It appears that I will not be repeating yesterday’s snafu, where I overslept due to the time change and working on something until 1 am the night before…Finn is still on his old feeding schedule, and it’s not working with the time change.
You’re not alone with time change difficulties. Please tell Finn that I sympathize most enthusiastically and dearly hate getting up in the dark to go to work.
It was a great idea — except for the fact for the constant confusion for other people as to what time it was in Indiana, which caused a lot of problems for businesses.
And even better idea would be for us to switch to the Central time zone. Then it wouldn’t be so damn dark for so damn long in the morning. 🙁
Australia has an elephant breeding program, specifically for Asian elephants from Thailand.
Melbourne zoo had a recent good reversal of fortune when a elephant calf presumed dead in the womb from a mal-presentation caused nine-day-long labor, was actually alive when finally expelled.
Mr. Shuffles, as he’s been nick-named for his shuffling gate, is now on display at the zoo.
In this video he falls into a deep spot in the pond and is rescued by the other elephants.
I always cover Luna’s eyes and nose with my hand when I do her face, and even then I only wash her face with plain water. I can’t imagine letting her get sprayed with soap in her eyes. As it is, she still hates getting a bath. If I tried anything more “brutal” I’d never get her into a tub again.
Nice picture, but don’t tell me all the snow is gone already. 😉
Everything here is poking along, and George and I are fine. Well maybe not George. The new puppy has him crawling the wall. George was never socialized so he doesn’t know how to play. However, Lucy (the puppy) is a ball of energy and George doesn’t know what to do about it.
I hope everyone in the pond has been doing fine. If my computer continues to want to cooperate with me I’ll try to drop by later.
Jim and I are ready to pick a date. We’re looking at the end of the week of June 21st. Can we do it on a Thursday (24th) or Friday (25th) or does it need to be on Saturday (26th)?
Excellent. I’m really looking forward to this. And to finally going hiking in Vermont and New Hampshire — we’ve talked about it forever but I guess we needed Marlo and you guys to put us over the top (well not completely the top — we’re not going to try Mount Washington).
Sure, leave me out of everything: the weather, the season, the meet-up; I’m always on the outside looking in. *Presses nose to her computer screen and looks pathetic – although I should probably get Lily to do that for me as she’s so much better at it.*
The 21 hour flight from LA to Melbourne almost killed me. We actually left LA on New Years eve and crossed over the international date line before midnight, thus gaining a day – so that we landed here on January second, all very confusing.
Okay then. I guess you’ll just have to stay pressed up against the monitor. Of course, that exactly how I feel when you post all those gorgeous pictures of Tasmania and environs.
Too early for me to decide for certain which weekend I’ll be back. But with limited availability for days off Friday is definitely better than Thursday.
Just came back from trying out Big Woods* and saw your leaf trees — very jealous.
* I was disappointed in the Big Woods Stout, the flavor was nice but it needs more heft. Jim liked the IPA a lot and I tried it and agreed. We thought the food was very good.
My s-i-l Carol may have waited on you – she was working tonight. My all-time favorite is Clausthaler, an NA import.
In other spring news, I heard today that the first round of edible mushrooms were being found. They’re the ones the locals quaintly named after a certain part of a canine anatomy.
I don’t know if you were following any of the discussion about the NYC meetup but I hope you can come. As I said to boran2, Saturday June 26th is looking like the date.
It appears that I will not be repeating yesterday’s snafu, where I overslept due to the time change and working on something until 1 am the night before…Finn is still on his old feeding schedule, and it’s not working with the time change.
How is everyone?
Obviously, better than you, you poor thing. Here’s hoping both Finn and you adjust soon.
You mean you haven’t taught that boy genius to tell time yet?
Perhaps Finn needs to have his wristwatch reset. Or something.
Left off the 🙂
You’re not alone with time change difficulties. Please tell Finn that I sympathize most enthusiastically and dearly hate getting up in the dark to go to work.
If we all hate it, and we’re no longer an agrarian society, why do we still set the clocks ahead? I don’t get it.
Well, out here we were ok until we got this little sawed-off shrimp of a governor…
Heh. Did they really not do DST there? It seems like a great idea.
It was a great idea — except for the fact for the constant confusion for other people as to what time it was in Indiana, which caused a lot of problems for businesses.
