I can’t get that damn thing to play through, it keeps stuttering. But her first line “it’s sung to Yankee ‘Doody’ Dandy, cracked me up. She said “doody”. (Family Guy reference, sorry)
My favorite is definitely at the end when the guy’s like, “Yeah I was brainwashed my entire life.” He clearly didn’t mean it to come out the way it did, but it was hilarious.
jezeus…the willful ignorance of these people is astounding. the perfect embodiment of the meaning of troglodytes.
l respecially like the lady who wants to abolish social security, medicare, the epa, dept of education, etal…then goes on to say we should be spending money for education.
irony is well and truly dead…cognitive dissonance rules.
Did these people lie for the poll, especially on the question of their education since they are supposed to be more highly educated than the average? They appear to be no more than 8th graders in their knowledge of current events in reality.
Or maybe at least some of them have book-learning in a professional field but otherwise are free of factual information.
There were just as many of these morons when I was a kid. But nobody paid attention to them. The structure of mass communication is different today, and one formerly major party is hoping somehow to make a comeback with the help of these idiots.
In the 1920s the American Mercury was one of the greatest magazines in America. By 1945, however,
“William Bradford Huie–whose work had appeared in the magazine before–had gleaned the beginning of a new, post-World War II American conservative intellectual movement. He sensed correctly that Ryan had begun to guide The American Mercury toward that direction. He also opened the magazine’s pages to more mass-appeal writing, by the like of the Reverend Billy Graham and FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. With boldness if anything, Huie seemed en route to producing what one of his staffers would have an easier time producing a few years later–the young William F. Buckley, Jr., whose God and Man at Yale was a best seller, worked for Huie’s Mercury, invaluable experience for his 1955 creation of the longer-living, more deeply respected National Review. Buckley would succeed at what Huie was unable to realise: a periodical that brought together the nascent but already differing strands of this new conservative movement.
Huie found himself facing financial difficulties sustaining the Mercury as he pursued the new direction, and was forced to sell to a sometime financial contributor, Russell Maguire, owner of The Thompson Submachine Gun Company, in August 1952. George Lincoln Rockwell, later head of the American Nazi Party worked for Russell Maguire and with a young William F. Buckley, Jr. at The American Mercury during that period. It was at this point that the new owners of The American Mercury took that periodical on a journey into the nether world of national socialism. That sale spelled the end of The American Mercury as a respectable mainstream magazine, though it would survive, steadily declining, for nearly 30 more years.
Within a very short time, Maguire steered the magazine “toward the fever swamps of anti-Semitism”, as National Review publisher William A. Rusher would describe it. Various interest groups which began only with the Anti-Defamation League accused Maguire’s Mercury of ongoing and increasing Jew-baiting, particularly when it drew a number of purportedly anti-Jewish comments from the writings of Mencken himself back for reprint. The influences of both George Lincoln Rockwell and later the Rev. Gerald B. Winrod and General Edwin A. Walker, on the editorial policy of The Mercury resulted in anti-semitic, white supremacist, and pro-Fascist articles becoming commonplace in the magazine. Control of the American Mercury had passed from the respectable journalistic anti-establishment into the domain of extremist factions, and the editorial policy never attempted to regain credibility within mainstream intellectual circles.
Maguire did not remain long as the magazine’s owner/publisher, but what he started other owners continued for the rest of the magazine’s life. Maguire sold the Mercury to the Gerald B. Winrod-owned Defenders of the Christian Faith, Inc. located in Wichita, Kansas in 1961; Reverend Gerald B. Winrod, was known as “The Jayhawk Nazi” during World War II and was once tried and convicted for violations of the Sedition Act of 1917. The DCF sold it to the Legion for the Survival of Freedom of Jason Matthews in 1963, and the LSF cut a deal in June 1966 with the Washington Observer that telegraphed a merger with Western Destiny which was a Liberty Lobby publication owned by Willis Carto and Roger Pearson, the largest recipient of Pioneer Fund grants in history. Pearson was well known neo-Nazi and pro-Fascist who headed up the World Anti-Communist League during its most blatantly pro-Fascist periods. Pearson was a close associate of Wickliffe Draper, founder of The Pioneer Fund. By then The American Mercury was a quarterly with a circulation of barely 7,000, and its editorial content was composed almost entirely of attacks upon Jews, African Americans, and other minorities.
