It’s good for the CBs to hurry a bit — gets their blood pumping so they’re ready for active learning (I made that up but I bet I could convince people it was a real study).
Miss Andi that sounds like a line my mom used back in the day when she was running late. LOL
Great Friday here and the weather has been great all week except one day when it rained all day. I guess I shouldn’t complain since I have cut the heat off completely and had the windows open most days.
Checked it out already and loved your tiger striped tree. LOL Shared the diary on FB with this intro:
Friday Foto Flogging This weeks theme What Is It? Photographers will be posting pictures in comments and people get to post their guesses. Check back often as there are some great photographers involved.
Morning Miss Andi!!! Love the photo. Daffodils and Dogwood blooms always remind me of spring.
I am kind of excited about going to my county Democratic convention today since I will see a lot of people I have not seen in over a year. Of course, this will be the first time they have seen me hobbling with a cane but I can deal with that since it is my reality. LOL
I haven’t seen daffodils yet but I have seen what I think are cherry trees in bloom as well as a few other types of trees. Of course we don’t get the type of winter the rest of you do. LOL
Had a great time yesterday except when I had to walk through a 8inch deep puddle to get to the convention center. I am glad I was wearing my Speedo water treaders. They are some of the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned and I found them got $14 at TJ Max. LOL
I was interested to see a report that some of Tony Abbott’s colleagues are concerned that he is portraying too much of an ‘action man’ image to be considered prime minister material…
Not surprising — just consider the bodies of a lot of the guys we see running shirtless (otoh, there are some guys I see running shirtless whose bodies I am happy to consider).
Finn and I slept in, and now we’ve missed everyone…and here I am, rested and coherent enough to comment. 🙂
Another gorgeous day here. I think a walk with the babe is in order, and I’m hoping we can get the BooMan to leave CSpan behind and come with us for a bit…if not, maybe we’ll get Grammy to go with us instead.
I can’t believe how much of a difference the sunshine has made in my mood this year. I don’t usually think I’m affected by the seasons that way, but this was a long winter. I’m loving the daffodils that popped out yesterday.
Looks like we may have rain headed our way later on. We’ve had the windows open the last couple of days, but today its a bit chillier. Maybe I’ll get a little time in on the flower beds before the wet arrives. Enjoy your walk!
Gorgeous Picture!!!! I have got to learn how to use the camera on my new phone so I can take pictures of some of the trees blooming before they all fade.
Hope you have a great Monday and the pack enjoys all the spring smells.
After a busy day at the client yesterday, I decided to sleep in a little this morning and just move at a relaxed pace today. I hope no one at work minds…I had to run down to the office in the pouring rain yesterday to pick up all the stuff for our meeting that no one took home with them Friday, which made yesterday morning a bit hairy. Plus CBtE had a dog bite thta got infected over the weekend…
Good morning!
Sunny, blue skies in Geneva – after 3 days of drizzle and gray skies. Forecast of 66 degrees.
Found a sub-let and moving in tomorrow, glad to leave the hotel.
Yes, I noticed that you settled for the Saturday. I’m definitely keeping that weekend in mind for one of my NY-trips, hopefully, work will not interfere. Office environment here is quite nice, 10 min. bus ride from Geneva centre.
I am so happy it’s Friday, with nice spring weather expected through Sunday!
On another note, I have a wide-awake baby making my morning interesting today. It’s too early!
Well I hope you’ve both dropped off for a nice nap before the other boys have to get up.
We’ve had nice weather all this week but it’s going away tomorrow. Chance of snow flurries of Saturday night! 🙁
We did, and now I’m getting up about 20 minutes late. Oops.
It’s good for the CBs to hurry a bit — gets their blood pumping so they’re ready for active learning (I made that up but I bet I could convince people it was a real study).
Miss Andi that sounds like a line my mom used back in the day when she was running late. LOL
Great Friday here and the weather has been great all week except one day when it rained all day. I guess I shouldn’t complain since I have cut the heat off completely and had the windows open most days.
If only it would get the blood flowing to their brains…sigh.
This week’s theme is the What Is It? game. Drop by Friday Foto Flogging to post your shot and take some guesses at other people’s.
Checked it out already and loved your tiger striped tree. LOL Shared the diary on FB with this intro:
Friday Foto Flogging This weeks theme What Is It? Photographers will be posting pictures in comments and people get to post their guesses. Check back often as there are some great photographers involved.
Morning RF.
Thanks for continuing to flog the flog (I’m ignoring the all the dirty subtext — too easy).
ROTFLMAO!!!! My pleasure as usual(will also ignore the subtext). It is scary how our minds work alike sometimes.
Good morning all. That moving head ad is disturbing.
Morning boran2!!! I agree about the ad but I guess it represents the empty bobbleheads we have in DC.
Then they need a lot more heads in that ad. 😉
Well almost but it’s close enough to 1:32 p.m. that I’m calling it.
The daffs are getting close enough to call too.
click for larger
Morning Miss Andi!!! Love the photo. Daffodils and Dogwood blooms always remind me of spring.
I am kind of excited about going to my county Democratic convention today since I will see a lot of people I have not seen in over a year. Of course, this will be the first time they have seen me hobbling with a cane but I can deal with that since it is my reality. LOL
I imagine you’ve got plenty of signs of spring going already. But we will catch up soon. 🙂
Have a great time! And I know you’ll take your most stylish cane and everybody will be wowed by how cool you are.
