So said Prof. John J. Mearsheimer in a recent address at the Palestine Center: Apartheid is inevitable. While the Israeli right wing government under Netanyahu’s Likud party shows the intent to keep confiscating more and more of what remains of original Palestine, the 40% that is left, visionaries like Mearsheimer (also read articles on the topic by Jeff Halper, ICAHD) can only see disaster for Israel in the making. The Two-State Solution, for all practical purposes, is dead, Palestine is wiped off the map (to paraphrase Ahmadinejad), and a new chapter of Middle East history is opening: Apartheid.

Prof. John J. Mearsheimer addresses the current status of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
A few days ago, Professor John J. Mearsheimer delivered the Hisham B. Sharabi Memorial Lecture, seen above, at the Palestine Center. It appeared to constitute the most extensive and up-to-date summary of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict made by  Mearsheimer, co-author of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. Mearsheimer discusses the inevitability of full-fledged Apartheid in Israel-Palestine.

A brief excerpt from the speech sums up the current situation:

“Regrettably, the two-state solution is now a fantasy. Instead, those territories will be incorporated into a Greater Israel,which will be an apartheid state bearing a marked resemblance to white-ruled South Africa. Nevertheless, a Jewish apartheid state is not politically viable over the long term. In the end, it will become a democratic bi-national state, whose politics will be dominated by its Palestinian citizens. In other words, it will cease being a Jewish state, which will mean the end of the Zionist dream.”

The full text of Mearsheimer’s talk is available on Sabbah’s Blog.