We had rain, sleet, snow, freezing rain, snow, regular rain, and then all snow which looks to have ended up being 5 inches. But now we’ve got to worry about losing power (wind + branches heavy with snow).
I foresee a Finn and snowman picture in my future. 🙂
Wow, you got a little bit of everything! We probably have about a foot (ah, it looks like more) out there, and it’s still coming down. My neighbor has already come by and plowed me out – what a great guy.
We’ll definitely get some Finn’s snowman pics for you, even if we have to make a proportionally sized snowman for him.
I hope your power hangs in there. We had an outage a couple of weeks ago and it was a pain.
Excellent. And now that I’m unappreciative but the picture of Finn with Booman on the front page does NOT count as the Finn with a snowman picture. 😉
I have a sore throat and cold, and slept most of yesterday afternoon, so I barely got a few pictures in after the storm stopped and while it was daylight. SO I guess snowman building is on today’s agenda. Can’t let the little guy grow up deprived of snowman-building fun…
It’s on the list for today. Beautiful and sunny here…
And on a totally different note, my Bose cd player in the kitchen has been broken since someone (hem, CBtE) spilled coffee in it months ago, and I’ve been waiting till after my maternity leave to send it in to be fixed, not wanting to spend money on things that aren’t absolutely necessary).
I’m cooking with Finn this morning, and I just started to say to him how much fun it will be when the tunes are working again and I saw that it was on, with lights and everything. Not only does the radio work, but the cd player does too.
I can’t believe it took 6 months for it to happen. And now my sweet baby has fallen asleep to Norah Jones’ Feels Like Home album. What a good guy- fits right in with my idea of a perfect Sunday morning.
That happened with my wine-soaked laptop. After 6 months of being dead it spontaneously resurrected itself. Sometimes benign neglect is the best approach. Even if it’s really just cheapness in disguise.
Has the laptop continued working since it’s resurrection? I’m just waiting for this to stop working again. I was afraid to change the cd for fear of killing it again.
I was actually looking forward to sending it in next month (it’s one of the perks I use to remind myself why I want to go back, it’s going to be hard to leave the little guy for even half a day).
It had a few bugs and sticky keys, but still worked. But I used it as an excuse to upgrade anyway. 🙂 Gotta get all I can from this situation while I still can.
We have enough to share. I thought for sure that this would go south of us and just be one of those “hype everyone up and out to the grocery store” events, but it’s a lot of snow.
And the hype worked in our favor: we went to the store around 6 last night, and there was hardly anyone there because they had all been out earlier in the day.
Hope the earlier shoppers left something for you. The streets are very quiet here this morning. Yesterday a giant icicle fell and broke one of our windows! Guess I need to invest in an ice axe.
I woke up to a silent network server this morning, but it turned out the battery in the UPS had gone bad and shut the system down – an easy fix, thank FSM!
Thanks rf! I’m not planning any big excursions today, that’s for sure. Maybe a trip to replenish the bird feeder outside our office window. I see its getting low and the cat needs her entertainment.
Saw the surgeon yesterday and I can now start putting my full weight on my ankle and in two weeks I am suppose to start weening myself away from the boot. He wants me to be walking completely without it by the first week in March. I guess doing exactly what the doctor orders really does work. LOL
Friends are coming to visit- she and the bub by car (about a 40 minutes drive), he’s going to leave and hour earlier, by bike. He thinks he should be here about the same time. I think we’ll see him eventually, and boy will he be hungry.
An hour and fifty minutes to bike 51 kilometres. I’m impressed, and yes he ate two extra potatoes with butter to compensate for lost energy.
Bub is 16 months and fairly hilarious. And we just learned that mum is 12 week pregnant. Seems like all our friends are just popping them out at the moment.
Anytime anyone asks if we want kids we just laugh.
Of course, with all your friends having so many kids, there are plenty to borrow and return whenever you feel the urge. You can avoid massive sleep deprivation that way. 🙂
Yep, we enjoy being “aunties”. All the fun and none of the hassles. Plus, the parents are usually grateful for the down time.
We recently hosted our first over-nighter with our four-year-old niece and it went really well. She was a bit hyper, so it was pretty full on, but I suspect that will lessen with repeat visits.