And even better idea would be for us to switch to the Central time zone. Then it wouldn’t be so damn dark for so damn long in the morning. 🙁
or…you could move to Arizona 😉
Unless you want to live on Navajo lands. 😛
This is all Navajo land. 😉
The Hopi might dispute that.
So would the Apache and Tohono O’odham
Australia has an elephant breeding program, specifically for Asian elephants from Thailand.
Melbourne zoo had a recent good reversal of fortune when a elephant calf presumed dead in the womb from a mal-presentation caused nine-day-long labor, was actually alive when finally expelled.
Mr. Shuffles, as he’s been nick-named for his shuffling gate, is now on display at the zoo.
In this video he falls into a deep spot in the pond and is rescued by the other elephants.
Nine day labor? No thanks.
That video is great. I’ve always loved how elephant families work together to protect the little ones.
When I take Luna to the dog wash it looks like this:
Not like this. Luna would so destroy that puppy torture device.
That’s awful. I can’t believe someone would willing do that to their dog.
I always cover Luna’s eyes and nose with my hand when I do her face, and even then I only wash her face with plain water. I can’t imagine letting her get sprayed with soap in her eyes. As it is, she still hates getting a bath. If I tried anything more “brutal” I’d never get her into a tub again.
I hope it was clear I was talking about the video you linked to, not the “dog wash” you go to.
I count on our dogs getting clean in the creeks or lake or a really heavy rain.
It was.
Luna might not look happy but at least she is not being tortured like the poodle. That is just disgusting!!!
click for larger
Good morning Andi!
Nice picture, but don’t tell me all the snow is gone already. 😉
Everything here is poking along, and George and I are fine. Well maybe not George. The new puppy has him crawling the wall. George was never socialized so he doesn’t know how to play. However, Lucy (the puppy) is a ball of energy and George doesn’t know what to do about it.
I hope everyone in the pond has been doing fine. If my computer continues to want to cooperate with me I’ll try to drop by later.
Everyone take care.
Hi FM! The snow is gone — the “wild” daffs have even started to come out (a couple of them are getting close to flowering).
Hi to George and Lucy too.
George said hi and Lucy is still sleeping. Got an early doctor’s appt this morning, so I’m heading out.
Sorry I missed everyone else this morning and I hope everyone is doing fine. Don’t forget to wear the green today!
See ya.
Hope to see ya later. Drive carefully.
Hay FM! A new puupy?!! Good luck with here. Glad to hear that you are okay. See ya later.
I like that new spelling, b2. Seems very appropriate.
Sorry to miss you, FM!
And yes, there’s still snow up north.
Sorry. I got confused with this guy.
Wow! I had no idea we could each adopt our own financial services professional.
Or maybe the offer is limited to Alabama .. ?
That’s a delicious image, Andi. Truly lovely.
I look forward to a similar palette here, but we’re not there yet. There’s still about 1 -2′ of snow on the ground here from the February blast.
March 1: after the storm & a week of melting, the Honda appears like a dainty snowdrop.
By March 18 we can actually see the doors.
That should read March 10, not March 1.
On March 1 the Honda still looked like an image for Hump Day.
Oy. We’re all green and blossomy down here.
Wow. I can barely imagine it, at this point — though it’s been insanely warm here.
Note to self: mark this down as one more place you never ever want to live.
That’s scarier than the scariest horror movie.
Thankfully, it happened over a long period, giving the mice plenty of time to vacate.
Also thankfully, this was an historic snowfall. It hasn’t snowed this much here in at least 20 years.
Me, I’ll take it.
More frightening frosty fotos of February’s Frigid Freakout can be found here.
The snow on the porch roof is amazing — that is, I’m amazed the porch roof didn’t collapse.
Great photos ww! I remember seeing a snow like that at my aunt’s in Rochester, NY more years ago than I care to count.
Wow. That reminds me of my winter in Strawberry, CA. I have a picture of my dog sitting n the roof of a snow-covered volvo wagon…
That sounds like a great photo.
How pleasant. That used to be ‘my’ Wal*Mart. It was the first one I ever visited. I think I went there twice.
“Life in These Post-Racial United States.”
Morning all!!! Sorry I have not been around much. Still adjusting to new med levels and not doing to well at it. Ankle is healed and no more boot!!!!