[edit] Legacy
A 1978 article praised Hitler as the “greatest Spenglerian”; another new ownership for the exhausted magazine was announced in fall 1979; the spring 1980 issue celebrated Mencken’s centennial, and lamented the passage of his era, “before the virus of social, racial, and sexual equality” grew in “fertile soil in the minds of most Americans”. The last issue concluded with a plea for contributions to build a computer index — with information about the 15,000 most dangerous political activists, actual or alleged, in the United States.
With respect to Russell Maguire — here is additional pertinent information:
Russell Maguire (aka John Russell Maguire or J. Russell Maguire) was born in 1897. He attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology and New York University. He began his business career as an order clerk.
Maguire served briefly in the Navy during World War I. After the war, he worked for Aetna Casualty and Surety Company but he left them in 1935 to form the Russell Maguire Company, an investment firm. This firm was dissolved in 1941 after an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission found two companies under Maguire’s control were guilty of illegal manipulation of stocks. Subsequently, in 1945, the SEC denied his application to register as head of a brokerage company because of the 1941 incident.
Maguire was President and Chairman of Maguire Industries, Inc. The company originated in 1916 as Auto Ordinance Corporation but in 1939 it was sold to Thompson Automatic Arms Corp. Maguire acquired this corporation in 1944 and it became part of Maguire Industries, Inc. During World War II, Maguire’s corporation produced the bulk of Thompson submachine guns. Large government contracts made Maguire a multi-millionaire. His personal fortune was estimated at about $100 million.
Maguire’s political views were not well known prior to 1952. He financially supported the distribution of John O. Beaty’s 1951 anti-semitic book, Iron Curtain Over America. The oldest Methodist Church periodical in North America (Zion’s Herald) described Beaty’s book as “the most extensive piece of racist propaganda in the history of the anti-semitic movement in America.”
Maguire was also a financial supporter of Merwin K. Hart’s organization, the National Economic Council. [Hart later founded and headed the first Birch Society chapter in New York City.]
In 1952 Maguire purchased the venerable American Mercury magazine (hereinafter AM) which was founded in 1924 by Alfred A. Knopf and edited by H.L. Mencken. Maguire published AM until 1961 when he sold it (more about that a bit later). A few months after he acquired AM, his top editors resigned. In a joint statement they observed:
“It has been our understanding that the magazine would strive to represent dynamic and sophisticated conservatism…and that was the direction in which we sought to guide it. But in view of {Maguire’s] lack of sympathy, we feel it impossible to continue.”
During this period, Maguire hired Allen A. Zoll. Zoll became an account executive for AM advertising, and he solicited subscriptions. Zoll’s previous claim to fame was his formation of American Patriots, Inc. – an organization that was listed on the U.S. Attorney General’s list of subversive (fascist) organizations.
Maguire made some dramatic staff changes and hired some well known New York conservative anti-communists. John A. Clements became editor. Columnists and regular contributors included: J.B. Matthews (formerly with the Dies Committee and Sen. Joe McCarthy and later a close friend and confidant of Birch Society founder Robert Welch), Ralph deToledano (author of “Seeds of Treason”) George Fielding Eliot (who became military editor) and columnists Howard Rushmore and Eugene Lyons.
In September 1955, the entire top staff of the Mercury (listed above) resigned en masse.
A January 1956 FBI memo (based upon input from J.B. Matthews and other persons acquainted with Maguire) discussed Maguire’s changes at AM and his “anti-Semitic focus”.
The memo continued: “Maguire attempted to get John A. Clements, editor, to emphasize in special articles the fact that there are ‘too many Jews’. Clements refused to permit anti-semitic material to creep into the magazine despite Maguire’s constant agitation on this subject. Following this, Clements and others connected with the magazine reportedly resigned in mass.”
