We’re off to the secondhand baby sale at the local nursery school. Mr. Finn has been outgrowing everything, and we need some summer clothes and goodies for him.
I’m leaving shortly for IU to recycle a big carload of computer components that have been gathering dust in the back of our garage for several years. Be careful about bringing home any secondhand babies. Oh, I know they’re cute, but as Mom used to say, “You just can’t tell where they’ve been”;-)
Oh, too funny…we’re just breaking our baby in right now, won’t be re-cycling him yet. The teenagers on the other hand… 🙂
The fall version of this morning’s sale was much better, I have to admit. I did pick up an exersaucer for $4, which was one of the main items on my list. And then we went out for breakfast for a treat. And now were back home, and it’s only 10:00 am.
I just got back from the hospital yesterday afternoon. I guess I’m doing fairly well at the moment. The doctor said the surgery on my leg went well. I thought everything was pretty good until they took the bandages of my leg and I kind of freaked. I thought there would be stitches just below and above my knee. Instead there are staples going from the inside of my left ankle to the bottom of my belly. I didn’t expect that at all. The staples stay in for another week and then they come out. I counted 85 staples so I’m not looking forward to that.
The doctor said for the next two or three months every time I get up on my feet my leg and foot will start swelling, so I’ll have to spend more time with my leg up above my heart than walking around. It sounds pretty slackerly, so I think I can do that. 😉
Hope everyone is doing will and next time I can get my computer started again, I’ll drop by.
So glad you were able to check in and let us know how things are going. I think I would have freaked at all those staples too. I hpe you’re being waited on hand and foot while you recover. 🙂
I hope the removal goes easier than you think it will.
I didn’t find much at the baby sale – it seems the fall sale is a little better picking. I di pick up an Exersaucer for $4, so that was cool. won’t be long till someone is ready to use it. 🙂
On a totally different note, why is it so hard to find cute boy baby clothes?
I was thinking of telling the doctor to give me all the staples to sell for scrap metal, but I’m not sure I could lift all that metal with a bad back. It’s hard enough just lifting the leg. 🙂
George is doing fine and not going so crazy at Lucy as before. Lucy on the other hand is still too full of energy and refuses to be house trained. Not that my brother or sil are going out of their way to get it done. Thankfully I have a carpet steam cleaner of which recently I taught my sil to use.
I’m not to sure of that Boran. To see the scar would be more in line with Forrest Gump showing the president his scar. But then again, I guess dropping your pants to show off a scar is as good as any conservation starter. 🙂
Yep. We’re smiling and giggling and hanging out together while mama researches what scientific meetings will accept encore poster presentations later this year.
I meant to ask is there still a weekly knitting diary? I have a friend on another kist who is a knitter and I wanted to try and get her to join the diary.
When you do Let me know. This lady knits and actually sells some of her items but I think it would be something she would enjoy and maybe be able to help with.
We’re off to the secondhand baby sale at the local nursery school. Mr. Finn has been outgrowing everything, and we need some summer clothes and goodies for him.
What’s everyone else up to today?
I’m leaving shortly for IU to recycle a big carload of computer components that have been gathering dust in the back of our garage for several years. Be careful about bringing home any secondhand babies. Oh, I know they’re cute, but as Mom used to say, “You just can’t tell where they’ve been”;-)
Mrs. ID’s favorite used baby outlet

Oh, too funny…we’re just breaking our baby in right now, won’t be re-cycling him yet. The teenagers on the other hand… 🙂
The fall version of this morning’s sale was much better, I have to admit. I did pick up an exersaucer for $4, which was one of the main items on my list. And then we went out for breakfast for a treat. And now were back home, and it’s only 10:00 am.
The exersaucer was invaluable. The b2 boy spent much time
imprisonedentertained in one.Good morning everyone,
I just got back from the hospital yesterday afternoon. I guess I’m doing fairly well at the moment. The doctor said the surgery on my leg went well. I thought everything was pretty good until they took the bandages of my leg and I kind of freaked. I thought there would be stitches just below and above my knee. Instead there are staples going from the inside of my left ankle to the bottom of my belly. I didn’t expect that at all. The staples stay in for another week and then they come out. I counted 85 staples so I’m not looking forward to that.
The doctor said for the next two or three months every time I get up on my feet my leg and foot will start swelling, so I’ll have to spend more time with my leg up above my heart than walking around. It sounds pretty slackerly, so I think I can do that. 😉
Hope everyone is doing will and next time I can get my computer started again, I’ll drop by.
Take care
Geez. Well, at least you’re healthy and in good spirits. And this won’t interfere with your slacking at all.
Yep spirits are up since I’m back home and who wouldn’t be happy when you have a reason for slacking.
