I think I’m going to have to switch to posting new cafes before I go to bed, now that my mornings are a little different, what with changing diapers and making googly eyes at the newest member of the household. We’re hanging out listening to Madeleine Peyroux this morning. He’s WAY more alert today than he has been, showing off those blue eyes he got from daddy.
Yesterday’s doctor visit was a success – our first trip out of the house together! H’s already back up to his birth weight, and everything looks good. One interesting thing: the doctor recommended that we all take a vitamin D supplement to help boost our immune systems among other things; apparently more and more people are actually deficient, and they think you may need more than what was recommended before. Who knew?
Good morning! Glad to hear your winter excursion went well yesterday. The town streets and state highways are in pretty good shape here, but probably a bit dicier out in the enchanted forest where Andi & Jim live. Given the predicted high of 18F today, we’re opting to stay indoors as much as possible. Got several DVDs from the library yesterday to while away the evening hours.
You definitely got worse weather than we did. We had maybe 2 inches of snow, and a 2 hour school delay yesterday morning, but the roads were totally dry by the time we went out.
DVDs sound like a good plan for the evening. It’s cold here too, but I’m hoping to run out to the post office to send some mail order returns back today before refusing to budge from the house again. 🙂
The county roads were cleared when Jim went ice skating Friday evening but still pretty slick. We stayed home too on Saturday so not sure what the additional snow did to them.
Re: vitamin D. My neurologist said mine was the lowest level he’d ever seen! I’ve been supplementing for six months and I notice a big difference in my energy, among other things, along with the thyroid supplementation, which I guess are connected in some way?? Apparently if you live in northern climates there is almost no way you can get enough sunlight to manufacture the correct levels of vitamin D. Also, if you’re fat…:(
Were you guys all nervous driving with the baby for the first time? 🙂
The doctor said almost everyone they’ve been testing has low levels, and many have almost nonexistent levels. It does help with some of the thyroid stuff too. She said that the reason folks in Scandinavian countries can get enough in the winter is because of all that herring they eat…I always assumed that going for long walks in the winter was enough to help with the problem, but I guess not.
Re the drive: I noticed somebody pulled out of the driveway a little more gingerly than usual. 🙂 The baby was so good while we were out, he went back to sleep after the doctor’s, and we got to go grab lunch together. Which was nice, considering that someone has a bit o’ cabin fever.
I just checked and mine was 4ng/ml. I’m taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D, which is good because it makes me eat something in the morning so I can take it without getting sick. Steel cut oats are cooking. 🙂
Cabin fever is probably way better if you actually live in a cabin, right? Or at least it’s more authentic.
That would be convenient once all of the work is done. I love the taste of it when it’s made with milk rather than water, but you always get that rubbery milk film on top…which I was surprised to learn was not called “milkman’s pants” like my mom used to call it. 🙂
Jim loves steel cut oats and makes them like that recipe (except he uses water). I always find them a little chewy. I like hot oat bran and used to have that all through the winter but these days I’m just too lazy to bother with anything that has to be made and usually just have bananas and raisins.
I under cook them a little because I like them chewy.
Up to take someone to work. Didn’t get to bed until after 3:00 AM. Emma has diarrhea and muscle weakness so bad she can hardly walk. Always on a weekend, eh?
Wow, that’s a terrible compendium of badness. I hope you come right back home for a nap and that Emma feels better soon. One time this year, Sniff when through 12 hours of throwing up and then the next day acted like nothing had ever been wrong.
Congrats on the visit!
It’s fun me to relive my son’s beginnings through your posts.
I picked up a bug the other day, and WILL RECOVER this weekend. That is my whole agenda – I need to get back to work Monday.
I am CG, thanks. I don’t even know what it was. I felt totally lethargic, like swimming in glue. But this season DOES seem like a bad one for one ailment or another. Keep the little one healthy!
I’ve been taking a Vitamin D supplement since last winter. Mt rheumatologist said mine was extremely low and that that sort of thing is common since lots of people don’t get enough sunlight.
We were up watching the Eagles get trampled by Dallas last night…too bad I don’t like either team. 😉
Finn and I are the only ones up, I have an egg and spinach strata in the fridge, ready to pop in the oven when everyone else gets up, and we’re just enjoying the quiet while the coffee brews. He’s sleeping in 2.5 to 3 hour stretches now, so I was able to get bigger chunks of sleep last night (but I’m definitely feeling a bit sleep-deprived). I keep hoping that he’ll be the baby that sleeps better than the others did…
I’m impressed that you are sleep-deprived and have breakfast all organized — though I think all those big boys should be putting breakfast together for you. 🙂
I put it together last night after making the big boy grate the cheese for it, and it’s one of those easy recipes that will feed everybody for a few days.
They have to save their energy for laundry and grocery shopping and dishes and vacuuming and stuff. 😉
I don’t know about unseasonably warm, but our weather is supposed to get seasonably warm (50s) by Wednesday, so hopefully the deep freeze is over for now.
I am so hungry, I can’t help trying to make something healthy that will last through a few meals. Which means that Monster cookies are next on the list.
I guess the upside is that I’ve lost 15 of the 18 pounds I put on already. Too bad it isn’t on there in quite the same way… :/
Update on the ankle. I saw the surgeon Monday and I am now walking with my cane and able to put some weight on it. It is healing well and I see him again next month.
All of you complaining about the cold could come here – as it’s supposed to hit the upper 90’s this afternoon. I’m thinking that the dogs and I might go up the mountain where it will be cooler. Also, fern trees and great views.
If only we could. I’m feeling the loss of my portable generator sorely. Somehow, snuggling up with him isn’t quite as effective as the hormonal heat boost he was giving me all through the fall.
Around these parts I’m the radiator – as I tend towards the toasty end of the spectrum. In the winter Imogen snuggles tight (as do friends at open air concerts). In the Summer I am shunned.
I’ve still got about two hours before stinking hot arrives and I’d better get some things done before then.
I think BooMan was missing me snuggling up to him for the heat while I was pregnant. Instead I was kicking the covers off. 🙂 Now I’m back to normal and in need of a sweater.
We had stinking hot today, and the forecast is for slightly less stinking tomorrow.
The dogs and I went to the bay shore today, where they managed to give me a rope burn with the lead. I can’t really blame them, they have the weight advantage and three times as many feet on the ground – it was bound to end badly when they spotted another dog. I bought a bag of ice and a six pack of hard cider on the trip home.
Well, club mosses are so called because of the little clubs they put up – like the ones you photographed. So that’s a start.
I’ve never really had off-leash dogs. Either because of the ever present rattlesnakes or because they’d spot something interesting and forget about me.
It’s just the left hand, and the ice seems to have done the trick. I’ve got some extra shiny skin on three fingers that will likely peel off soon.
Ow. I had a dog that dragged me once, and I wound up getting one of those Halti leads for her. It was the only way I could even remotely enjoy a walk with that dog…and even then it was a bit of a battle of wills.
In the US I used pinch collars. They’re great for getting through all that ruff hair. Unfortunately they are considered “spiked” collars and illegal here.
Yep, the ice was to numb the hand on the way home and the cider was for further numbing once I got home.
I don’t know what it was when I got up this morning, but it seemed much warmer than it has been (ie, I didn’t want to run back out of the kitchen because it was like a refrigerator today).
Somebody is starting to sleep for closer to 3 hours at a time. Yay.
After many re-starts and many “can’t find that page” on the Internet I’m here for a hit and run.
I just found out all of my comments on HaloScan are going to be gone since they’ve switched over to that other company. It appears the free comments page is gone and now they want around $10.00 to keep your comments going. I guess I can go back to Blogger comments, but I’ll still lose all of my comments. Does anyone know of any other free comments programs out there that I could transfer my old comments over to?
I think I’m going to have to switch to posting new cafes before I go to bed, now that my mornings are a little different, what with changing diapers and making googly eyes at the newest member of the household. We’re hanging out listening to Madeleine Peyroux this morning. He’s WAY more alert today than he has been, showing off those blue eyes he got from daddy.
Yesterday’s doctor visit was a success – our first trip out of the house together! H’s already back up to his birth weight, and everything looks good. One interesting thing: the doctor recommended that we all take a vitamin D supplement to help boost our immune systems among other things; apparently more and more people are actually deficient, and they think you may need more than what was recommended before. Who knew?
What are you all up to today?
Good morning! Glad to hear your winter excursion went well yesterday. The town streets and state highways are in pretty good shape here, but probably a bit dicier out in the enchanted forest where Andi & Jim live. Given the predicted high of 18F today, we’re opting to stay indoors as much as possible. Got several DVDs from the library yesterday to while away the evening hours.
You definitely got worse weather than we did. We had maybe 2 inches of snow, and a 2 hour school delay yesterday morning, but the roads were totally dry by the time we went out.
DVDs sound like a good plan for the evening. It’s cold here too, but I’m hoping to run out to the post office to send some mail order returns back today before refusing to budge from the house again. 🙂
The county roads were cleared when Jim went ice skating Friday evening but still pretty slick. We stayed home too on Saturday so not sure what the additional snow did to them.