Morning all!!! Having the morning java and trying to plan out my day. Most likely church this am and then grocery shopping this afternoon since the only thing in my fridge is water and half a loaf of bread. LOL
I saw a suggestion on a tv show to wear a pair of thick cotton socks with tight knit wool socks over them to keep yo9ur feet warm. As long as my feet, hands and nose are warm I am okay. LOL
I am wearing layers — sock liners and wool socks and my feet still get cold. After about 90 minutes of walking in snow (and cold creeks) in temps in the teens, I think nothing is going to keep my feet warm (I have lousy circulation, especially in the leg that I broke about 10 years ago).
Well, I can relate as my entire body has become a barometer since my spine screwed up last year. Now add the plate and screws in my ankle and I can tell you exactly when a weather system is moving through the area. LOL
I fear it is permanent. It all started a year ago when all the neurological problems started and the nerve damage is permanent. The cold is the worst so luckily I live somewhere where extreme cold is not usually a problem. LOL I will deal with it as I have to. It could all be much worse.
I already had the sore throat when that picture was taken FWIW, but point taken.
I’ll give them a call this morning. I already have an appointment with the pulmonologist (postpartum follow-up to adjust my medication). I’m more worried that I’ll give it to the little man than anything else.
My physician friend tells me that when the weather is cold, one of the most important parts of the body to keep warm is your neck.
So even if I’ve got my coat open, or even no coat, I make sure to have my neck wrapped.
This makes it possible for me to go outside into single-digit temperatures in my bathrobe & boots in order to sweep the porch/fill the birdfeeders/provide local color for the tourists, without undue consequences.
I hear they’re printing postcards as we speak. Caption:
Not only famous for world class trout fishing and festive autumn colors, the Catskill region also has its share of bizarre hermit monks who talk to squirrels, as seen here!
We are getting rain and I dread going to the grocery store today with the boot still on. No telling how long it will take to dry out if I get it wet. LOL
I’m sympathetic to that problem — when we built the house, we lived in a travel trailer for six months and only had one dog (a beagle) who definitely thought the thing wasn’t big enough for her, let alone the three of us. OTOH, more dogs do equal warmer trailer.
Speaking of dogs, I’ve got to take Bebo to the vet (nothing serious) so see ya later.
Made a trip to the grocery store. I got two bags worth of stuff since I was riding the bus. LOL The main thing was to get some coffee. I will go again tomorrow to get more things or maybe even bum a ride from a friend for the trip. I hate bumming rides but it does make grocery shopping a lot easier.
They will if I ask. LOL The hardest part is making the call. I really do have to get over asking for help but I am trying while keeping my independence.
My mom (who is 88) is going through this — she is still driving but doesn’t like to drive if the weather is iffy or at night. She can get transportation from elder services or from one of her grandkids but didn’t like doing it because she thought it made her dependent but I pointed out that not being able to go where she wanted because she couldn’t get herself there was making her more dependent — just on time of day or weather instead of on people — than getting a few rides when she needed them.
So consider the same said to you — adjusted for your circumstances, of course. 🙂
Not to mention most grocery stores offer online shopping and delivery. I set up my blind friend with this service and it costs $5 if we pick it up, and $10 for delivery. You might just break even if you figure in the cost of the bus fare and headache of travel time etc.
It seems like they should still offer that with the food stamp card for people who are disabled. I know that my friend just swiped his debit card once at the store and now they automatically use that as his form of payment each time.
Well, once my ankle is better it will not really be an issue. I have a large back pack I use for grocery shopping. I can fill that with a lot and still carry a couple of bags even with the cane. LOL
Here in the woods, we tend to get over those feelings fairly quickly. It tends to be an equal opportunity situation all around — both with helping & with being helped.
Try to remember that it won’t always be like this & that you may be able to return the favor in some way later on.
There’s a difference between asking for help & taking advantage. We try & keep that balance as best we can.
Thanks Alice!!! you will love this. The person I will wind up calling is named Alice also and has become one of my best and most helpful friends through all of this.
We have quite a bit o’ the white stuff on the ground already…can’t wait to see it in the daylight.
Anyone else experiencing the snowpocalypse? I foresee some knitting time and cooking in my future.
We had rain, sleet, snow, freezing rain, snow, regular rain, and then all snow which looks to have ended up being 5 inches. But now we’ve got to worry about losing power (wind + branches heavy with snow).
I foresee a Finn and snowman picture in my future. 🙂
Wow, you got a little bit of everything! We probably have about a foot (ah, it looks like more) out there, and it’s still coming down. My neighbor has already come by and plowed me out – what a great guy.
