I’m working hard on an article re the sorry history of America’s interventions in Haiti. But I felt compelled to write and share this little summary as well, in limerick form.
Hang on, Haiti
America’s got Haiti’s back
Or so you will read on the rack
But if truth be told
The public’s been rolled
America’s got Haiti back
We occupied them once before
For years til 1934
We left them untethered
While bankers still feathered
Their nests off the backs of the poor
Our record’s been jaded, at best
Their leaders served at our behest
We propped up their beast
And abducted their priest
While businesses paid off the rest
If none of this makes sense to you
You know what you now have to do
Just open your eyes
And your heart to great size
And let history enter through
Please learn from mistakes of the past
And from wisdom the Haitians amassed
If their truths we’d heed
They may yet succeed
And win their true freedom, at last.
On the 21st of April in 1971 Francois Duvalier (Papa Doc) died. For the first time in Haitian history, a father had handed over the presidency to his son. Duvalierism would continue. One dictator (Papa Doc) was gone but another (Baby Doc) would follow.
US Marines landed at presidential palace in Port-au-Primce
The US State Department said there were now 48 helicopters on the ground, along with 14 ships including the USS Carl Vinson and five Coast Guards cutters. Eight more boats were on the way.
The first wave of marines arrived on choppers from the landing ship USS Bataan, but they plan to open up areas for landing craft to come in.
Koute: pa kouri pran kanntè pou n kite peyi a.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."