What’s the stupidest statement you’ve seen since Obama was elected president?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
“Ha Ha. Fuck You, Harry Reid. Kicking Your Ass is Going To Be Fun”
– Jane
So many to choose from. But I have to go with the elderly lady who shouted at me, “You know why Medicare’s going broke? Because we perform eight million abortions every year in this country!”
That’s a good one! Even more hilarious why she doesn’t have any idea why that’s funny…
That one’s funny…reminds me of our 70+ year old volunteer at Planned Parenthood, who walks by the protesters saying, “yep, going in for my abortion today, that’s right….”
tnat’s funny….wish I had it on video…..
I doubt any of the protesters even get it. Nuance doesn’t seem to be one of their stronger suits…
DeMint’s Waterloo bit. The die was cast at that point. Unfortunately for the GOP, it came up short.
l can usually count on anything that comes out of bo
ehner’s mouth.“You Lie!”
It is really hard to top Virginia Foxx for stupid on any subject, although, in his unique way, Louie Gohmert has always been a contender.
197 days ago … but who’s counting?
Is there anyone more frighteningly entertaining than Orly Taits? There is a certain horrified fascination with her that one hardly wants to take one’s eyes off her. The woman has to be stark raving mad.
Can you imagine anything more frightening (and not entertaining) than Orly Taitz as your dentist?
Referring to “Obama’s failed presidency” before his first year in office was even done. McCain’s “we won’t work with you for the rest of the year” comes to mind. Or, how about Sarah Palin’s “we need a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor” to crowd of constitution worshiping teabaggers.
There were so many stupid things said since the inauguration its hard to choose.
It’s got to be “Keep Government out of my Medicare!”
That’s my personal favorite.
freeperville, election night 2008:
that takes the cake! (the cake is a lie)
folks actually muttering POST-RACIAL with these crazy racists on tv every damn day.
‘I’m the cow on the tracks,’ by Michael Steele. It was famously stupid the moment he said it.
“Carbon dioxide is a natural byproduct of nature.” -Michele Bachmann. Keep your Sarah Palin for your right-wing babe. I am all about Michele. A real Minnesota accent, not Palin’s bizarre imitation. So cute. So vapid.<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNk–ZXoGVY>