Finn arrived at 6:12 pm on January 1st. A fine New Year’s Day present.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
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- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
Congratulations!!! Wonderful news! Best wishes to you, CG and Finn! What a sweet photo!
Wow Congrats to you three.
And what a lovely name.
Congratulations! Can’t wait to hear all the details from CG…
Major league congratulations are in order!
Welcome Finn. Best wishes to all.
Congratulations to the three of you!
I kept wondering when…then booyah!
Congratulations to you all.
Amazing!! And such a great photograph.
Should we call him Cabin Baby or Baby Boo?
Congratulations! ::hugs all around::
I love the photo, too. You’re going to be a great Daddy.
Hoping all is well with CG and Finn, seems like dad is doing fine!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Wow! Congratulations to you both! What a fine, fine picture!
Many blessings on the start of a great adventure & an amazing decade.
Thanks for remembering to post, as well.
That’s great! How’s mom doing?
She’s doing great. She is finally asleep. And that’s a blessing after a really rough afternoon.
We are so lucky to live in a time when women mostly survive childbirth. Not true as recently as 100 years, when having a baby was dangerous, but also pretty unavoidable in most marriage situations.
What a blessed event. Congrats!!
What is the middle name?
what a gorgeous pic!
welcome to the world Finn, it’s crazy, but i think you’ll like it. congratulations and resounding cheer to all the family.
Wow! Congratulations to the whole family.
What a great New Year’s gift! A Capricorn, with Leo rising, Moon in Cancer. He’ll be thrifty, brave, healthy, and sensitive. And he’ll be a leader. And best of all, Capricorns, of all the signs, revere their parents..! 😉 Enjoy. You’ve got great times ahead!
Congratulations, man…. fine-looking son.
Making mu daughter want a little brother to play with and torment (she’s almost 15 now, but wife#2 wants to start the family real soon….)
bye-bye peaceful days, hello diapers, bottles, and sleep-deprivation. Many fond memories lie ahead for you, and i’m a little envious….
congratulations! He share’s a birthday with my brother! For some reason I thought he was going to be born on New Years Day.
Well, congrats! Your lives will never be the same again.
Congratulations! Take some time and love him to bits. Take care of Mum too.
Congratulations! Thank goodness everyone is healthy!
Congratulations! Mazel Tov!
Congratulations Booman. Children really are true gifts from God. Did your wife have him at home?
I am so happy for you and CG! That is just wonderful news and one heck of a b-day (01/01/10).
Congratulations. What a beautiful baby — having children is the best experience of life, as well as being the most challenging, rewarding, life-expanding, and all that.
Well, no one will ever have trouble remembering his birthday, that’s for sure. Every time the ball drops in New York City, it rings in his birthday!
Good job to you and your wife.
I’ll emerge from my normal time as a lurker to say congratulations to you two!
three of course, just envisioning Finn becoming the youngest member @BooMan’s pond.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I was congratulating the parents, but I guess I could congratulate the child on being born too. 🙂
So sweet. Congratulations to you all.
Felications! Bad tax planning though;)
yeah, we tried to talk to him about that but he didn’t care.
You’re obviously not a Republican. A Republican would have induced delivery on Dec. 30th.
Welcome to the pond Finn! Congrats!
Glad to have you at the pond, Finn. I’m sure you’ll be jumping on in its very fine water in no time.
Big congrats to Boo and CG!
Congrats Boo and CG!!!!!!!
Oh and congrats Finn too!!! 🙂
congrats and happy new year!
What a handsome and proud dad. And the baby’s not bad either! Looking forward to boobaby’s first blogs…
BooBoy’s first post! It’s a winner! Congratulations to you and Mrs. Boo. What a wonderful way to start the new year.
Congrats to you and the Mrs, BooMan!
Welcome, Finn! You are loved.
Congrats dude!!!you know how to start a new year! Best wishes to cg and the baby.
Blessed be. What a way to begin the decade! Congratulations to the proud parents and justifiably so.
There’s nothing more beautiful than a newborn baby and Finn is no exception. My congratulations.
Wonderful news. Congratulations to you both.
The clock and the calendar will now move faster than you can believe.
This image could be called “The Adoration of the BooBoy”! Welcome to the Pond, Tadpole! Congrats to BooMan and CabinGirl! Huzzah!
Congrats, Boo!
A New Years Baby. Awesome.
Happy New Year and congrats and best wishes to you, CG, and Finn.
What a beautiful picture. Congratulations to you and CabinGirl!
How wonderful! Congratulations to you both, and may this be a year of many good things for all.
Welcome to the world, little Finn!
I love the photo.
Welcome Finn
Born at home?
yup, right in that bed.
Home births are the best as are liberals! 🙂
So awesome and congratulations. I trust his mother is being well taken care of?
Doing my best 😉
Tips: the happy hormones are leaving her body in droves, so for the next few weeks:
~She’s right about everything
~She does NOT look like she’s still pregnant
~If she cries because you’re out of orange juice it IS your fault
You get the picture. 🙂
I’ve been in training…
and let me add:
Give mom every chance to sleep. You’re on call, mister, not that you didn’t already know. 🙂
Welcome Finn and congrats to mom and dad.
Babies and mothers rightly get all of the attention, but dads have moods and needs too. Anyone looking after you Boo?
Awwwwwww, a new baby boy! Love it. Congratulations Booman and wifey! My ‘little boy’ is 15 years old. You’re going to be surprised at how fast time goes by now. Wow.
((((hugging Finn))))
A very warm welcome to Finn! Congratulations to Mom, Dad and the big brothers!
