you may have missed in the old cafe.
And as of 3:15 am last night, I am now actually awkward and uncomfortable enough to be ready to have this baby. I don’t care if my Christmas shopping is finished or not… 🙂
How is everyone else this fine morning?
Not have to do the Xmas shopping?!? I knew someone would finally come up with a good reason to have kids. 😉
Thanks for a good chuckle this morning, Andi!
Morning Ask,
You got in as I was typing.
Good morning, FM. All set for the yule?
Invasion arrived yet?
Hi Ask,
Nope the invasion hasn’t arrived yet. Actually I think we may have less people for X-mas this year. Three have already said they have to work, so at the moment I’m not sure how many will be here. Oh well it won’t be a complete loss if we only have around 25 show up. 😉
Are you all set or has the snow slow everything down?
All set. Kids coming over tonight since swimmer leaves for Sweden (boyfriend) on Thursday. Presents all wrapped up, but I need to cook this pm.
We’ll do the majority of our cooking on X-mas eve. That’s when the last people showing up will come in.
Sounds like Swimmer will have a great X-mas. Hope ya’ll have a great time tonight.
I hope you have all your holiday shopping done so you don’t to feel bad that this excuse isn’t available to you. 😉
All done last Thursday – highly unusual for this procrastinator. Of course, all the nephews and nieces were done weeks ago so I could carry it all for my short trip to Norway instead of spending a fortune on postage.
Well that was good planning. And I good excuse to take a trip: if I go to Norway, look at all the money I can save on postage.
Speaking of kids, did swimmer make it home yet? (Maybe she beat the snow?)
She skipped out of her French exam 1/2 hr early to make her flight on Saturday, got to Portland and was told all flights were cancelled, though there was no snow there and it was barely snowing here at that time. Missed the early Christmas dinner w/an old friend 🙁
But she made it back on Sunday when it was snowing heavily 🙂
Glad she made it home Sunday. One of my friends has been stuck in NOLA, trying to get a flight home since Sunday.
There are worse places to be stuck.
I guess. I had a 36-hour business trip there once, and was delighted to be leaving when I did. Maybe I’m just weird, though.
I drove cross-country with a gang of Europeans back in September ’81 & our drive-away car broke down in NOLA. We were lucky to be able to stay with someone in the French Quarter ’til we could fix the car. However, accommodations were sparse. I spent the night in a closet. Literally.
Are you talking about Maine? We were just there. AND had to deal with our college kid using Logan to meet up with us. Lots of weather report watching.
Yes. She goes to college in Brunswick (sophomore).
She was thoroughly warned about the northern climes and heavy winters. I guess her Norwegian genes help her cope.
How funny – my son has Swedish genes! He’s in Omaha for college. Had to learn about tornado warnings and precautions there.
Well, she is leaving for Sweden (and the boyfriend) tomorrow.
I maintain my Norwegian citizenship; my ex was Ethiopian/Eritrean (now US), with many relatives in southern Sweden (Lund). That’s how ‘swimmer’ met her beau, summers in Scandinavia.
Wow – I’ll have to tell my husband. Maybe it’s auspicious – he’s Swedish and we’ve been married for 130 years! Good luck to your daughter. TTYL…
Wow — those Swedes must have something extra special going for ’em.
I like mine 🙂
The stereotype, at least in our case is accurate. He is hard working, reliable, tons of integrity, but wicked quiet. That took some getting used to, LOL!
Good Night!
You’re definitely blessed, GC.
Wishing you a good night as well.
Good morning Andi and CG,
CG do you have to go to work today? I hope not. Hopefully the roads up there are fairly well cleared out by now if you do.
It’s drying up and the temp has been going up during the day. We hit low 60’s yesterday. Expecting thunderstorms X-mas eve, but next day it’s supposed to be nice.
Hi FM.
Thunderstorms on Christmas Eve sound weird to me — thundrstorms in winter are so rare.
Ya never know down here. I’ve had X-mas where I was wearing shorts and other where it was coats. I do remember when I was in Germany being on the autobahn during a snow storm and seeing lighting. Never seen it in the states though.
Clearly your weather is more variable than ours. I can’t think of any shorts weather Xmas but probably there have been some in the 50s.
I was trying to find our temp records for X-mas but it wasn’t readily available.
Just looking at the forecast we’ll be in the 60’s for X-mas eve, then the 50’s for X-mas. After that the temps keep going down. Jan is usually our coldest month and if we’re getting snow, it will usually be then.
February is usually the coldest, snowiest here — sort of a last kick you in the teeth before March.
Well I’m off to do my morning chores.
See ya later.
Hi FM! I do have to go in today, until about 11 am, and then we’re off to the weekly midwife appointment and out for lunch and to finish some Christmas shopping.
Tomorrow’s my last day, though.
Well Thursday can’t get here soon enough! You need some days off to relax because you won’t be relaxing too much afterward.
We bagged the Christmas shopping for the moment…it was too hard to even get to the mall, and we need to pick CBtY up at school, so we’re chilling at home for a little while and then heading out later.
Good thing, because I could use a mini-nap. 🙂
Except for the fact that you then have to Christmas shop for the aforementioned children every year… 🙂
Oh, I guess that reason is shot, then. Never mind.
Awake. But hopefully I can get back to sleep. (It’s 4:15 AM here.)