Another FBI memo observed that: “Maguire is very close to being fanatical on the subject of Communist infiltration and how far they’ve gone.”
Frederick Woltman, the investigative reporter who was awarded the 1946 Pulitzer prize for his articles in the New York World Telegram and Sun on Communist infiltration of labor unions, was personally acquainted with the entire AM staff. He wrote:
“The editors resigned feeling that attempts were being made to introduce anti-Semitic material into the Mercury.”
Maguire’s step-daughter became Managing Editor of AM in December 1955 and that same month AM re-activated a 1953 column that was discontinued in 1954 captioned “Do You Know?” which consisted of short statements of alleged “facts”.
Later, the column morphed into “Do You Remember When?”and it contained numerous anti-semitic innuendos and references to the international “communistic, zionistic, banker conspiracy”.
AM frequently cited as reliable sources such prominent anti-semites as Father Charles Coughlin and Henry Ford Sr. – in particular, the series of articles published as “The International Jew” in Ford’s Dearborn Michigan newspaper.
On April 18, 1957 Maguire was named as head of the Constitution Party. Maguire was the keynote speaker at the Party’s 1957 convention in San Francisco. He discussed the evils of Jewish “international bankers” and their efforts to subvert America. Several of the original founders of this Party resigned because of what they described as the predominance of anti-semitic individuals within the Party such as Kenneth Goff, Eustace Mullins, William H. MacFarland Jr., Upton Close, Myron Fagan, and Allen Zoll.
In October 1957, Maguire personally contacted the then-Secretary of Defense, Neil McElroy, to report on what he considered “subversion” within our CIA and other agencies.
The Defense Department referred the matter to the FBI and the Bureau instructed its New York City office to interview Maguire. Here is the summary which the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s New York City office sent to J. Edgar Hoover:
“He said that the powerful subversive organization that has the U.S. Government under its influence is made up of Zionists. He said it’s the aim of the Zionists to take over the entire world, and their influence reaches into the higher echelons in the U.S. Government. According to Maguire, Zionists started World War I in order to set up the Communist Government of Russia. He added that Communism is just an offshoot of Zionism. He said that the Zionists planned and initiated World War II in order to set up the country of Israel and they are planning World War III in order to take over the entire world. Maguire stated that the headquarters of the Zionist movement is not in Russia nor in Israel but is located in New York City.” [FBI HQ file 62-105023, #883, 11/2/58, SAC NYC to J. Edgar Hoover, page 3]
In 1958 and 1959, as the Mercury’s articles became more virulently and explicitly anti-semitic, prominent conservatives lamented what had happened to the magazine and they dissociated themselves from Maguire’s handiwork.
Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire demanded that his name be removed from the masthead as a “contributor”. Fulton Lewis Jr, the conservative radio commentator, refused to give AM the right to reprint one of his broadcasts. Lewis stated that he turned down the request because of the “anti-semitic tendencies” of AM. William Buckley Jr., announced to his staff at National Review, that he would not publish any articles in NR which were written by an author whose article was also published in AM.
In response to critics, AM published an editorial entitled “Is There Free Speech?” in its June 1960 issue which observed:
“The American Mercury magazine is NOT anti-semitic. It is NOT anti-Jewish. It IS anti-Communist, anti-Internationalist, anti-Zionist, anti-Nazi, and anti-Socialist. It is pro-American! It fights to preserve our wonderful Constitution and our great Bill of Rights. The issue is now clear. The giant Zionist-controlled political press does not want littleAmerican Mercury to reach people with its dedicated, truthful statements.”
In January 1961, Russell Maguire announced the sale of AM:
“We are happy to tell you that the Defenders of the Christian Faith, Inc., Wichita Kansas, now owns the American Mercury magazine…”
The Defenders was organized in 1925 by the Rev. Gerald B. Winrod. In a January 23, 1961 letter to Tom Anderson, Birch Society founder Robert Welch commented:
“The people to whom Maguire sold the Mercury are, according to reports I have received which seem reliable, one of the worst racist and hate groups in the United States. I am told that they are even more viciously anti-Catholic than they are anti-Jewish.”
