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- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
- Day 21: The Fascist Regime Screws Farmers, Tries to Sabotage U.S. Bonds
- Day 20: Super Bowl Edition
for a silly baby picture. 🙂
Finn is so cute!!!!
Yo! Homie’s chillin’ in the crib.
I’m glad he’s enjoying that blanket.
They’re huge! Does he have hairy ears?
Eh, a little fuzz around the edges…
It’s big foot!!!! LOL
He is a cutie but if baby feet are like dog feet, he’s gonna be one very big cutie. 🙂
He definitely takes after the tall people in our families. He’s aklready 22 inches long.
You know, I think it would be a great idea to introduce him to the concept of cupcakes this June. It sounds like we could get ask, curly, boran2, and maybe even wilderness wench to show up at Sweet Revenge.
That sounds like a plan. Maybe we should include a side trip to Katz’s at the same time?
Katz’s would be fine too (though we have a fantastic deli in Indianapolis so that’s not so critical for me). Plus maybe a stop at Balducci’s for some babka. And then the coronary. 😉
Everything but the coronary sounds good.
Similar to what we say in Philly: eat everything but the oink. Meaning that no pig parts go to waste.
Well I suppose if we go for moderation, the coronary could be considered optional. Or we can say wotthehell and just open ourselves up for the full experience. 😉
Sorry to cramp your style, Andi, but Balducci’s no longer exists in Manhattan (there are other locations – JFK the closest). We’ll be able to find great babka several other places, though.
No Balducci’s in Manhattan anymore! The horror!
That place has really gone to hell. I’m not there any more either (though I occasionally make an appearance, like Elvis).
Sounds great! I’d love the chance.
I sure hope it happens; I would be so delighted to get to meet you in person.
Such a sweet baby!!! Aren’t they precious when they are asleep?
A beautiful image, CG. Just great.
Is he a redhead or is it the lighting? He’s a definite cutie, regardless of hair color;-)
Probably the lighting, I think it’s more of a light brown color.
I’m one of those strange ones with light brown hair and a red beard. Probably the Scot from Caithness ancestral gene popping up. Wow! the kid is growing quickly!
I don’t know how you’ve assessed all this snow but I’ve got it at a rate of 1.752 per each “Enough already”.
I’ve trained myself to see summer flowers in snow. That’s what happens to it, really. No snow, no green.
That’s funny that your beard and hair color are different. Our guy has some of the Scots in him too, so who knows?
And a bonnie lad he be!
I am one of those with many mixed colors on my head that look light brown or did before all the gray. LOL My beard-before gray came out deep brown and we will not talk about the hodge pod of colors my body hair is. LOL
I got tired of the beard quite a few years ago and got rid of it. I’m afraid to grow one now, as I think it would be more white than anything, my having becoming an official geezer and all.
you mean you don’t want to be mistaken for santa claus, gandalf or dumbledore
my hair and beard are all white, have been since l was about 35… l do shave the sides at thanksgiving tho…the inane “look mom, it’s santa” comments by errant shoppers kids annoy me, so l go with the goatee and stache for a couple months.
Well, the Gandalf hat would probably play well around here, with the beard a bonus. Might be interesting to wear to the candidate forums.
Norwegian curling team coming up on the Today Show this morning; story of the pants.
I understand that those snowboard pants (simulating ripped jeans) are going for some $400.00 per pair, when you can find them.
Morning folks!!! Woke up a little chilly this morning and remembered I had cut the heat off when I came in yesterday from running errands. LOL Been watching the Olympics and loved the speed skating and snowboarding last night!!! Lindsey Vonn Kicked but in the Women’s skying event also.
Glad you’re enjoying the show, refinish. The young’uns do look nice in their leotards, no?
And what, pray tell, passes for ‘chilly’ in Austin?
Those tights lead to such dreams. LOL Chilly in Austin is lows in the 30’s and highs in the 50’s to 60’s. LOL
I’ve only been through Austin in mid-August — so my picture of your climate is probably skewed. The 30s can indeed be chilly. 50s & 60s not so much, imvho.
May I just say here how glad I am to have you back?
