Maybe, but I support it simply because it would help Democrats. Immensely.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Not convinced. I would highly enjoy a taped version of one that has a fact checking ticker running under it however or maybe segments where the fact checking is read aloud to those who follow Glenn Beck.
Waiting for the one with Obama and the Republicans in the Senate. I bet the GOPers in the Senate are first-rate cowards.
What I’d rather see?
Informed citizens questioning the media owners about their stories, and watching them squirm trying to defend their BS.
I disagree. In fact, I think it’s irrelevant because after the SOTU and Baltimore Beatdown, the GOP learned nothing. Their alternative budget is a disaster and the Shelby Shakedown speaks for itself. More clock cleanings by the POTUS won’t do a thing to fix that.
Good point, Fox viewers would probably see their live feed cut like last time and the panel of Faux experts intervene with a lecture.
They may have learned nothing, but Obama may have:
More likely result and headline in political landscape:
Obama admits health care overhaul may die on Hill
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
would be a wonderful thing. We would have to elect presidents and representatives who can speak in whole sentences and think on their feet – regardless of their political party.
Would we?: