My first reaction to reading that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs might replace David Axelrod as chief presidential strategist was that it was an insane idea. But then I began to examine why I felt that way. And I realized that between l’affaires Lewinsky and Plame (including the whole WMD/invasion issue) that it’s been eons since a press secretary was able to maintain their credibility. It’s become normal for the job to just chew up and destroy whomever holds the position. But, it isn’t really a necessary phenomenon. If the president doesn’t send his press secretary out to lie to the American people, then they can do the job without becoming a pariah like Ari Fleischer, Scott McClellan, Mike McCurry, or Joe Lockhart.
I think you have to go back to Marlin Fitzwater to find a press secretary who left the position with a shred of their dignity intact. But Robert Gibbs has nothing to be ashamed about. He may not be the smoothest operator, but he’s been pretty straight with the press and the people. And he could get a promotion without it seeming like some kind of cruel Bushian joke.
why don’t you apply for the job of press secretary?
I’m serious: you’re a huge supporter of the president; you’re very good at seeing lemonade where many others see lemons; you’re able to justify (to yourself at least) policies that seem unjustifiable; and you’re aggressive.
You’d have to live in DC, but IIRC you have family there, don’t you? I’m not saying this in a snarky way. You’d be a natural.
But I don’t have the natural looks of Ari Fleischer, let alone Dana Perino.
true, you don’t look like Lester Lightbulb (the resemblance is uncanny) or mrs. Skeletor, but if you shaved you might have some of that Ernest Borgnine charm.
Uh. Ari Fleischer wasn’t no prom king. Neither was Scott McClennlan.
But I actually think your job here might be more rewarding. You don’t wanna hafta answer questions from Washington Times reporters on your response to Sarah Palin facebook posts do you?
On April 8, HHS issued a request for comments in the Federal Register. The text is here (15 pages, PDF).
Essentially what they did was cite the changes to existing law brought about by the new law and ask how to write the regulations to deal with this.
No doubt the insurance companies are madly at work on comments. But the comments are public comments and responsible, on topic comments must be addressed in the final writing of the regulations.
The comment period is 30 days. So the deadline for public comments is May 8.
The only reason I’d disagree with this move is because I feel Gibbs has been such a great Press Secretary. While he’s certainly hit bumps here and there, he’s done a fantastic job both shaping the message of the administration as well as taking some great shots at the GOP, FOX, and the rest of the press.
I’d hate to lose him…unless they replaced him with Anita Dunn. Oh, that would be fun!
The White House counts on its press secretary to deliver the daily complement of lies. Gibbs is just too nice a guy to tolerate this kind of deception.
Obama has to go glasnost and begin to understand that deception is not essential to politics. Aren’t we so tired of it. If it is not good policy to speak the truth, don’t and just let us know.
Well and precisely said!
perhaps that is why the press corpse in the White House hate him.
Speaking of which, the insignificance of the White House Press Corpse cannot be overstated. Much like the male breast, it serves little or no function anymore.
So, is Axelrod exhausted? That would seem to be the only reason to move Gibbs over. He is doing a fantastic job as Press Secretary. Good sense of humour and an Obama-like temperament.
I assume Axelrod is preparing for the 2012 re-election bid, perhaps after a brief break…
not a fan of Goober Gibbs -they could do better.
The only reason I’d disagree with this move is because I feel Gibbs has been such a great Press Secretary. While he’s certainly hit bumps here and there, he’s done a fantastic job both shaping the message of the administration as well as taking some great shots at the GOP, FOX, and the rest of the press.
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