I had a sort of epiphany the other day. It was like stepping through to the other side of the mirror and finally understanding what is happening in the United States and a good part of the rest of the world. I would like to share it with you.


Read on if you are interested.
So…you say that you do not understand how the people who control this system could allow such epidemic fuckups to take place on an almost daily basis?

You watch TV and see poisonous foods being massively advertised as what you should eat?

Glossily produced spiels for drugs so poisonous that a good part of the ad must contain a voiceover listing its negative effects?

You are daily bombarded with fear-producing news about the ongoing dangers of terrorism and disease, yet the very forces that are supposed to protect you from those forces are quite plainly totally incompetent?

Is that what’s bothering you, bunky?

Well, lissen up.

Eddie Lawrence. The Old Philosopher.

Eddie Lawrence had it all figured out way back in 1956.

Bet on it.

So did William Burroughs.

A technique for producing events and directing thought on a mass scale is available to anyone with a portable tape recorder or a car to transport recorders. The basis of this technique is Waking Suggestion first used by Doctor John Dent of London who also introduced the Apomorphine treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. Waking Suggestion is the technique used in playback of pre-recorded tapes in the street, cocktail parties, bars, stations, airports, parks, subways, political rallies, theatre intermissions etc.

People do not hear consciously the taped suggestions because their attention is directed towards something else: crossing the street, catching a train, listening for plane call, listening to speaker, looking at TV, talking to companions.

The volume of the tape is adjusted to street sounds, speech level and so forth. A well constructed suggestion tape will have pre-recorded street sounds or whatever cut in according to the location…Any suggestion tape is made more effective if it contains contradictory commands. Stop. Go. Wait here. Go there…

These commands are constantly being imposed by the environment of modern life. If for example your suggestion tape contains the phrase: “Look at that light in front of you…. STOP.. Stay here …. Go…Be over there,” and is played back to people waiting at a stop light THEY ARE FORCED TO OBEY THE SUGGESTION YOU ARE MAKING. Its like giving someone a sleeping pill without his knowledge and then suggesting sleep.

Any contradictory suggestion at the unconscious level produces a moment of disorientation during which your suggestions take effect.

Furthermore, contradiction suggestions are an integral function of human metabolism ….. “Sweat, Stop Sweating, Salivate, Stop Salivating.”

William Burroughs -“Brion Gysin Let The Mice In”

“Stop. Go. Wait here. Go there…”

“Any contradictory suggestion at the unconscious level produces a moment of disorientation during which your suggestions take effect.”



It oughta.


Any number of reactive commands can be inserted in advertisements, editorials, newspaper stories. Such commands are an integral part of the modern industrial environment: Stop. Go. Wait here. Go there. Come in. Stay out. Be a man. Be a woman. Be white. Be black. Live. Die. Be your real self. Be somebody else. Be a human animal. Be a superman. Yes. No. Rebel. Submit. RIGHT. WRONG. Present. ASbsent. Open Closed. Entrance. Exit, IN. OUT, etc., round the clock. The controllers know what reactive commands they are going to restimulate and in consequence they know what is going to happen. “The Ticket That Exploded”

Want an outwardly more repressive regime?

Stop. Go. Stop. Go. Stop. Go. Stop. Bush elected.

Want to give the impression of hope?

Go. Stop. Go. Stop. Go. Stop. Go. Obama elected.

And even those (s)elected do not know what is up.

That would ruin the play.

Suspension of disbelief is a necessary talent for any actor.


I mean…maybe some of the plotters are privy to the real deal.

Like Kissinger.



In fact, Rumsfeld let Schroedinger’s cat out of the bag once.

The Unknown
As we know, 

There are known knowns. 

There are things we know we know. 

We also know 

There are known unknowns. 

That is to say 

We know there are some things 

We do not know. 

But there are also unknown unknowns, 

The ones we don’t know 

We don’t know.
–Feb. 12, 2002, Department of Defense news briefing

Once too often, actually. That’s why he was let go. (Heard from Unca Donald recently? Nope.)

Glass Box
You know, it’s the old glass box at the–

At the gas station, 

Where you’re using those little things 

Trying to pick up the prize, 

And you can’t find it. 


And it’s all these arms are going down in there, 

And so you keep dropping it 

And picking it up again and moving it, 


Some of you are probably too young to remember those–

Those glass boxes, 


But they used to have them 

At all the gas stations 

When I was a kid.
–Dec. 6, 2001, Department of Defense news briefing

A Confession

Once in a while,

I’m standing here, doing something.

And I think,

“What in the world am I doing here?”

