There’s something odd about watching ex-Republican John Cole try to explain to Democrats why they are doing it wrong. I don’t disagree with him. It’s just odd, that’s all.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
“It’s just odd, that’s all.”
I don’t think it’s nearly as odd as it must feel for him to come into such a chaotic mess of a party.
I’ve been a lifelong Democrat, so I’m used to infighting, disorganization, shooting ourselves in the foot, abject defeatism, etc. But I don’t think he is.
(Reuters) – Wall Street puts its vote in early as investors drove health insurance and drug company shares higher after the market opened, betting a Brown victory would slow Obama’s healthcare plans. Both the Morgan Stanley Healthcare Payor Index and the AMEX Pharmaceutical index outperformed the broader market, rising 2.7 percent and 1.5 percent, respectively.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Let’s hope their famous ability to get it totally backwards has not deserted them.
But how can that be, when all good lefties know the Obama Plan is a giant giveaway to the insurancecos? The corporate ethernet went down right on election day? How sad for them.
You know, we were sitting in the back of the room during a Democratic party meeting, rolling our eyes as every blowhard got up to deliver a capsule summary of American politics since Debs or some trite suggestions on what Obama should do, or a whiny complaint about Robert’s effin rules of order, and we agreed that we’d rather be Republicans because of their businesslike serious approach to work – except for the problem that they are heinously evil.
In fact have shared it on many occasions.
I think (HOPE) this is very overstated, but it’s important to hear another perspective.
What’s the source?
FYI re the author of that piece:
I think that person has been listening to too much Hugo Chavez.
Don’t think so:
From reports, many planes were turned away and had to land elsewhere or circle until the one available runway was clear.
I read Balloon Juice regularly. I don’t think this is odd at all. It’s both helpful and refreshing. It’s quite common that someone coming in from outside the fold, and who has arrived by an interesting route, has a wider and more nuanced perspective than those who, no matter how intelligent, have been inside the same box all or most of their lives.
John has discovered what happens when the toxic mix of word games — er, sorry, “framing” — and taking a hard line become the focus rather than doing the difficult and ugly work of governing.
Poor guy.
I promise to clap harder.
Ah, the theory that booing will encourage the performers to do better.
Is that clapping or booing I hear from Massachusetts?
I’ll send off a letter of congratulations to Coakley.
If politicians are insultated from the people it’s not surprising they don’t hear either clapping or booing.
I don’t think it’s odd. He watched the Republicans do it wrong.