In 1963 AM was again sold to a group that included Gen. Edwin A. Walker and in 1966, Willis Carto’s Noontide Press acquired AM and he merged it with Western Destiny magazine, to become a quarterly journal devoting itself to circulating racist and neo-nazi propaganda.
Thanks for posting this, Ernie, it’s very interesting. My point was just to give an example of what can happen to a once great and respectable institution once it gets into the wrong hands. They move toward the fringe, they become the fringe, then they become the fringe of that fringe, then the fringe of that fringe, and so on and on … until, if we’re fortunate, they die. but they never totally die. Now they are coming out of the woodwork again.
I not only didn’t hear one that could have made it through college but 2nd grade would be a stretch. No way the poll taken accurately reflected these people. All comes down to, unfortunately, there’s a limit to genius but no limit on stupid. Some people should not be allowed to breed.
I don’t quite know what my feeling is about this: pity, sorrow, fear, or sadness. I know the only laughing I’m doing is that laughing I do when I don’t know what else to do when someone does something really embarrassing.
But Hitler’s followers weren’t exactly the brightest bulbs in Germany at the time, either. Fact is, dummies make good foot soldiers. They’re expendable and they don’t have the brains to much worry about it.
these people don’t believe in facts, they only believe what they believe. I’ve had personal experiences with these clods, and you can’t tell ’em anything.
it’s kind lof hilarious: they despise educated people, and think that everyone looks down on them. But then, at the first opportunity, they start acting as if they’re privy to some secret knowledge that only conservatives have. Elitist much?
It may be the biggest laugh of all. Snowdon, who is challenging Harry Reid for his Senate seat, just proposed a ‘barter’ medical care plan called ‘chickens for checkups’ and she is actually beating Reid in the Nevada polls, 47 to 37.
You know what? I’ve stopped laughing; I’m sick of these idiots! I wanna tell each and everyone of them–you’re a FREE American and you can choose how you live:
Don’t like the EPA? Fine, go haul drinking water from the creek behind your house.
Don’t like the FDA? Fine, grow your own food and make your own medicine.
Don’t like Public Education? Fine, home school your kids.
Don’t like Social Security? Fine, do not ever apply for benefits.
Don’t like the IRS? Fine, stop getting and spending money! That’s right, bozo, get your boss to pay you with chickens or bags of flour and barter with your network of like-minded anarchists for the goods you can’t provide for yourself. Or better yet, quit your job (someone else needs it) because you’re going to be devoting all your time to growing and hunting, canning surplus for the winter and grinding willow bark, chopping wood, making candles, tending chickens & pigs and taking care of your horses.
You wanna go back to the days of Our Founding Fathers Who Art in Conservatard Heaven? Do it! Nothing is stopping you! Ride your fucking horse on back trails and stay the fuck off of our paved highways! Keep your guns and ammo handy because you better not call our tax-payer-funded police! And get your church group to help rebuild your log cabin when you can’t call the fire department! Go Galt! Get off the friggin’ Grid! Sell everything you’ve got and get back to the mountain hollers of your ancestors. Get the fuck out of the 21st Century! You don’t want it and we don’t want you!
Noam Chomsky on the parallels between what is happening here and what went down in the Weimar Republic in the decade before Hitler took over. (Skip to about 5:11 to get to the meat of it. Or…listen to his take on Joe Stack as well. He sounds like he’s been talking to…me. [Here, here and here.])
‘Tain’t funny, McGee.
Not by a long shot.
The Weimar Republic has been replaced by the WhyMe Republic.
My favorite? The lady who believes Obama is going to ban fishing.
yeah, and she was so certain of it, too.
I can’t get that damn thing to play through, it keeps stuttering. But her first line “it’s sung to Yankee ‘Doody’ Dandy, cracked me up. She said “doody”. (Family Guy reference, sorry)
My favorite is definitely at the end when the guy’s like, “Yeah I was brainwashed my entire life.” He clearly didn’t mean it to come out the way it did, but it was hilarious.
jezeus…the willful ignorance of these people is astounding. the perfect embodiment of the meaning of troglodytes.
l respecially like the lady who wants to abolish social security, medicare, the epa, dept of education, etal…then goes on to say we should be spending money for education.
irony is well and truly dead…cognitive dissonance rules.