We’ll definitely get some Finn’s snowman pics for you, even if we have to make a proportionally sized snowman for him.
I hope your power hangs in there. We had an outage a couple of weeks ago and it was a pain.
I picture of Finn with a mini snowman will be too cute!!!
okay, but we have to clear a path out the door first. It’s really gotten deep out there.
Okay we’ll wait till things settle down a bit but no excuses for not coming through with the pic!
Have pics, charging battery to upload…
Excellent. And now that I’m unappreciative but the picture of Finn with Booman on the front page does NOT count as the Finn with a snowman picture. 😉
What, you’re not appeased? :/
I have a sore throat and cold, and slept most of yesterday afternoon, so I barely got a few pictures in after the storm stopped and while it was daylight. SO I guess snowman building is on today’s agenda. Can’t let the little guy grow up deprived of snowman-building fun…
Sorry you aren’t feeling well but I agree with Miss Andi. I want the snowman picture. LOL
It’s on the list for today. Beautiful and sunny here…
And on a totally different note, my Bose cd player in the kitchen has been broken since someone (hem, CBtE) spilled coffee in it months ago, and I’ve been waiting till after my maternity leave to send it in to be fixed, not wanting to spend money on things that aren’t absolutely necessary).
I’m cooking with Finn this morning, and I just started to say to him how much fun it will be when the tunes are working again and I saw that it was on, with lights and everything. Not only does the radio work, but the cd player does too.
I am so happy!
I guess it just needed to dry out. LOL
I can’t believe it took 6 months for it to happen. And now my sweet baby has fallen asleep to Norah Jones’ Feels Like Home album. What a good guy- fits right in with my idea of a perfect Sunday morning.
Just be glad there was no cream or sugar in the coffee or the ants would have eaten it. LOL
That happened with my wine-soaked laptop. After 6 months of being dead it spontaneously resurrected itself. Sometimes benign neglect is the best approach. Even if it’s really just cheapness in disguise.
Has the laptop continued working since it’s resurrection? I’m just waiting for this to stop working again. I was afraid to change the cd for fear of killing it again.
I was actually looking forward to sending it in next month (it’s one of the perks I use to remind myself why I want to go back, it’s going to be hard to leave the little guy for even half a day).
It had a few bugs and sticky keys, but still worked. But I used it as an excuse to upgrade anyway. 🙂 Gotta get all I can from this situation while I still can.
ps…if you go looking elsewhere, you might find another picture.
Okay I went elsewhere. And that unbelievably adorable picture is not Finn with a snowwoman so still waiting. 😛
Also, button your coat!
Yes, mother hen. 🙂
And it’s no wonder you have a sore throat. Tsk, tsk. 😉
Also, hot tea with lemon.
The dogs are insisting I go out and make them (into) snowdogs.
See ya later.
Take the camera with you!!! Morning Miss Andi!!!
I always take my camera — it’s like an addiction; I get the shakes if I don’t have it. 🙂
Hope you power stays on and you stay safe and warm. We are clear and supposed to be in the high 50’s today.
Good morning!
Lot’s of hype – but no snow (yet) here
We have enough to share. I thought for sure that this would go south of us and just be one of those “hype everyone up and out to the grocery store” events, but it’s a lot of snow.
And the hype worked in our favor: we went to the store around 6 last night, and there was hardly anyone there because they had all been out earlier in the day.
Hope the earlier shoppers left something for you. The streets are very quiet here this morning. Yesterday a giant icicle fell and broke one of our windows! Guess I need to invest in an ice axe.
I woke up to a silent network server this morning, but it turned out the battery in the UPS had gone bad and shut the system down – an easy fix, thank FSM!
Sorry about the window. You stay safe and warm!!!
Thanks rf! I’m not planning any big excursions today, that’s for sure. Maybe a trip to replenish the bird feeder outside our office window. I see its getting low and the cat needs her entertainment.
I love watching cats watching a bird feeder. I have actually bought them for friends who has cats. LOL
Here’s a serious birdwatcher at work.
I love it!!!
A charming office view, for sure!
I had one like that years ago – it suction-cupped to the glass. I called it “the kitty entertainment center”.
Great pictures. And it’s so greeeeeeeeeeeeen.