Re: vitamin D. My neurologist said mine was the lowest level he’d ever seen! I’ve been supplementing for six months and I notice a big difference in my energy, among other things, along with the thyroid supplementation, which I guess are connected in some way?? Apparently if you live in northern climates there is almost no way you can get enough sunlight to manufacture the correct levels of vitamin D. Also, if you’re fat…:(
Were you guys all nervous driving with the baby for the first time? 🙂
The doctor said almost everyone they’ve been testing has low levels, and many have almost nonexistent levels. It does help with some of the thyroid stuff too. She said that the reason folks in Scandinavian countries can get enough in the winter is because of all that herring they eat…I always assumed that going for long walks in the winter was enough to help with the problem, but I guess not.
Re the drive: I noticed somebody pulled out of the driveway a little more gingerly than usual. 🙂 The baby was so good while we were out, he went back to sleep after the doctor’s, and we got to go grab lunch together. Which was nice, considering that someone has a bit o’ cabin fever.
I just checked and mine was 4ng/ml. I’m taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D, which is good because it makes me eat something in the morning so I can take it without getting sick. Steel cut oats are cooking. 🙂
Cabin fever is probably way better if you actually live in a cabin, right? Or at least it’s more authentic.
Wow, that is really low. I have no idea what mine is, but I’m now on 8000 IU/day while I’m nursing.
I love steel cut oats. I’ve been wanting to try making them this way, but haven’t gotten to it yet.
Which reminds me, I’m STARVING again. 🙂
Yeah, we’re authentic here…not sure if that makes cabin fever any more fun for the afflicted, though.
That would be convenient once all of the work is done. I love the taste of it when it’s made with milk rather than water, but you always get that rubbery milk film on top…which I was surprised to learn was not called “milkman’s pants” like my mom used to call it. 🙂
Jim loves steel cut oats and makes them like that recipe (except he uses water). I always find them a little chewy. I like hot oat bran and used to have that all through the winter but these days I’m just too lazy to bother with anything that has to be made and usually just have bananas and raisins.
I under cook them a little because I like them chewy.
Up to take someone to work. Didn’t get to bed until after 3:00 AM. Emma has diarrhea and muscle weakness so bad she can hardly walk. Always on a weekend, eh?
Wow, that’s a terrible compendium of badness. I hope you come right back home for a nap and that Emma feels better soon. One time this year, Sniff when through 12 hours of throwing up and then the next day acted like nothing had ever been wrong.
Ugh. Does it still count as a weekend if all that happens.
I hope Emma is okay, she seems like such a sweet dog.
Congrats on the visit!
It’s fun me to relive my son’s beginnings through your posts.
I picked up a bug the other day, and WILL RECOVER this weekend. That is my whole agenda – I need to get back to work Monday.
I hope you’re feeling better.
I am CG, thanks. I don’t even know what it was. I felt totally lethargic, like swimming in glue. But this season DOES seem like a bad one for one ailment or another. Keep the little one healthy!
Congrats!!!! Sorry I have been absent for awhile but I am excited as hell about the baby!!! You take care of yourself and that little angel!!!
Thanks, refinish! He is the cutest thing ever (with the exception of his big brothers, of course).
I need to take and post some more pictures today.
I’ve been taking a Vitamin D supplement since last winter. Mt rheumatologist said mine was extremely low and that that sort of thing is common since lots of people don’t get enough sunlight.
Glad to hear the baby’s doing so well.
We were up watching the Eagles get trampled by Dallas last night…too bad I don’t like either team. 😉
Finn and I are the only ones up, I have an egg and spinach strata in the fridge, ready to pop in the oven when everyone else gets up, and we’re just enjoying the quiet while the coffee brews. He’s sleeping in 2.5 to 3 hour stretches now, so I was able to get bigger chunks of sleep last night (but I’m definitely feeling a bit sleep-deprived). I keep hoping that he’ll be the baby that sleeps better than the others did…
I’m impressed that you are sleep-deprived and have breakfast all organized — though I think all those big boys should be putting breakfast together for you. 🙂
I put it together last night after making the big boy grate the cheese for it, and it’s one of those easy recipes that will feed everybody for a few days.
They have to save their energy for laundry and grocery shopping and dishes and vacuuming and stuff. 😉
Well okay then — I’d probably trade making breakfast for vacuuming too.
Im not supposed to do any housework or carry anything heavier than Finn for 2 weeks. Do you think cooking counts as part of that?
Plus, the vacuuming is easier to get someone else to do since we got a new vacuum.
You’d didn’t tell any of them that it’s only for two weeks, did you? You need to say it’s for two years!
Oh, shucks. I was so excited about the 2 weeks, I didn’t even think of that…I should’ve gotten advice from you and FM sooner!
How’s your weather today? I’m looking forward to the day when you tell us it’s unseasonably warm and headed our way.
I don’t know about unseasonably warm, but our weather is supposed to get seasonably warm (50s) by Wednesday, so hopefully the deep freeze is over for now.
