I am so relieved!!!
Fox to guard henhouse.
Bet on it.
Read on for more.
(*Warning…this is not a tinfoil hat/conspiracy buff post. Not on the small scale, anyway. Really. Check it out.)
Fox to guard henhouse.
Now…this is not necessarily an anti-Russian or even an anti-Putin remark. More like a nonarchist or antiarchist sentiment. (Not “anarchist.” Antiarchist. Anarchists believe in the possibiy of no government. I believe that government is both unaviodable and unavoidably crooked, and that no governments should be trusted. Ever.) The same “fox to guard the henhouse” line could have been applied to any number of so-called blue ribbon panels assembled in the United States over the past 60 years or so, and I am sure that the same hustle goes on in every governmental system from the smallest villages to the largest countries of the world.
Just as it has always been.
History itself is a giant scam written by crooked governments, and the “news” presented by government approved media…always government approved, bet on it…is just a rough draft of the false history of the future.
What’s that you say? You take issue with the “always government approved” idea regarding media and so-called history? You say “Well…what about opposition media? What about good historians like Howard Zinn?”
My answer?
Always government approved.
The government…any government from a tribal council to that of a superstate…has the weaponry and it has the power. Should a media outlet or a historian dig too close to the bone of truth and begin to reach appreciable numbers of people the information will be stopped. The only choice regarding that stoppage is tactical.
Early on Hitler simply sent his people into newspaper offices to kill everybody.
That works.
In the US we are more…subtle. The ongoing hype…in the face of several hundred years of slavery, genocide, economic imperialism on a scale never before seen by mankind and an ongoing slide into media-enforced mind control which started the moment that moving pictures became popular….the ongoing hype is that we are a “free country”, that “all men are created equal”, that we take in the hungry, huddled masses yearning to be free, that we have freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
The truth of the matter?
Speak too plainly, too loudly and too effectively and you will be stopped. Drowned out by the massive hype…this is so much the cleaner method compared with Hitler’s approach…bought off, used and controlled (The Olbermann Syndrome. The Loyal Opposition Syndrome.) or if all else fails, disappeared in one way or another. (Relatively mildly, as in the case of Peter Arnett. Or not so mildly. Read up on Danny Casolaro for all you need to know about that idea.)
And thus the foxes continue to have the henhouses all to themselves.
Was the Polish thing a murder?
I dunno.
And I do not really care.
If it was…it was just (government) business as usual.
If it wasn’t? That’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Get up, dust yourself off and go on about the business of surviving inside of a set of systems that is generally hostile to human freedom of any kind.
But I will flat out guarantee that if it was…and the Russians have the technical capabilities to cause a crash of that sort, as do the US and other superpowers…if it was, appointing KGB honcho Vladimir Putin to head the investigation is a fine way to ensure that no one outside of whatever wetworks department ran the game will ever find out.
Bet on that as well.
Saaaaay…maybe they’ll find that missing bullet from the JFK murder while they’re at it.
It’s the least that we can do.
In point of fact…it is all that we can do.
Bet on it.
worse than Kissinger for 9/11 commissioner. Even a clean investigation will not be believed by a large segment of world opinion.
These types of investigations are quite transparently not meant to be “believed by a large segment of world opinion,” BooMan. They are simply part of a massive dumbshow that is set up to distract people from the real deal.
They are the true WMDs.
Weapons Of Mass Distraction.
The real deal?
Nothing more.
The acquisition and subsequent maintaining of power.
All the rest is bullshit.
Bet on it.
I am.
(David Buchanan) – “The pilot told Mr Plyusnin (the Russian air controller at Smolensk) that he would make one approach to land before switching to an alternate destination if he did not succeed.” Another news source has eyewitnesses describing the crash. None of them mention the plane making multiple attempts to land. Another article reports “The air traffic controller at the Air Base said, the airplane attempted only one approach before radio contact was lost.”
Who would want to eliminate the Polish government? An article in Jewish Currents entitled “The Return of the Radical Right in Poland” reports “Something has gone very, very wrong in Poland. After elections last September, a group called `Law and Justice,’ led by a longtime Solidarity activist and right-wing politician named Jaroslaw Kaczynski, emerged as the largest party in parliament.
All it would have taken to cause the accident at Smolensk would have been the sabotage of the plane’s altimeter so that the pilot would have thought he was higher up than he was. Thousands of planes land in bad weather in Europe and the US and only a tiny number crash. The arch-criminal Franklin Delano Roosevelt (?) once said “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
Polish pilot Arkadiusz Protasiuk spoke Russian fluenty
[Some links added are mine – Oui]
≈ Cross-posted from my diary — Update on Crash Tupolev 154M at Smolensk ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Has nothing to do with this plane crash. Pilot was advised to divert due to heavy fog, it’s the captain’s call and responsibility. Runway length 2,500 mtr (8,200 ft) isn’t very long, came in too low trying to land not being aware of tall tree tops. Poor pilot judgement, safety record of the Tupolev TU-154M is poor and problems were pre-existent in recent past.
(Aviation Herald) – A Polish Air Force Tupolev TU-154M was on approach to Smolensk North Airport‘s (Air Base) unmarked runway (runway heading approximately 270 degrees) in developing dense fog, when the airplane impacted trees about 1500-2000 meters short of the runway and crashed onto the ground coming to rest about 700 meters short of the runway threshold.
The crew was advised by air traffic control in Belarus not to continue to Smolensk due to fog, but to divert to Minsk and later, after hand off to Russian ATC, Russian Air Traffic Controllers recommended to divert to Moscow, the crew however continued to Smolensk. [Notable passengers list]
Aviation Safety preliminary report
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I agree. My comment, as I stated quite clearly, was not about “Putin” nor was it about some kind of localized conspiracy.
As I wrote:
My point was rather about the ongoing insult to the intelligence of the population of the world (A largely deserved insult, on the evidence of that population’s ongoing passivity in the face of such shenanigans.) by appointing foxes like Putin, Kissinger et al to “investigate” that which, if those occurances were conspiracies, we goddamned well should know by now that the coverup would be on, on and then on some more.
Bet on it.
between Kaczynski and Putin
● square in Warsaw named after Chechen rebel leader Johar Dudayev
● supported Bush in missile shield push
● supplied arms to Georgia’s Saakashvili
Sabotaging the plane would have been easy but daring, even for Putin. Perhaps if the ILS equipment had a mallfunction … or pilot received erroneous data from ATC.
“Man, you got to be wicked to imagine how low Putin will stoop!”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The Polish delegation was killed by VIP-factor, through Google Translate (corrected):
In other words, the Russians are not going to embarrass the Polish government by revealing that their president killed half of the government.
So: Russian Response Earns Poles’ Respect
In other words, what pressure Kaczynski put on the pilot will never be revealed.
≈ Cross-posted from the European Tribune ≈
Bet on it.
Business as usual in Rat City.
Business as usual.
This sort of thing has happened before.
Black days in Poland
Military aircraft crash takes 20 lives
As I wrote last night in a comment on my WWL version of this post:
Like dat.
Like it is!!!
Here, there and damned near everywhere, today.
Just as it’s always been.
Just as it’s always been.
Bet on it.
A post on HuffingtonPost:
of the right wing in general…
…that overall, right wingers are forever at the lower end of the eternal evolutionary upward curve (Barring of the course the hustlers who use them, who are only at the bottom end of the moral upward curve of which Martin Luther King Jr. spoke [“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. “]) is well served by these crashes.
Bet on it.