We’re getting up into the 70s this weekend! YAhoo!
We will only get in the 50’s and it is pouring rain and we are having a thunderstorm. It will make the walks from the bus stations fun.
I will be using this cane today. LOL
Wish the pictures were better but they were taken with my phone.
I’m hoping you can stay dry and have lots of fun catching up with old friends!
Thanks!!! The rain is letting up some. Hopefully, it will let up more at least till I am in the convention center. LOL
There are a few around town that are in full bloom now. What a welcome sight!
One patch of the daffodils opened up yesterday. Plus a few of the maples are fringed in red. Spring has arrived. Now all I need is green.
I haven’t seen daffodils yet but I have seen what I think are cherry trees in bloom as well as a few other types of trees. Of course we don’t get the type of winter the rest of you do. LOL
Had a great time yesterday except when I had to walk through a 8inch deep puddle to get to the convention center. I am glad I was wearing my Speedo water treaders. They are some of the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned and I found them got $14 at TJ Max. LOL
Still in Speedos at your age. That’s impressive. 😉
ROTFLMAO!!!! Trust me it is just the shoes. I would scare the hell out if anyone but a chubby chaser in speedo swimwear.
Yes. Most of us sensible and mature people have long since given up wearing budgie smugglers.
Yes but I will admit they look hot on someone with a body by god or gym. LOL
Makes me think of Annabel Crabb’s hilarious description of Tony Abbott:
[P]rancing about in the shallows wearing naught but a scrap of lycra, a lifesaver’s cap and a fascinatingly goatish pelt.
I was interested to see a report that some of Tony Abbott’s colleagues are concerned that he is portraying too much of an ‘action man’ image to be considered prime minister material…
Not surprising — just consider the bodies of a lot of the guys we see running shirtless (otoh, there are some guys I see running shirtless whose bodies I am happy to consider).
Living in a college town I see lots of guys running shirtless that I would….. never mind. LOL
It’s always the wrong guys who wear the least amount of clothing.
So true it’s not funny. 🙁
Yep. Especially at the beach…
Glad the day went well, RF. And those shoes are very stylish and sexy … just like you. 🙂
Thank you Miss Andi!!! Although, I might get you a gift certificate for an eye exam. LOL
Hey, as my post above proves, I’ve still got the eye. 😛
True and we do have so fun comparing notes on the Olympics. LOL
Yep, good times.
However, the dogs think good times is going for a walk.
See ya later.
Finn and I slept in, and now we’ve missed everyone…and here I am, rested and coherent enough to comment. 🙂
Another gorgeous day here. I think a walk with the babe is in order, and I’m hoping we can get the BooMan to leave CSpan behind and come with us for a bit…if not, maybe we’ll get Grammy to go with us instead.
I can’t believe how much of a difference the sunshine has made in my mood this year. I don’t usually think I’m affected by the seasons that way, but this was a long winter. I’m loving the daffodils that popped out yesterday.
It’s beautiful here! We’re off to do a little shopping. Have a nice walk!
Looks like we may have rain headed our way later on. We’ve had the windows open the last couple of days, but today its a bit chillier. Maybe I’ll get a little time in on the flower beds before the wet arrives. Enjoy your walk!
click for larger
Gorgeous Picture!!!! I have got to learn how to use the camera on my new phone so I can take pictures of some of the trees blooming before they all fade.
Hope you have a great Monday and the pack enjoys all the spring smells.
Get busy with that cell phone, RF! 🙂
Lovely and a most welcome sight!
Yep, the daffs are great to see but for me to feel that it’s really spring, I need to see a lot more buds on trees.
Very cool picture!
After a busy day at the client yesterday, I decided to sleep in a little this morning and just move at a relaxed pace today. I hope no one at work minds…I had to run down to the office in the pouring rain yesterday to pick up all the stuff for our meeting that no one took home with them Friday, which made yesterday morning a bit hairy. Plus CBtE had a dog bite thta got infected over the weekend…
Rainy Monday. We’re getting rain later, as if things here aren’t soggy enough. See ya later.
I don’t mind the rain but we lost the warm temps with it. Now we’re going to spend most of the week in the 50s (after having hit 70 last week). 🙁
Good morning!
Sunny, blue skies in Geneva – after 3 days of drizzle and gray skies. Forecast of 66 degrees.
Found a sub-let and moving in tomorrow, glad to leave the hotel.
Hi ask. Great news on finding a place to live.
Did you see that the meetup is scheduled for June 26th? I sure hope that will work out for you.
Yes, I noticed that you settled for the Saturday. I’m definitely keeping that weekend in mind for one of my NY-trips, hopefully, work will not interfere.
Office environment here is quite nice, 10 min. bus ride from Geneva centre.
Congrats on finding a place, and the new workplace looks nice.
I hope you’re able to make it back in June, we’re planning on coming up then with Finn (and maybe a CB).
Time for Finn to discover the joy of gooey goodies?
Finn’s breastfeeding. He already knows the joys of gooey goodies.
I sure hope it works out — we’re really looking forward to meeting you.
Glad you found a place to land. Enjoy!
And it’s still raining. Sigh.