Booman, nothing else matters now that you’re a Daddy. 🙂
Happy birthday, little Finn. Happy birthday to you.
Congrats all around for you and your family. I totally agree that time will not stand still any more for you and anyone associated with your family, for he will take you places you never have dreamed of before until now. Savor the time and love eternally, for this is what it is all about. Hugs to you and CG and mostly little boobaby, Finn. Will you please give us his full name so we will know…..;o)
PS: don’t you just love the smell of a newborn’s hair.
….and what is the wt and how long was Finn.
8 lbs, 0 oz, 20 1/2 inches
Well, well!!!! you did very well in that big boy must have been giving you a real time to carry him to the end. I can just see him playing football or what every big boys like to do. I know you are thankful it is over…..;o) I know I sure was and mine was not that big.
I had a very good friend who was 100 lbs soaking wet and she delivered 4 big boys without any problems what so ever. I just could not imagine ….:o) you did a very fine job indeed….
awww, what a sweet picture. Congratulations to both of you on the birth of a beautiful baby boy and congratulations to Finn for choosing such great parents.
Great picture and now I’m going through all my old pictures and video from about 8 years ago. Having a new baby in the house makes every morning (even if it’s 3 AM) feel like Christmas morning. You wake up, remember you have a baby in the next room and jump out of bed to go hold him. Congratulations.
Well, THAT made me cry…
congratulations to you all!
what a wonderful way to start the new year.
CONGRATS Mr. & Mrs. BMan!!!
Congrats! What a great picture. Nothing smells sweeter than a baby (I know that sounds strange). Everything will be seen through a different lens now. It’s a wonderful way to start the new year.
Eight pounds?! CG deserves a medal. Several, actually.
Let me be the 73rd or so to offer congratulations. And while it’s the least of your concerns at the moment, the first 72 & counting are a fine testimonial to the community you’ve built up here, and the affection and respect in which you’re held.
Congratulations, Finn, on your new family! You certainly picked a good one, with more aunts & uncles you can count all over the world!
Ah, BooMan, I see the first baby euphoria written on your face. Its a feeling like no other, isn’t it?
Congrats, Mr. Longman.
You know, when you didn’t respond to your recent posting, my exact thoughts were, “CabinGirl is probably going into labor…”
Happy new year and hope the whole family is doing well.
from both AndiF and JimF
It’s the perfect time and a great reason to donate to Boo.
great idea…
Great idea! Done!
What a nice thought – we’re in.
Best wishes to you all! What a great name he’s been given!
Congratulations, Boo!!
Best wishes for the family!!
Congratulations and welcome to the world, Finn!
I skip one day in the intertubes and miss the good news.
Congratulations and best to all y’all.
Enjoy the ride!
We are BEAMING down here–just perfect!! Our love to all!!
Congratulations to all three of you.
Welcome to the world, Finn.
I am thrilled for you. Love the name! All my best.
Congratulations CG and Boo … and welcome Finn 🙂 … such a miracle!!!
oxoxoxo’s to you all.
Congratulations to you all! May God bless each and everyone of you. He looks beautiful.
Congratulations Booman and CabinGirl and of course Finn. What a way to start the new year or better yet a new decade – may it be a happy one for you all.
BooBoy has arrived! Congrats!
awww it’s a BABY!
Grats to the new family!
Congrats! How’s the puppy like his new brother?
Wonderful! and what a beautiful picture! best wishes to all of you!
Cool! I’ve got a Finn of my own. As one Father of Finn to another: well done!
Congratulations Booman to your whole family.
Many blessings.
Congratulations! My wife’s due for our first in about 10 weeks.
– Curtis
Mazel Tov! Looks like he’s bringing the arm back for one of those nasty Boo-Man curve balls.
Seems I’ll have to ignore baseball from 2028 till Finn retires from the Yanks, but at least come to the U.S. to see the big guy in person.
Cicero and Family send Dubai love to Boo, CG, Finn and his big brothers 🙂
congratulations Booman and Cabin Girl!
Wonderful news Boo and CG and a very beautiful picture Boo..and as others have said great name…Welcome to the world Finn.
What a wonderful way to start the new year.
I can’t thank everyone individually, but I want to send a collective thank you to everyone in this thread. It means a lot to read through it and realize how many people are wishing us well. Happy New Year!! And thank you.
Wonderful news! Welcome Finn – Happy new year and all the best to the whole family.
That picture is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen.
Congrats to Booman, Cabin Girl and beautiful baby Finn!
Congratulations! And happy New Year!
Welcome to the world, Finn!
Beautiful. Congratulations and a very happy new year to you and Boowoman!
Congrats! Finn is a great name for a boy born in a cabin. A happy new year, indeed.
Congratulations to you and CG! I hope Finn brings you both a great deal of joy in the years to come.
great picture! Welcome to the big frog pond, CabinBoo the Baby 🙂
Did I mention I’m a sucker for the sight of daddies with their babies?
Booman, congratulations to you and CabinGirl. Finn looks absolutely beautiful. I wish all of you an abundance of joy and prosperity (I would have also added love and understanding to that list, but it’s clear to me that as far as love and understanding are concerned, your cup is not only already full, it overflows).
Welcome to the world, dear Finn! And congratulations to you both, CabinGirl and BooMan. I’m very pleased to hear everyone is OK.
I take a holiday weekend off and miss all of the excitement. Congrats Booman and CG! Enjoy bonding with that beautiful boy.
Hurray! Congratulations! Enjoy this precious time.