
I am so relieved!!!

Putin to head investigation into Polish president’s death.



Fox to guard henhouse.



Bet on it.

Read on for more.

(*Warning…this is not a tinfoil hat/conspiracy buff post. Not on the small scale, anyway. Really. Check it out.)

Fox to guard henhouse.

Now…this is not necessarily an anti-Russian or even an anti-Putin remark. More like a nonarchist or antiarchist sentiment. (Notanarchist.” Antiarchist. Anarchists believe in the possibiy of no government. I believe that government is both unaviodable and unavoidably crooked, and that no governments should be trusted. Ever.) The same “fox to guard the henhouse” line could have been applied to any number of so-called blue ribbon panels assembled in the United States over the past 60 years or so, and I am sure that the same hustle goes on in every governmental system from the smallest villages to the largest countries of the world.

Just as it has always been.

History itself is a giant scam written by crooked governments, and the “news” presented by government approved media…always government approved, bet on it…is just a rough draft of the false history of the future.

What’s that you say? You take issue with the “always government approved” idea regarding media and so-called history? You say “Well…what about opposition media? What about good historians like Howard Zinn?”

My answer?

Always government approved.



The government…any government from a tribal council to that of a superstate…has the weaponry and it has the power. Should a media outlet or a historian dig too close to the bone of truth and begin to reach appreciable numbers of people the information will be stopped. The only choice regarding that stoppage is tactical.

Early on Hitler simply sent his people into newspaper offices to kill everybody.

That works.

In the US we are more…subtle. The ongoing hype…in the face of several hundred years of slavery, genocide, economic imperialism on a scale never before seen by mankind and an ongoing slide into media-enforced mind control which started the moment that moving pictures became popular….the ongoing hype is that we are a “free country”, that “all men are created equal”, that we take in the hungry, huddled masses yearning to be free, that we have freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

The truth of the matter?

Speak too plainly, too loudly and too effectively and you will be stopped. Drowned out by the massive hype…this is so much the cleaner method compared with Hitler’s approach…bought off, used and controlled (The Olbermann Syndrome. The Loyal Opposition Syndrome.) or if all else fails, disappeared in one way or another. (Relatively mildly, as in the case of Peter Arnett. Or not so mildly. Read up on Danny Casolaro for all you need to know about that idea.)

And thus the foxes continue to have the henhouses all to themselves.

Was the Polish thing a murder?

I dunno.

And I do not really care.

If it was…it was just (government) business as usual.

If it wasn’t? That’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Get up, dust yourself off and go on about the business of surviving inside of a set of systems that is generally hostile to human freedom of any kind.

But I will flat out guarantee that if it was…and the Russians have the technical capabilities to cause a crash of that sort, as do the US and other superpowers…if it was, appointing KGB honcho Vladimir Putin to head the investigation is a fine way to ensure that no one outside of whatever wetworks department ran the game will ever find out.

Bet on that as well.

Saaaaay…maybe they’ll find that missing bullet from the JFK murder while they’re at it.