Did these people lie for the poll, especially on the question of their education since they are supposed to be more highly educated than the average? They appear to be no more than 8th graders in their knowledge of current events in reality.
Or maybe at least some of them have book-learning in a professional field but otherwise are free of factual information.
“Glenn Beck is very educational.”
I laughed until I cried at that one.
It kept cutting out about every two seconds, so I couldn’t follow it well.
Interesting that a guy with an accent says that illegals should be deported and never allowed back in. I guess he’s legal.
There were just as many of these morons when I was a kid. But nobody paid attention to them. The structure of mass communication is different today, and one formerly major party is hoping somehow to make a comeback with the help of these idiots.
In the 1920s the American Mercury was one of the greatest magazines in America. By 1945, however,
“William Bradford Huie–whose work had appeared in the magazine before–had gleaned the beginning of a new, post-World War II American conservative intellectual movement. He sensed correctly that Ryan had begun to guide The American Mercury toward that direction. He also opened the magazine’s pages to more mass-appeal writing, by the like of the Reverend Billy Graham and FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. With boldness if anything, Huie seemed en route to producing what one of his staffers would have an easier time producing a few years later–the young William F. Buckley, Jr., whose God and Man at Yale was a best seller, worked for Huie’s Mercury, invaluable experience for his 1955 creation of the longer-living, more deeply respected National Review. Buckley would succeed at what Huie was unable to realise: a periodical that brought together the nascent but already differing strands of this new conservative movement.
Huie found himself facing financial difficulties sustaining the Mercury as he pursued the new direction, and was forced to sell to a sometime financial contributor, Russell Maguire, owner of The Thompson Submachine Gun Company, in August 1952. George Lincoln Rockwell, later head of the American Nazi Party worked for Russell Maguire and with a young William F. Buckley, Jr. at The American Mercury during that period. It was at this point that the new owners of The American Mercury took that periodical on a journey into the nether world of national socialism. That sale spelled the end of The American Mercury as a respectable mainstream magazine, though it would survive, steadily declining, for nearly 30 more years.
Within a very short time, Maguire steered the magazine “toward the fever swamps of anti-Semitism”, as National Review publisher William A. Rusher would describe it. Various interest groups which began only with the Anti-Defamation League accused Maguire’s Mercury of ongoing and increasing Jew-baiting, particularly when it drew a number of purportedly anti-Jewish comments from the writings of Mencken himself back for reprint. The influences of both George Lincoln Rockwell and later the Rev. Gerald B. Winrod and General Edwin A. Walker, on the editorial policy of The Mercury resulted in anti-semitic, white supremacist, and pro-Fascist articles becoming commonplace in the magazine. Control of the American Mercury had passed from the respectable journalistic anti-establishment into the domain of extremist factions, and the editorial policy never attempted to regain credibility within mainstream intellectual circles.
Maguire did not remain long as the magazine’s owner/publisher, but what he started other owners continued for the rest of the magazine’s life. Maguire sold the Mercury to the Gerald B. Winrod-owned Defenders of the Christian Faith, Inc. located in Wichita, Kansas in 1961; Reverend Gerald B. Winrod, was known as “The Jayhawk Nazi” during World War II and was once tried and convicted for violations of the Sedition Act of 1917. The DCF sold it to the Legion for the Survival of Freedom of Jason Matthews in 1963, and the LSF cut a deal in June 1966 with the Washington Observer that telegraphed a merger with Western Destiny which was a Liberty Lobby publication owned by Willis Carto and Roger Pearson, the largest recipient of Pioneer Fund grants in history. Pearson was well known neo-Nazi and pro-Fascist who headed up the World Anti-Communist League during its most blatantly pro-Fascist periods. Pearson was a close associate of Wickliffe Draper, founder of The Pioneer Fund. By then The American Mercury was a quarterly with a circulation of barely 7,000, and its editorial content was composed almost entirely of attacks upon Jews, African Americans, and other minorities.