Not luck on the warm weather — got back from my walk about an hour ago and I’m just know starting to feel my feet.
But it looks like a slight warm-up is coming mid-week when we are supposed to finally get above freezing.
I just realized we missed Dollhouse this week. And probably Flash Forward, too. Time for hulu…
I wish Dollhouse wasn’t cancelled. It’s really picked up in the last 6 episodes.
You definitely don’t want to miss this week’s Dollhouse or you’ll be very, very confused next week.
I think we may be having a Sunday night hulu session after Finn’s next meal. 🙂 Was it another double episode?
Just a single one (as you know if you already watched it). As are the last two.
Wow. It’s really speeding up towards the finish…and what am I going to watch when it’s over?
Hay, isn’t it hard enough being a man as it is? 😉
Yeah! All that hunting & gathering is really tiring!
So, are we having brontosaurus ribs for dinner again? 🙂
Well, we were trying for a pterosaur, but the damn thing flew off with our spears!
Only if they come with Sweet Baby Ray’s sauce.
Hot pterodactyl wings, mmmmmmmm. My mouth was watering with the thought.
Seriously, you put me to shame. I don’t think I ever did more than slap some bowls of Cheerios on the table when I had a new baby.
I am so hungry, I can’t help trying to make something healthy that will last through a few meals. Which means that Monster cookies are next on the list.
I guess the upside is that I’ve lost 15 of the 18 pounds I put on already. Too bad it isn’t on there in quite the same way… :/
Update on the ankle. I saw the surgeon Monday and I am now walking with my cane and able to put some weight on it. It is healing well and I see him again next month.
Great news about your being mobile again!
Great news!
All of you complaining about the cold could come here – as it’s supposed to hit the upper 90’s this afternoon. I’m thinking that the dogs and I might go up the mountain where it will be cooler. Also, fern trees and great views.
If only we could. I’m feeling the loss of my portable generator sorely. Somehow, snuggling up with him isn’t quite as effective as the hormonal heat boost he was giving me all through the fall.
I didn’t realize pregnancy had that effect.
Around these parts I’m the radiator – as I tend towards the toasty end of the spectrum. In the winter Imogen snuggles tight (as do friends at open air concerts). In the Summer I am shunned.
I’ve still got about two hours before stinking hot arrives and I’d better get some things done before then.
I think BooMan was missing me snuggling up to him for the heat while I was pregnant. Instead I was kicking the covers off. 🙂 Now I’m back to normal and in need of a sweater.
Hope your heat wave breaks soon.
click for larger
Really large club mosses?
We had stinking hot today, and the forecast is for slightly less stinking tomorrow.
The dogs and I went to the bay shore today, where they managed to give me a rope burn with the lead. I can’t really blame them, they have the weight advantage and three times as many feet on the ground – it was bound to end badly when they spotted another dog. I bought a bag of ice and a six pack of hard cider on the trip home.
I have no idea what mosses they are. We have numerous varieties and I can’t identify any of them.
We’re going the other way this week — from stinking freezing to slightly less stinking freezing to just barely above freezing.
I’d hate to think what I’d have been drug through by now if I had to take the dogs on a leash. Hope your hands feel better soon.
Well, club mosses are so called because of the little clubs they put up – like the ones you photographed. So that’s a start.
I’ve never really had off-leash dogs. Either because of the ever present rattlesnakes or because they’d spot something interesting and forget about me.
It’s just the left hand, and the ice seems to have done the trick. I’ve got some extra shiny skin on three fingers that will likely peel off soon.
Ow. I had a dog that dragged me once, and I wound up getting one of those Halti leads for her. It was the only way I could even remotely enjoy a walk with that dog…and even then it was a bit of a battle of wills.
The cider probably helped ease the pain, huh?
In the US I used pinch collars. They’re great for getting through all that ruff hair. Unfortunately they are considered “spiked” collars and illegal here.
Yep, the ice was to numb the hand on the way home and the cider was for further numbing once I got home.
18 degrees when I got up. Even the dog didn’t want to go out.
That beats our 14 degrees.
I don’t know what it was when I got up this morning, but it seemed much warmer than it has been (ie, I didn’t want to run back out of the kitchen because it was like a refrigerator today).
Somebody is starting to sleep for closer to 3 hours at a time. Yay.
Good afternoon all,
After many re-starts and many “can’t find that page” on the Internet I’m here for a hit and run.
I just found out all of my comments on HaloScan are going to be gone since they’ve switched over to that other company. It appears the free comments page is gone and now they want around $10.00 to keep your comments going. I guess I can go back to Blogger comments, but I’ll still lose all of my comments. Does anyone know of any other free comments programs out there that I could transfer my old comments over to?
Hope everyone is doing fine and take care.