E.J. Dionne says that the Democrats will succeed in passing a health care bill that includes a number of positive compromises because the alternative is catastrophe. But that assumes that people like Bart Stupak (D-The Family) and Joe Lieberman (I-McCain) actually give a damn about creating a catastrophe for the Democratic Party and the president. I do not think that that is a safe assumption. As Dionne notes:
This negotiation will be unusual because almost everything the House and Senate agree to will be subject to the consent, or at least acquiescence, of Nelson and Joe Lieberman, the last two senators to commit to vote for the bill last month.
And the Council of Catholic Bishops is probably going to oppose the abortion language. They seem to control about 60 votes in the House.
I think it is probably true that something will pass. But I’d be surprised if it the bill looks like what Dionne suggests.
for once we agree. what’s going to pass is going to piss off and demoralize a lot of people.
stupak’s 60 will lose a lot – I cannot imagine Marcy Kaptur and Dave Obey continuing their insanity.
nah, they’ll roll over like an SUV.