[edit] Legacy
A 1978 article praised Hitler as the “greatest Spenglerian”; another new ownership for the exhausted magazine was announced in fall 1979; the spring 1980 issue celebrated Mencken’s centennial, and lamented the passage of his era, “before the virus of social, racial, and sexual equality” grew in “fertile soil in the minds of most Americans”. The last issue concluded with a plea for contributions to build a computer index — with information about the 15,000 most dangerous political activists, actual or alleged, in the United States.
With respect to Russell Maguire — here is additional pertinent information:
Russell Maguire (aka John Russell Maguire or J. Russell Maguire) was born in 1897. He attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology and New York University. He began his business career as an order clerk.
Maguire served briefly in the Navy during World War I. After the war, he worked for Aetna Casualty and Surety Company but he left them in 1935 to form the Russell Maguire Company, an investment firm. This firm was dissolved in 1941 after an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission found two companies under Maguire’s control were guilty of illegal manipulation of stocks. Subsequently, in 1945, the SEC denied his application to register as head of a brokerage company because of the 1941 incident.
Maguire was President and Chairman of Maguire Industries, Inc. The company originated in 1916 as Auto Ordinance Corporation but in 1939 it was sold to Thompson Automatic Arms Corp. Maguire acquired this corporation in 1944 and it became part of Maguire Industries, Inc. During World War II, Maguire’s corporation produced the bulk of Thompson submachine guns. Large government contracts made Maguire a multi-millionaire. His personal fortune was estimated at about $100 million.
Maguire’s political views were not well known prior to 1952. He financially supported the distribution of John O. Beaty’s 1951 anti-semitic book, Iron Curtain Over America. The oldest Methodist Church periodical in North America (Zion’s Herald) described Beaty’s book as “the most extensive piece of racist propaganda in the history of the anti-semitic movement in America.”
Maguire was also a financial supporter of Merwin K. Hart’s organization, the National Economic Council. [Hart later founded and headed the first Birch Society chapter in New York City.]
In 1952 Maguire purchased the venerable American Mercury magazine (hereinafter AM) which was founded in 1924 by Alfred A. Knopf and edited by H.L. Mencken. Maguire published AM until 1961 when he sold it (more about that a bit later). A few months after he acquired AM, his top editors resigned. In a joint statement they observed:
“It has been our understanding that the magazine would strive to represent dynamic and sophisticated conservatism…and that was the direction in which we sought to guide it. But in view of {Maguire’s] lack of sympathy, we feel it impossible to continue.”
During this period, Maguire hired Allen A. Zoll. Zoll became an account executive for AM advertising, and he solicited subscriptions. Zoll’s previous claim to fame was his formation of American Patriots, Inc. – an organization that was listed on the U.S. Attorney General’s list of subversive (fascist) organizations.
Maguire made some dramatic staff changes and hired some well known New York conservative anti-communists. John A. Clements became editor. Columnists and regular contributors included: J.B. Matthews (formerly with the Dies Committee and Sen. Joe McCarthy and later a close friend and confidant of Birch Society founder Robert Welch), Ralph deToledano (author of “Seeds of Treason”) George Fielding Eliot (who became military editor) and columnists Howard Rushmore and Eugene Lyons.
In September 1955, the entire top staff of the Mercury (listed above) resigned en masse.
A January 1956 FBI memo (based upon input from J.B. Matthews and other persons acquainted with Maguire) discussed Maguire’s changes at AM and his “anti-Semitic focus”.
The memo continued: “Maguire attempted to get John A. Clements, editor, to emphasize in special articles the fact that there are ‘too many Jews’. Clements refused to permit anti-semitic material to creep into the magazine despite Maguire’s constant agitation on this subject. Following this, Clements and others connected with the magazine reportedly resigned in mass.”
Another FBI memo observed that: “Maguire is very close to being fanatical on the subject of Communist infiltration and how far they’ve gone.”