It’s a big surprise.
–May 16, 2001, interview with the New York Times


You’re going to be told lots of things. 

You get told things every day that don’t happen.

It doesn’t seem to bother people, they don’t–
It’s printed in the press. 

The world thinks all these things happen. 

They never happened.

Everyone’s so eager to get the story 

Before in fact the story’s there 

That the world is constantly being fed 

Things that haven’t happened.

All I can tell you is, 

It hasn’t happened. 

It’s going to happen.
–Feb. 28, 2003, Department of Defense briefing

The Digital Revolution
Oh my goodness gracious,
What you can buy off the Internet
In terms of overhead photography!

A trained ape can know an awful lot 

Of what is going on in this world, 

Just by punching on his mouse 

For a relatively modest cost!
–June 9, 2001, following European trip

The Situation

Things will not be necessarily continuous. 

The fact that they are something other than perfectly continuous&#8232
Ought not to be characterized as a pause. 

There will be some things that people will see. 

There will be some things that people won’t see. 

And life goes on.
–Oct. 12, 2001, Department of Defense news briefing


I think what you’ll find, 
I think what you’ll find is, 

Whatever it is we do substantively, 

There will be near-perfect clarity 

As to what it is.

And it will be known, 

And it will be known to the Congress, 

And it will be known to you, 

Probably before we decide it, 

But it will be known.
–Feb. 28, 2003, Department of Defense briefing

This is the answer to the question that you are not supposed to ask.



Why the confusion, the ongoing contradictions??

The KYSS syndrome

To Keep You Simple, Stupid.

Stupid simple.

The only remaining question?


I have previously suggested in these pages (not entirely in jest) that the only logical answer to such a question is that it is some sort of alien force.

Other-dimensional, perhaps, or simply from another part of the universe. Not necessarily “evil”. Just controlling. For its own reasons.

But maybe it’s simpler than that.

Maybe F. Scott Fitzgerald pinned it, way back in 1926.

Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand. They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves. Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are. They are different.

We presently have a world population in excess of 6.75 billion people. Projections say 9 billion+ by 2040 if nothing changes. Most of the people who comprise that population are not “the very rich”. The very rich must control this population in one way or another if they are to remain very rich. And, being very rich, they have access to control systems such as the hypnomedia and can hire the best of the best to explain it all to them.

Can’t kill enough of the peonage to make things safer or easier. Can’t rip them off to the point where they can’t fight back either. Not any more you can’t. As can be plainly seen by the quite successful ongoing Islamic anti-Western movement, people get mad when they are killed or ripped off, and them injuns gots some serious weapons, now.

Cain’t just nuke the bastids, neither. It fucks up the environment. No sense being very rich if you can’t go outside or live in Sri Lanka should you so desire.

Control is the only answer.


How to go about the control process.

And there you have it.

Confuse the poor, stupid peasants. (That means you, podna. Bet on it.)

Is that what’s bothering you, bunky?

Well…instead of simply keeping on keeping on…keeping on the goddamned television set, keeping on reading the newspapers and the newsmags, etc.

Never giving up, never giving up, never giving up…

The ship…

I respectfully suggest three things to y’all:





We have been brainwashed into thinking that “an informed public” is a viable option, a way to combat those who wish to control us.

Well…maybe once upon a time that was a truth, a possibility, but today?

It is a disinformed public that is the median.

Bet on that as well.

Think about it.

You be bettah off if you do.

Bet on it.



P.S. More Burroughs.

From Ah Pook Is Here-Control

At this time I put some questions to control. A word about this control. Some years ago in London I contacted two computer programmers who purported to represent something that called itself CONTROL, allegedly from the planet Venus. CONTROL will answer any queston for one dollar. You give your questions to the programmers who feed it into a computer some way and out comes the answer. So these are the actual questions that I sent in with my dollars and the answers I got back from CONTROL whoever or whatever CONTROL may or may not be.

Question:If CONTROL’S control is absolute why does CONTROL need to control?


   Exactly- CONTROL needs time in which to exercise control just as DEATH needs time in which to kill. If DEATH killed everyone at birth or CONTROL installed electrodes in their brains at birth there would be no time left in which to kill or control.

Question: Is CONTROL controlled by its need to control?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why does CONTROL need “HUMANS” as you call them (Your knowledge of the local dialects leaves literacy to be desired.)

Answer: Wait.

   Wait. Time. A landing field. The Mayans understood this very well. Mr. Hart does not. He thinks in terms of losers and winners. He will be a winner. He will take it all.

Make one think, doesn’t it?

One never knows.

Do one?


Fats Waller


Das right, Mr. Waller.

Das right.

It makes one think.

Don’t it.