Saw the surgeon yesterday and I can now start putting my full weight on my ankle and in two weeks I am suppose to start weening myself away from the boot. He wants me to be walking completely without it by the first week in March. I guess doing exactly what the doctor orders really does work. LOL
Great news! Hope things keep progressing in that direction;-)
Wow, that’s great news!
Excellent news. Keep up the good work.
it’s a lovely sunny day.
Friends are coming to visit- she and the bub by car (about a 40 minutes drive), he’s going to leave and hour earlier, by bike. He thinks he should be here about the same time. I think we’ll see him eventually, and boy will he be hungry.
No bicycle riding in our neck of the woods today…This is one of the biggest storms we’ve had since I moved into this house.
It’s amazing to me that we saw absolutely nothing of this storm. Nada.
Glad you made it through OK.
That’s amazing. People know in NE are a little annoyed that they didn’t get the snow either.
I’m always happy not to have to shovel.
Let’s see what happens later this week.
It’s for weather like that that you should get another Newfie, and sled.
An hour and fifty minutes to bike 51 kilometres. I’m impressed, and yes he ate two extra potatoes with butter to compensate for lost energy.
Bub is 16 months and fairly hilarious. And we just learned that mum is 12 week pregnant. Seems like all our friends are just popping them out at the moment.
Anytime anyone asks if we want kids we just laugh.
Pretty good clip — especially since it doesn’t exactly look flat where you are.
Only 2 extra potatoes after that?
Of course, with all your friends having so many kids, there are plenty to borrow and return whenever you feel the urge. You can avoid massive sleep deprivation that way. 🙂
Yep, we enjoy being “aunties”. All the fun and none of the hassles. Plus, the parents are usually grateful for the down time.
We recently hosted our first over-nighter with our four-year-old niece and it went really well. She was a bit hyper, so it was pretty full on, but I suspect that will lessen with repeat visits.
Morning all!!! Having the morning java and trying to plan out my day. Most likely church this am and then grocery shopping this afternoon since the only thing in my fridge is water and half a loaf of bread. LOL
We’re supposed to get another 2-6 inches tonight and tomorrow. But the dogs have plenty of food and biscuits, so they say it’s no big deal.
click for larger
The pack is so cute!!! I am so glad you always take your camera with you. Try and stay warm!!!
The only thing that I have trouble keeping warm when I walk is my feet. I need some of those heated socks, I guess. 🙂
I saw a suggestion on a tv show to wear a pair of thick cotton socks with tight knit wool socks over them to keep yo9ur feet warm. As long as my feet, hands and nose are warm I am okay. LOL
The weary voice of experience sez: layered socks are great as long as they don’t get wet.
Morning!!! Wet socks suck and not in a good way. LOL
I am wearing layers — sock liners and wool socks and my feet still get cold. After about 90 minutes of walking in snow (and cold creeks) in temps in the teens, I think nothing is going to keep my feet warm (I have lousy circulation, especially in the leg that I broke about 10 years ago).
But hey, we all have to suffer for our art. 🙂
Well, I can relate as my entire body has become a barometer since my spine screwed up last year. Now add the plate and screws in my ankle and I can tell you exactly when a weather system is moving through the area. LOL
No wasted time checking in at weather.com, then.
Hope this isn’t a permanent situation. I don’t know squat about this stuff — since my folks chose to attribute my weird posture to a character defect.
I fear it is permanent. It all started a year ago when all the neurological problems started and the nerve damage is permanent. The cold is the worst so luckily I live somewhere where extreme cold is not usually a problem. LOL I will deal with it as I have to. It could all be much worse.
We’re supposed to get another foot on Wednesday.
My sore throat has gotten worse…which makes me start to think it’s not viral and therefore won’t go away on it’s own. Ugh.
Umm, unbuttoned coat? Okay, now that I’ve got that out of the way, I promise not to bring it up again.
I hope you feel better soon. Are you going to try to go to the doctor?
I already had the sore throat when that picture was taken FWIW, but point taken.
I’ll give them a call this morning. I already have an appointment with the pulmonologist (postpartum follow-up to adjust my medication). I’m more worried that I’ll give it to the little man than anything else.
Poor Finn — he can’t very well avoid your germs can he?
Good luck with the doctors.
You and Finn off the hook for the snowman picture until you feel better and the weather gets a bit more accommodating.
The dogs, however, will not accommodate me so I’m off for our morning walk.
See ya later.
