We’re building a medium security goldfish detention center, aka pond, in our front yard. The mesh is keeping the ducks out until we can get it fully planted.
The pond’s only about two bath-tubs worth of water which would never make for very large koi. Beyond that, koi are not allowed in Tasmania. Tasmania has probably the strictest quarantine on the planet. As an island with a high degree of endemism and a temperate climate, fresh water carps, like koi, could do real damage to our native aquatic plant and animal species. In fact, all our (limited range of) tropical fish are raised on the state as well. I’ve been to a few of the large warehouses where they raise them. Rather than just heating the tanks the whole place is kept hot and muggy. Not my idea of a fun place to work.
Goldfish. Which are the only cold water fish allowed. There’s already three in the pond keeping the mosquito larva to a minimum. Plus we get lots of aquatic critters, like boatmen and back swimmers, dragonfly larva, etc. All fun to watch (once the water clears).
Terrible how they just wash up on shore like that. 😉 I have a friend whose husband is a beached whale first responder (we get a few beachings a year, what with being an island). Maybe you can organize something like that in your area for beached Bassets.
Hi, keres. Yes, she’s managed to train me properly over the past few months so that I do her every whim now. She loves her bed and usually only lays on it but I caught her snoozing by the front door and couldn’t resist a quick pic.
I cleaned out the fridge the other day, leaving stuff all over the counter while I ran one of the boys to work for 5 minutes. Came back and she had eaten: 5 everything bagels, half a package of lil smokies and some old cream cheese in the foil wrapper.
Thus far my worst experience with a dog eating something out of the trash was a pyr who ate a disposable diaper – one of the space-age varieties that soaks up tons of moisture. It dehydrated her so badly she had to go to the vet and be put on a drip. They were going to surgically remove it the following day except, fortunately, she threw it up overnight. That was about $500.
that it’s good to be the bunny.
Oh the cute it’s so bright it hurts … but it hurts so good.
And I cannot believe what a great big boy The Dude has become. Wow.
Are you going to get some of those big colorful koi like Knucklehead has posted pictures of?
The pond’s only about two bath-tubs worth of water which would never make for very large koi. Beyond that, koi are not allowed in Tasmania. Tasmania has probably the strictest quarantine on the planet. As an island with a high degree of endemism and a temperate climate, fresh water carps, like koi, could do real damage to our native aquatic plant and animal species. In fact, all our (limited range of) tropical fish are raised on the state as well. I’ve been to a few of the large warehouses where they raise them. Rather than just heating the tanks the whole place is kept hot and muggy. Not my idea of a fun place to work.
So what will you put in the pond?
Goldfish. Which are the only cold water fish allowed. There’s already three in the pond keeping the mosquito larva to a minimum. Plus we get lots of aquatic critters, like boatmen and back swimmers, dragonfly larva, etc. All fun to watch (once the water clears).
Fun to take pictures of too.
Also on the snow to Vancouver — I’ll swap it for a hiking trip to the Canadian Rockies.
Different angle.
Why yes, everyone is in full shedding mode. How did you guess?
at the Animal Tuckerbox.
Neo (formerly known as “The Dude”), Luna’s son.
In return for the wonderful bunny butt you left over at my place, here’s a Bebo butt (with flying ears, natch).
click for larger
LOL. Natch.
The pyrs are so jealous of all that snow.
We’ll wrap it up and send it to them.
Stephen Colbert would prefer you send it to Vancouver.
My beached basset
Terrible how they just wash up on shore like that. 😉 I have a friend whose husband is a beached whale first responder (we get a few beachings a year, what with being an island). Maybe you can organize something like that in your area for beached Bassets.
I see you two are getting along splendidly.
Hi, keres. Yes, she’s managed to train me properly over the past few months so that I do her every whim now. She loves her bed and usually only lays on it but I caught her snoozing by the front door and couldn’t resist a quick pic.
I couldn’t decide which of these two great pictures I liked better but the soulful look in this one won me over.
soulful = why am I not being fed or pampered
Love the pictures!!! I really miss my girls but know they are in a good home so I can enjoy other’s puppies
jajajaja – great caption
What’s funny is how far that trash can traveled…from way over there under the wall clock.
Better on the floor than in the dog.
I cleaned out the fridge the other day, leaving stuff all over the counter while I ran one of the boys to work for 5 minutes. Came back and she had eaten: 5 everything bagels, half a package of lil smokies and some old cream cheese in the foil wrapper.
Thus far my worst experience with a dog eating something out of the trash was a pyr who ate a disposable diaper – one of the space-age varieties that soaks up tons of moisture. It dehydrated her so badly she had to go to the vet and be put on a drip. They were going to surgically remove it the following day except, fortunately, she threw it up overnight. That was about $500.
Best laugh I’ve had in a long time.
She’s just found a creative (okay destructive) way of letting everyone know she’s fully recovered. 😉
ROTFLMAO!!!!! I cannot count the times Miss Reba did the same.
competing for the title of Finn’s best dog…

Very Awwww inspiring.
What keres said.
Just too sweet!!!!