…allows expulsion of West Bank Palestinians.
Source: HaMoked
While the law inside of Israel permits a system of Jim Crow that relegates Palestinian citizens of Israel a second class citizenship, in the Palestinian territories, the West Bank, law is administered by military courts. This seems to be a different kind of legal system that some have called Kafkaesque, others Orwellian where some people, the Israeli settlers, are considered more equal than others. Law for the settlers is Israeli law, while law for the Palestinians is military law, administered by an occupation army, in strict violation of international law. It might be considered ‘rogue’ law, which, by recent proclamation, now considers some West Bank Palestinians ‘infiltrators’ in their own country.
It’s a world turned upside down.
In a press release by the Israeli human rights organization HaMoked, it warned that Israel had passed a new military order that requires all residents of the West Bank obtain an Israeli issued permit. Mondoweiss carried the story:
On Tuesday, April 13 2010, the Order regarding Prevention of Infiltration (Amendment No. 2) and the Order regarding Security Provisions (Amendment No. 112) are to enter into effect. The orders, signed by the previous GOC Central Command, Gadi Shamni but not revealed, are worded so broadly such as theoretically allowing the military to empty the West Bank of almost all its Palestinian inhabitants.
Despite the severe ramifications of the orders, the authorities did not publicize their existence among the Palestinian population as required, which raises grave concerns that they intended to pass them secretly without public debate or judicial review.
The orders substantively change the definition of “infiltrator” and in effect apply it to anyone who is present in the West Bank without an Israeli permit. The orders do not define what Israel considers a valid permit. The vast majority of people now living in the West Bank have never been required to hold any sort of permit to be present therein.
Israeli journalist Amira Hass reported in Haaretz that the order would initially likely target Gazans living in the West Bank, as well as Gazan and foreign spouses of West Bank Palestinians.
Where will it go from there?
Hass made this further observation: “international activists and independent journalists living in the West Bank–to whom Israel is hardly likely to issue permits–would also be threatened, but the most disturbing fact remains that the wording of the order–as HaMoked warns–seems unambiguously to threaten the presence of all Palestinian inhabitants of the West Bank.” As can be read in the military order (above), it allows for violators to be imprisoned for up to seven years or deported.
The military order will therefore increase news censorship from the West Bank, but it will also intensify Israel’s recent clamp down on nonviolent protest.
Just where does it go from here?
They’re laying the groundwork for the complete annexation of Palestine or at least its complete subjegation and the total destruction of any prospect of a Palestinian state. The US goes along with Israel hand in glove. There is no charity in the US towards the Palestinians. Never forget, they are Arabs. The Israelis have no intention of living peacefully with their neighbors. Well after all, Israel was found on violence and ethnig cleansing. Let’s call a spade a spade and get over the tiptoeing around the obvious.
Mya Guarnieri
Huffington Post
Palestinians living in Palestine are illegal aliens?
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