Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: What is it? This is a game invented by NorthDakotaDem. All you do is post a picture and have people guess what it is. It can be a close-up of something that makes it tricky to recognize or something unusual that people might not recognize or a different view of a known scene or place or anything else you can dream up that you think will be fun to guess.
See comments section below for Andi’s and olivia’s What is it? |
Website(s) of the Week: The Most Alien Place on Earth.
Next Week: NO FLOG. Olivia is on vacation.
March 26 Theme: Beginnings and Endings
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Previous Friday Foto Flogs
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Looks like shadow marks from a building on the tree. At first glance it looked like a tiger striped tree. LOL I guess I need more coffee.
It looks like the shadow of either a rope ladder or overhead plank walk.
Damn, that was quick. It’s a plank walk on ropes course at the kids camp next door.
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This one’s for the bird watchers.
I wish I could turn around and guess yours but I have no idea what that cool-looking critter is.
Looks peacock-ish, but doesn’t have the little tufts on top of the head … hmmm … not sure. Beautiful colours though … that blue, wow.
A Galinue of some sort, similar out Purple swamp hen.
It is a Purple Galinue, in the Everglades.
And I was going to guess the blue bird of happiness.
Here’s our local version of the Purple swamphen. It seems that most places have a one.
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Looks like a sparkly headdress on the thumbnail version … and honey on the large.
I`d say you found a tree with sap starting to warm out of it.
A pileated woodpecker created the wound, and the sap started flowing.

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Good one Jim!
This is really beautiful, but I have no clue. I liked olivia’s guesses.
Water in the process of freezing in a pail?
a bucket of freezing water with ice from a bowl in it.
Collecting maple sap, was always a nice outing as a kid.
gotta agree with head. looks like it’s maplefest time again.
Does maple syrup really start out that clear looking before it’s boiled down, what is it 40/1?
Once you boil all that “clear” out of it, you`re getting close to the maple part.
Yeah … that’s how it starts. 🙂
Here’s a mini-collage showing the process and what the clear sap looks like when boiled down (2nd photo bottom left). Boiled sap cooled on the snow forms a maple syrup taffy which is a usual treat visitors to the sugarbush get to experience (2 images on the bottom right).
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Your hang glider crashed in the trees, but thankfully at least one of you has survived.
ha! not quite 😉
windmill blade?
nope, sorry.
a park bench?
yeah, it’s the backrest of a park bench!
Snow covered car with champagne glass on it?
yup! and it wasn’t even new years.
I consider this one of the proper ways to greet snow fall — with something in a champagne glass or a way of chilling the glass in preparation of celebrating the snow before removing the snow.
Close up of a plant that has spear-like fronds. I don’t know what plant, though.
yeah, here it is:
Very nice crop Sven.
I love the pleats & the fantastic green.
Part of a door.
barn door?
it’s actually a door in a wall which opens to a vegetable garden:
I’ve got pictures that look like that — where creek water comes over a rock ledge or fallen trunk and then freezes on roots or branches.
Yeah, that’s about it. We’ve got a coulee running through the property, which usually only runs in the spring.
Last night the temp dropped to about 15F, so the water level dropped, and somehow these lollipops formed as Happi and I discovered this morning on our usual rounds.
Actually, I’ve never seen lollipop shapes before, only the regular shaped icicles.
I have a theory about how the shape get formed — it happens when there’s a thin skim of ice on the creek at night. The dripping water pools and freezes above the surface ice. The surface ice melts or is washed away by flowing water in the morning but the shape on the icicles has already been formed.
That very well could be, as there still was a thin film of ice on much of the coulee under which the water flowed when I took the photos.
I think some variation of that theory could explain my favorite weird ice formation:
Are you mass producing Hershey Ice Kisses?
Beautiful shot.
It made a lovely sound in the wind too. Just an all-around wonderful combination of human artifice and natural phenomenon.
That’s a pretty bizarre collection of icicles. It almost looks like repeating dippings.
That is spectacular — what is the frame?
It’s the floating dock around the swimming area at the kids camp.
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Have you been spelunking again?
Damn, that looks cold.
Let’s see, stalagmites or stalactites, must be the latter.
That`s an unusual looking bong.
ha ha, not quite. But once you’ve swallowed a Mickey Mouse, or the joker… I could see where one would get that idea!
A large bird took deadly aim at your telescope which was trained on a nebula in a faraway galaxy?
So far you have the blue ribbon for creative guessing!
Looks like a splotch of toothpaste on the counter.
Thanks for the attempt, but it’s not toothpaste.
Say folks when is my answer due, Saturday night?
Is this something else that is decomposing?
Well, it wasn’t decomposing when I took the shot.
a bird skull in ice?
Nope, not a bird skull.
And hearing no further bids…
‘Tis an egg on a thin layer of olive oil in a cold cast iron frying pan,
only with an albino yoke. The first and only albino yoke I’ve ever seen or
heard of. Anyone else ever found one?
Wow, cool egg and great What is It shot!
Well so far NDD, you`ve had everyone well fooled.
Good play.
I hope occurrences like this are behind us for awhile.
Looks like a little cascade on a creek that has frozen over.
Actually, this one is about 8 feet off the ground.
I, too, think this looks like a slow motion wave. 8 feet up… would that put it in a gutter? But how did you get above it? And why?
I was under it and no, the photo hasn’t been rotated. I was there for no other reason than to take the shot, which I’ve had a lot of fun with;-)
is it an ice dam on a roof?
Not really a dam, but close. Clue’s in the filename.
A wier or mill-pond dam with the falls frozen?
The portion in the photo is in mid-air, but not that kind of falls.
Here’s the complete shot. A spring warm-up precipitated this mini-glacier slide off a garage roof up the street from us.
Very “cool” “fool em” shot.
Thanks, I usually get guessed right away.
Yeah, that was a tough one. I couldn’t even think of anything smart-assed of a comment for that one.
And now I know where the grooved effect comes from.
Well, your egg-in-a-skillet thing was pretty baffling too;-)
I was thinking fur of some kind, but then I noticed what looks like mesh. Something pierced by a paw?
Hmmmmm. Close-ish.
It’s the process that makes it interesting.
You have so many critters… and I don’t know what their feet look like. I just was checking “rabbit’s feet.” Well, that goes to all kinds of sites 😉
Something climbing a blanket?
Luna’s or Lily’s toes?