And we haven’t even seen the skeleton yet — with those cute tushies in lycra all exposed for our enjoyment. Down, girl, down. Behave yourself
Amen!!!! LOL
For the curious: this here critter
is not
shameless carpetbaggerSenate hopeful Harold Ford, but an actual weasel. They live wild here, donning white in winter. This one is probably around the house hunting mice. They will also hunt chickens, though they’re only about 8″ long, on average. Ergo the interest in the fat-feeder.I know weasels can be mean if cornered but this one is a cutie unlike Harold Ford. LOL
S/he is a very pretty critter for sure. I’d classify our current relationship as ‘tolerant’.
Rural interwebs have been very moody lately. It’s difficult to stay OL. I’m giving up for now — hope to see you later.
I’m guessing tolerant until it goes after chickens. LOL
Unfortunately, we don’t have any chickens.
And now, to the shovel!
The Ford comment cracked me up (though it won’t be as funny if he actually gets to run for the office).
We’ll see. Personally, I can’t wait for the chance not to vote for him.
And I hope you have opportunities to not vote for him in every primary from now on.
Just a note that Martin Bosworth has unexpectedly passed away at the age of 35. I had several email exchanges with him and he was a passionate and thoughtful progressive voice. I am very sorry to learn of his death.
That’s very sad to hear. He seemed to be loved and respected by many. Another voice of reason silenced.
This Olympics needs more Tonya Harding.
Nah, Plushenko is enough of a prima donna.
Click here for Friday Foto Flogging. Today’s theme is Red.
We’ll need a photo of the flying tomato.
If anybody can provide that, it would be Knucklehead. 🙂
great photos so far!!! I shared it on facebook as I always love the artistic genius of the photographers.
Thanks for that, RF.
Morning all!!! Enjoying my morning java while contemplating going to the doctor this am for my pesky back. LOL Hope everyone has a better day planned.
Belated good morning RF. Hope all went well with the doctor.
Looks like we got a little icing last night, but it seems to be melting fairly speedily. Hope it will be gone before long; I need to make a quick trip over to the music store for a b-day gift.
Based on my walk in the woods, it didn’t really stick to anything. I hope not anyway since we’re planning to go over to Bloomington later this afternoon.
Hi RF! I hope everything went well yesterday.
I had a busy day yesterday, then fell asleep around dinnertime. I’m looking forward to a more relaxing weekend and maybe getting out of the house for a bit.
In other news, Plushenko is a crybaby.
I’m trying to coax Mrs. ID out of the house today. She tends to hole up and read much of the time if she’s not working, except for forays to the library to replenish her literary fare.
That sounds like your neighbor, Andi.
There are definite similarities. Mrs. ID is quite the animal lover as well. She once had her own “pack” of 6 cats when we lived out by the state forest.
Hey, not fair! I leave the house every single day! And sometimes I even get to the end of the drive.
I just haven’t really wanted to go anywhere lately. All I really want is already here.
But this week I have to start getting ready to go back to the office, so I need to run some errands.
Good Morning Froggies!!!! Woke up in a great mood. I am walking around without my boot as the surgeon suggested a couple of weeks ago that I start weening myself of it this weekend. As for the doctors visit yesterday, I have decided to ask for a new doctor as my primary care dr. He came in the room with a mask and asked could he wear it as he is allergic to smoke. I have already seen him 8 times before and he never had to wear one. He also told me my back problems are because I am fat and I needed to lose weight. Since Dec. 2008, I have lost over 90lbs. I even lost weight while not being able to exercise because of the broken ankle. When I mentioned this he only said you need to lose more like I didn’t already know this. He has also never listened to my heart or lungs in all this time. I was so mad I forgot to even ask about the H1N1 vaccine. Sorry to rant so much this am.
I am really doing great besides the jerk doctor. I am suppose to go to a bloggers dinner tonight and excited about it. LOL
Hi refinish69! I saw a doctor with a similar routine several years ago and not only was he an ass, he charged twice the fee my current MD charges. I have to file my own insurance, though.
The dinner sounds fun. Hope you have a great time!
I plan on calling the clinic and complaining as well as calling the county which runs the clinic. I will be asking for a new primary physician. I am sure the guy might be a good doctor but he has the bed side or office manner of a jerk!!!