Frederick Woltman, the investigative reporter who was awarded the 1946 Pulitzer prize for his articles in the New York World Telegram and Sun on Communist infiltration of labor unions, was personally acquainted with the entire AM staff. He wrote:
“The editors resigned feeling that attempts were being made to introduce anti-Semitic material into the Mercury.”
Maguire’s step-daughter became Managing Editor of AM in December 1955 and that same month AM re-activated a 1953 column that was discontinued in 1954 captioned “Do You Know?” which consisted of short statements of alleged “facts”.
Later, the column morphed into “Do You Remember When?”and it contained numerous anti-semitic innuendos and references to the international “communistic, zionistic, banker conspiracy”.
AM frequently cited as reliable sources such prominent anti-semites as Father Charles Coughlin and Henry Ford Sr. – in particular, the series of articles published as “The International Jew” in Ford’s Dearborn Michigan newspaper.
On April 18, 1957 Maguire was named as head of the Constitution Party. Maguire was the keynote speaker at the Party’s 1957 convention in San Francisco. He discussed the evils of Jewish “international bankers” and their efforts to subvert America. Several of the original founders of this Party resigned because of what they described as the predominance of anti-semitic individuals within the Party such as Kenneth Goff, Eustace Mullins, William H. MacFarland Jr., Upton Close, Myron Fagan, and Allen Zoll.
In October 1957, Maguire personally contacted the then-Secretary of Defense, Neil McElroy, to report on what he considered “subversion” within our CIA and other agencies.
The Defense Department referred the matter to the FBI and the Bureau instructed its New York City office to interview Maguire. Here is the summary which the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s New York City office sent to J. Edgar Hoover:
“He said that the powerful subversive organization that has the U.S. Government under its influence is made up of Zionists. He said it’s the aim of the Zionists to take over the entire world, and their influence reaches into the higher echelons in the U.S. Government. According to Maguire, Zionists started World War I in order to set up the Communist Government of Russia. He added that Communism is just an offshoot of Zionism. He said that the Zionists planned and initiated World War II in order to set up the country of Israel and they are planning World War III in order to take over the entire world. Maguire stated that the headquarters of the Zionist movement is not in Russia nor in Israel but is located in New York City.” [FBI HQ file 62-105023, #883, 11/2/58, SAC NYC to J. Edgar Hoover, page 3]
In 1958 and 1959, as the Mercury’s articles became more virulently and explicitly anti-semitic, prominent conservatives lamented what had happened to the magazine and they dissociated themselves from Maguire’s handiwork.
Senator Styles Bridges of New Hampshire demanded that his name be removed from the masthead as a “contributor”. Fulton Lewis Jr, the conservative radio commentator, refused to give AM the right to reprint one of his broadcasts. Lewis stated that he turned down the request because of the “anti-semitic tendencies” of AM. William Buckley Jr., announced to his staff at National Review, that he would not publish any articles in NR which were written by an author whose article was also published in AM.
In response to critics, AM published an editorial entitled “Is There Free Speech?” in its June 1960 issue which observed:
“The American Mercury magazine is NOT anti-semitic. It is NOT anti-Jewish. It IS anti-Communist, anti-Internationalist, anti-Zionist, anti-Nazi, and anti-Socialist. It is pro-American! It fights to preserve our wonderful Constitution and our great Bill of Rights. The issue is now clear. The giant Zionist-controlled political press does not want littleAmerican Mercury to reach people with its dedicated, truthful statements.”
In January 1961, Russell Maguire announced the sale of AM:
“We are happy to tell you that the Defenders of the Christian Faith, Inc., Wichita Kansas, now owns the American Mercury magazine…”
The Defenders was organized in 1925 by the Rev. Gerald B. Winrod. In a January 23, 1961 letter to Tom Anderson, Birch Society founder Robert Welch commented:
“The people to whom Maguire sold the Mercury are, according to reports I have received which seem reliable, one of the worst racist and hate groups in the United States. I am told that they are even more viciously anti-Catholic than they are anti-Jewish.”