So glad you were able to check in and let us know how things are going. I think I would have freaked at all those staples too. I hpe you’re being waited on hand and foot while you recover. 🙂
Hiya CG
Yep I did freak at all the staples. I wouldn’t say they’re waiting on me hand and foot, but more than usual.
Hope you found something for Finn at the second had baby sale.
Glad to see Mythmother back around and some of her beautiful pictures.
I hope the removal goes easier than you think it will.
I didn’t find much at the baby sale – it seems the fall sale is a little better picking. I di pick up an Exersaucer for $4, so that was cool. won’t be long till someone is ready to use it. 🙂
On a totally different note, why is it so hard to find cute boy baby clothes?
why is it so hard to find cute boy baby clothes?
Probably because there aren’t as many cute baby boys as Finn is. 😉
You definitely have a point there. 🙂
I figured I’d make a point with you on that one. 🙂
Competition. I was at a wedding yesterday and most of the young women had infants.
Hiya Jim,
It might be competition, but those young women don’t post pictures of their infants here. On this site Finn is a clear winner.
Hey FM, I was talkin’ ’bout competition for clothes not for cuteness. 🙂
Gosh, can you start a scrap metal business with all those staples? Hope you’re healed up soon!
Hi ID,
I was thinking of telling the doctor to give me all the staples to sell for scrap metal, but I’m not sure I could lift all that metal with a bad back. It’s hard enough just lifting the leg. 🙂
Maybe you could charm a sweet young nurse’s aide to give you a hand with them;-)
To bad nurses aides aren’t in the doctor’s office. 😉
Just be careful that no on tries to sell you for scrap metal. 🙂
Hi Andi,
I was just thinking wouldn’t I have a hell of a time if I had to fly somewhere and go through a metal detector. 🙂
Oh great, one more excuse to add to your arsenal of reasons you won’t come and visit anybody.
How are Lucy and George?
(won’t he be surprised when we all show up on his front porch one day?)
Well you all do know where I live and I’m sure George would be happy to see all his aunts. 🙂
Yep reason number 1 million or so. 😛
George is doing fine and not going so crazy at Lucy as before. Lucy on the other hand is still too full of energy and refuses to be house trained. Not that my brother or sil are going out of their way to get it done. Thankfully I have a carpet steam cleaner of which recently I taught my sil to use.
Yikes! But the scar will just give you that much more character. 😉
I’m not to sure of that Boran. To see the scar would be more in line with Forrest Gump showing the president his scar. But then again, I guess dropping your pants to show off a scar is as good as any conservation starter. 🙂
It would sure start a conversation with me. I’d say “hey, pull your pants back up, you perv.” 🙂
Hi SN,
Nope I wouldn’t be a perv. unless I pulled the underwear down to to show the rest of the scar. 😛
Hey! Good to see you, FM.
I wish you quick healing.
click for larger
Is the shearing all done? And will there be Thursday Oh You Poor Alpacas Blogging this week?
There indeed will be “pitious ‘pacas” blogged this Thursday.
Oh boy, I can’t wait.Oh those poor alpacas, I shall certainly be overwhelmed with sorrow at their scraggly state.It was shearing time? Pictures, please. 🙂
I’m feeling rushed too. Just want to stay here one more day and play with my guys.
Oh well, I’ll be back after lunch time.
So did I time my return to the cafe so that now I get you all happy and at home?
yep. 🙂
And now everybody is happy because if ain’t nobody happy if mama ain’t happy, then everybody must be happy when mama is happy.
Yep. We’re smiling and giggling and hanging out together while mama researches what scientific meetings will accept encore poster presentations later this year.
Love the photo Miss Andie!! I feel like I am in a rush even though I have no appointments this entire week. I guess I am just anxious.
Click for larger view
I meant to ask is there still a weekly knitting diary? I have a friend on another kist who is a knitter and I wanted to try and get her to join the diary.
I was actually thinking about bringing it back – I have some new finished projects and some other stuff that’s in-process that I wanted to share.
When you do Let me know. This lady knits and actually sells some of her items but I think it would be something she would enjoy and maybe be able to help with.
I was wondering about that too rf – I’ve got some knitting stuff to post if you do put up a diary CG.
OMG!!! Hi Olivia!!!! I have missed you!!! I hope everything is going well in your life.
Hiya rf — missed you too, and it’s been great to see you posting regularly again and to see all your photos! :*
Things are going not too badly, I can’t complain … 🙂
I prefer to feel like I’m not in a rush even when I should be so we can counterbalance each other. 🙂
Love the colors in your photo and the way your framed it.
Amazing photo Andi!
Thanks — that’s the advantage of being able to stand directly above my “waterfalls”.