On the plus side, I think I finally figured out what the last couple of pieces of my Christmas shopping are going to be. And I can do them over the web and have them here by Christmas. OTOH one of the presents I want to make for my grandkids is a couple of mix CDs and I need to get crackin’ on them.
Hi Omir. It’s very, very good to see you back here.
Thanks Andi! Nice to see you too.
Good morning Omir,
What Andi said.
Ah Family Man, ever the model of
lazinessefficiency. It’s nice to have people say “welcome back” rather than “who let you in here?” ;-DSee you all this afternoon/evening/tomorrow morning…
Have a good one and be careful driving.
I was reading the old cafe and see we have a new member – GC. Welcome GC!
You might want to know about the ROBO-RATER we use in the cafe. When you drop back by, ask someone about it and they can explain it to you.
Once again welcome.
George is whining to go out, so I’ll see ya’ll later.
Have a good one and stay warm.
Everyone’s gone. 🙁
Wow, what a chatty bunch this morning, and all gone off to bigger and better things.
I was feeling sort of positive about applying for a job at an assisted living (elderly) place yesterday, even cobbling together what passes as a resume for a stay at home mother. Then my own elderly mother called and I was so impatient and bored during our conversation that it made me seriously doubt my ability to emotionally handle a job like that again. Trouble is, no one else is hiring. Anywhere.
Yes, bigger and better…
curly decided that the bath tub needed re-glacing, I have the honors of being construction supervisor this morning. Got a guy with head set on singing in the bathroom…
I’m so envious. 😉
And all I get to do is stand in line at the Social Security office for the second time in a week so I can get my SS number tied to my married name (while in the process of divorce)just so I can get my driver’s license renewed.
I’ll opt for my chores 🙂
Tell curly I said hi!
Just done, she just came home. Hi back!
swimmer and asklet will be here in 1/2 hr, or so. Poached salmon and cucumber salad, we need at least one light X-mas meal.
Exchange of presents tonight, since swimmer heads for Sweden on X-mas eve.
best. family photo. ever.
Hi Everybody
Thanks for the warm welcome the other day!
I am going to try to do something about my disorganized house, but I just wanted to post that first.
Cabin Girl – I just read about your happy circumstances. I wish you all the best!
Afwan! (Welcome in Arabic – Hurria taught us that in a diary last week.)
And welcome to BT!
I need to straighten out my disorganized house too…I figured that and baking cookies would put me more in the holiday mood than an unsuccessful shopping venture would. 🙂
It’s the official start of the holiday here, and I’m drilling holes and then pounding nails into them. Which will be followed by sanding and wood puttying. And then finally finished with painting tomorrow. No rest for the wicked, apparently.
Hector appears to have other plans.
Whatchu got goin’?
I’m following Hector’s excellent example and studiously avoiding having anything going. So far so good.
Hector would applaud your efforts (or more precisely the lack there of) – if he could be bothered.
It was a warm day in which much work got done. Most likely to be followed by more of the same tomorrow.
I actually got farther with the sanding and puttying than I thought I would today. Which means I should be finished painting the front of the house by mid-day. Which then leaves me free in the afternoon to get the niece’s wooden toy truck finished.
Hector hasn’t been chatting with Family Man when you’re out, has he?
That’d be too much like work.
I suspect that Hector and FM are just two long distance peas in a prostrate pod.
and maybe not a hump day at all since I’m guessing nearly everyone has Friday off. So here’s not yet another yet another hump day picture.
click for larger
That’s one humpy picture.
Imogen can’t pass up a puffball without stepping on it.
They are rather irresistible.
I’ve never tried to figure out if ours at the edible kind. Maybe I will next year.
As far as I know, they’re all edible.
Just be sure to catch ’em early. You don’t want to try it when they look the way they do in your image — though the image is pretty great.
Today is my Friday and then I’m off until 2010 – yippee!
Still need to finish shopping. Erg.
How long are you taking off for the baby? Or are you planning to telecommute?
Good morning Andi and CG,
I’m in bad need of coffee!
Morning FM.
Have the invading hordes showed up yet?
Good morning Andi,
Nope they’ll start pouring in tomorrow. I’ve got one more day of no yapping from George and kids running in and out constantly.
Going to spend it doing something productive and useful — like napping?
The most productive thing I’m going to do is to take George outside and then napping. 😉
Speaking of taking George out, the whining has started.
See ya later.
Good morning, all!
Brrr, still cold – only 20 this morning.
I can beat that. It’s 16 here!
I think we’ve got you beat up here, b2. It’s one degree colder & 90 minutes later.
Hope everyone’s enjoying a good day.
CG, I think you’ll probably meet that tax-exemption deadline! Please stay safe out there on the roads & rest up as best you can!
Here’s a broadcast alert, for those of us with satellite tv service: LinkTV (channel 375) is broadcasting a show tonight about kayaking around Tasmania — I believe at 7:30 or 8 pm.
From what I’ve seen, the views are absolutely stunning, unlike anything we see in the States.
Until later..
its 75 and sunny out. still have the ac on here. pool is 88 and pumping more warm water from the roof solar heater in every hour. we have decided to go out for 7 fishes this christmas eve if we can find a decent italian restaurant in the area serving it and open after 6pm, and i am making my parents and i lobsters with vanilla butter dipping sauce and buttery salted carmelized corn for christmas dinner. and canoli cream run soaked cupcakes. boyfriend is away. kids are away. and as soon as christmas is done i have to pack up and move to my new house down the road. and then i am going to need a vacation. i want to go to Marrakesh.