In 1963 AM was again sold to a group that included Gen. Edwin A. Walker and in 1966, Willis Carto’s Noontide Press acquired AM and he merged it with Western Destiny magazine, to become a quarterly journal devoting itself to circulating racist and neo-nazi propaganda.
Thanks for posting this, Ernie, it’s very interesting. My point was just to give an example of what can happen to a once great and respectable institution once it gets into the wrong hands. They move toward the fringe, they become the fringe, then they become the fringe of that fringe, then the fringe of that fringe, and so on and on … until, if we’re fortunate, they die. but they never totally die. Now they are coming out of the woodwork again.
I not only didn’t hear one that could have made it through college but 2nd grade would be a stretch. No way the poll taken accurately reflected these people. All comes down to, unfortunately, there’s a limit to genius but no limit on stupid. Some people should not be allowed to breed.
I don’t quite know what my feeling is about this: pity, sorrow, fear, or sadness. I know the only laughing I’m doing is that laughing I do when I don’t know what else to do when someone does something really embarrassing.
Sorry, this is just sad.
As a stick.
But Hitler’s followers weren’t exactly the brightest bulbs in Germany at the time, either. Fact is, dummies make good foot soldiers. They’re expendable and they don’t have the brains to much worry about it.
It’s going to get worse before it gets better.
If it “gets better” at all.
yup. as arthur says, “bet on it.”
these people don’t believe in facts, they only believe what they believe. I’ve had personal experiences with these clods, and you can’t tell ’em anything.
it’s kind lof hilarious: they despise educated people, and think that everyone looks down on them. But then, at the first opportunity, they start acting as if they’re privy to some secret knowledge that only conservatives have. Elitist much?
an elite of stupid.
Thanks for the laugh. Here’s another one.
It may be the biggest laugh of all. Snowdon, who is challenging Harry Reid for his Senate seat, just proposed a ‘barter’ medical care plan called ‘chickens for checkups’ and she is actually beating Reid in the Nevada polls, 47 to 37.
Sorry. Make that Sue Lowden.
Looks as if Huffington Post today is loaded with funny material.
The Funniest Protest Signs Of 2010 (PHOTOS)
“Break Their Windows, Break Them Now”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Major Rant/
You know what? I’ve stopped laughing; I’m sick of these idiots! I wanna tell each and everyone of them–you’re a FREE American and you can choose how you live:
Don’t like the EPA? Fine, go haul drinking water from the creek behind your house.
Don’t like the FDA? Fine, grow your own food and make your own medicine.
Don’t like Public Education? Fine, home school your kids.
Don’t like Social Security? Fine, do not ever apply for benefits.
Don’t like the IRS? Fine, stop getting and spending money! That’s right, bozo, get your boss to pay you with chickens or bags of flour and barter with your network of like-minded anarchists for the goods you can’t provide for yourself. Or better yet, quit your job (someone else needs it) because you’re going to be devoting all your time to growing and hunting, canning surplus for the winter and grinding willow bark, chopping wood, making candles, tending chickens & pigs and taking care of your horses.
You wanna go back to the days of Our Founding Fathers Who Art in Conservatard Heaven? Do it! Nothing is stopping you! Ride your fucking horse on back trails and stay the fuck off of our paved highways! Keep your guns and ammo handy because you better not call our tax-payer-funded police! And get your church group to help rebuild your log cabin when you can’t call the fire department! Go Galt! Get off the friggin’ Grid! Sell everything you’ve got and get back to the mountain hollers of your ancestors. Get the fuck out of the 21st Century! You don’t want it and we don’t want you!
/end rant
A damn fine rant!
Noam Chomsky on the parallels between what is happening here and what went down in the Weimar Republic in the decade before Hitler took over. (Skip to about 5:11 to get to the meat of it. Or…listen to his take on Joe Stack as well. He sounds like he’s been talking to…me. [Here, here and here.])
‘Tain’t funny, McGee.
Not by a long shot.
The Weimar Republic has been replaced by the WhyMe Republic.
Why bother?
Like dat.
Hitler was supported by powerful interests, too.
Bet on it.