Hope everyone is doing well.
Thanks for a great image, rf!
Wishing you well as the medical profession tries to figure you out.
Jim and I are ready to pick a date. We’re looking at the end of the week of June 21st. Can we do it on a Thursday (24th) or Friday (25th) or does it need to be on Saturday (26th)?
I’m good whenever you choose;
Excellent. I’m really looking forward to this. And to finally going hiking in Vermont and New Hampshire — we’ve talked about it forever but I guess we needed Marlo and you guys to put us over the top (well not completely the top — we’re not going to try Mount Washington).
Sure, leave me out of everything: the weather, the season, the meet-up; I’m always on the outside looking in. *Presses nose to her computer screen and looks pathetic – although I should probably get Lily to do that for me as she’s so much better at it.*
Hey you could always come back to the states for a visit — surely company and cupcakes is worth 30 hours or so of flying.
Well, as fond as I am of cupcakes . . .
The 21 hour flight from LA to Melbourne almost killed me. We actually left LA on New Years eve and crossed over the international date line before midnight, thus gaining a day – so that we landed here on January second, all very confusing.
Okay then. I guess you’ll just have to stay pressed up against the monitor. Of course, that exactly how I feel when you post all those gorgeous pictures of Tasmania and environs.
A couple of woo-woo’s might help too;-)
We saw trees with leaves on them in Indy yesterday so it’s confirmed — getting leaves early is a sign of big city living.
No shortage of those.
Lily woos at me. The alpacas hum at me. The ducks chortle and the chicken cluck at me. Of course it all means the same thing. FEED ME/US.
Ah, what’s a little jet lag when it means you could hang out with the FBC crowd?
Maybe I can figure out a way to Skype the meet-up.
We’re getting some rain. Good for the garden. Bad for the laundry.
I always appreciate the extra rinse, myself. Especially when the laundry’s been blessed by the birds.
Yep. We too refer to rain as an extra rinse cycle.
That’s a cool idea, and I bet we could do it.
Kinda hard to talk over the phone with your mouth full of cupcake, ain’t it? 🙂
Too early for me to decide for certain which weekend I’ll be back. But with limited availability for days off Friday is definitely better than Thursday.
Would Saturday be better than Friday?
Yes, that’s a pretty safe bet (arriving on a Friday pm with jet lag may not necessarily be conducive to social activities).
We’ll go for the Saturday then. That weekend is pretty much the only one in June we can do so I hope our schedules work out.
I’m OK with whatever you choose. Days don’t matter when one’s whole life is a jamboree.
A bit of green for St. Patrick from our front yard after work yesterday.
A bit of green for St. Patrick from our front yard after work yesterday.
Hang on, ww, spring is heading your way!
So lovely it deserved posting twice.
So lovely it deserved posting twice.
…I’ve run out of ‘ice. Commenting whilst still sleeping, I suppose.
Just came back from trying out Big Woods* and saw your leaf trees — very jealous.
* I was disappointed in the Big Woods Stout, the flavor was nice but it needs more heft. Jim liked the IPA a lot and I tried it and agreed. We thought the food was very good.
I find most “stouts” only pass a a porter. Remind me to brew a stout before you get here. You can stand a spoon in one of mine.
My favorite stout is Samuel Smith’s Oatmeal Stout which Jim always calls the beer you can eat with a spoon so your stout sounds pretty fine to me.
Sam Smiths is about as close you can get to a real stout in a bottle. Quite a few of the west coast micro-breweries have a good one on tap.
My s-i-l Carol may have waited on you – she was working tonight. My all-time favorite is Clausthaler, an NA import.
In other spring news, I heard today that the first round of edible mushrooms were being found. They’re the ones the locals quaintly named after a certain part of a canine anatomy.
I take it you are referring to Morels (nummy), and not to actual “dog phallus” stinkhorns (which you wouldn’t want to eat.
Our waitress was a very cheerful woman with light brown hair.
We never find morels. 🙁
So lovely it deserves commenting upon thrice.
Saturday June 26th is looking like the date for the meetup. Does that work for you.
That’ll work.
Wooo woooo !
I don’t know if you were following any of the discussion about the NYC meetup but I hope you can come. As I said to boran2, Saturday June 26th is looking like the date.
Sounds good!
Yay some more!