My physician friend tells me that when the weather is cold, one of the most important parts of the body to keep warm is your neck.
So even if I’ve got my coat open, or even no coat, I make sure to have my neck wrapped.
This makes it possible for me to go outside into single-digit temperatures in my bathrobe & boots in order to sweep the porch/fill the birdfeeders/provide local color for the tourists, without undue consequences.
I have this vision in my mind now. LOL We need pictures!!!!
I hear they’re printing postcards as we speak. Caption:
Not only famous for world class trout fishing and festive autumn colors, the Catskill region also has its share of bizarre hermit monks who talk to squirrels, as seen here!
We’re gonna get it this time. I hope that you’re feeling better soon!
We are getting rain and I dread going to the grocery store today with the boot still on. No telling how long it will take to dry out if I get it wet. LOL
Can’t you just tie a plastic trash bag onto it?
That would make my traction musch worse. I will deal with it. I can always use a hair dryer to dry it out. LOL
I’m predicting 6″ tops for the Catskills/Hudson Valley.
I don’t think CG will get quite as much as a foot, either.
If I’m wrong you can both come on up here & paddle me with a shovel.
Feel better soon!!! and I agree with Miss Andi. We will wait on the snowman picture.
Beautiful shot, Andi! Idyllic is the word for it, imo. The pack’s joy is palpable.
They love the snow — but they love coming in and sleeping by the wood stove even more. 😀
Ah, but I’ll bet the romp in the snow makes the woodstove even more delicious.
I know it works for me.
It would probably work for me if I could wrest a spot from the dogs.
This was definitely a consideration for me when you suggested sled dogs back in my trailer days. The damn thing was only 8′ wide!
I’m sympathetic to that problem — when we built the house, we lived in a travel trailer for six months and only had one dog (a beagle) who definitely thought the thing wasn’t big enough for her, let alone the three of us. OTOH, more dogs do equal warmer trailer.
Speaking of dogs, I’ve got to take Bebo to the vet (nothing serious) so see ya later.
Bebo certainly seems delighted! The older dogs look as if they’re wondering, hey, what’s with the kid?
Made a trip to the grocery store. I got two bags worth of stuff since I was riding the bus. LOL The main thing was to get some coffee. I will go again tomorrow to get more things or maybe even bum a ride from a friend for the trip. I hate bumming rides but it does make grocery shopping a lot easier.
Ugh, grocery shopping. Having to carry groceries on a bus, double ugh. I hope someone comes through with a ride for you.
They will if I ask. LOL The hardest part is making the call. I really do have to get over asking for help but I am trying while keeping my independence.
My mom (who is 88) is going through this — she is still driving but doesn’t like to drive if the weather is iffy or at night. She can get transportation from elder services or from one of her grandkids but didn’t like doing it because she thought it made her dependent but I pointed out that not being able to go where she wanted because she couldn’t get herself there was making her more dependent — just on time of day or weather instead of on people — than getting a few rides when she needed them.
So consider the same said to you — adjusted for your circumstances, of course. 🙂
Thanks Miss Andi and WW. I will take this all into consideration and make the calls. LOL
Not to mention most grocery stores offer online shopping and delivery. I set up my blind friend with this service and it costs $5 if we pick it up, and $10 for delivery. You might just break even if you figure in the cost of the bus fare and headache of travel time etc.
That is not available with food stamps. You have to be there to swipe the card. LOL But it is an interesting option for other friends of mine.
It seems like they should still offer that with the food stamp card for people who are disabled. I know that my friend just swiped his debit card once at the store and now they automatically use that as his form of payment each time.
Well, once my ankle is better it will not really be an issue. I have a large back pack I use for grocery shopping. I can fill that with a lot and still carry a couple of bags even with the cane. LOL
Here in the woods, we tend to get over those feelings fairly quickly. It tends to be an equal opportunity situation all around — both with helping & with being helped.
Try to remember that it won’t always be like this & that you may be able to return the favor in some way later on.
There’s a difference between asking for help & taking advantage. We try & keep that balance as best we can.
The truth is – people want to help you. Consider that you are doing them a favor by providing an opportunity to be the good guy.
It’s just a temporary thing, right? So call….
Thanks Alice!!! you will love this. The person I will wind up calling is named Alice also and has become one of my best and most helpful friends through all of this.
Just pay it back (or forward) if and when you can. I’m glad things are working out for you;-)
Thanks and I will.