You’re too early on starting a new cafe too — I put up a link to the FFF in the old cafe just as you were doing this. Off to go copy my comment and re-post …
My affluent republican uncle is in from NJ to attend his granddaughter’s graduation at IU. Must remember to stay away from political discussion at breakfast tomorrow.
You should take him to the Nashville House so he’ll be too busy stuffing his face with fried biscuits to rant about this country’s plunge into socialism.
Got safely through breakfast by sticking to the kids, grandkids, etc. graduations & future plans. I successfully resisted the urge to cry, “Plastics”.
Mr. McGuire: I want to say one word to you. Just one word.
Benjamin: Yes, sir.
Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?
Benjamin: Yes, I am.
Mr. McGuire: Plastics.
Benjamin: Just how do you mean that, sir?
Hi Family Man! Yeah, there’s not much point arguing with an 80 year old. He’s not going to change now. Fortunately, my brother and I seem to have turned the family attitude sharply to the left and our kids are all following along;-)
Lots of wing-nuttery around here too, with only the occasional island of sanity. Its gotten so I can’t stand to read any comments to news items coming out of Indianapolis anymore. Thank FSM there’s a big state university near us that generates at least some leftiness.
I’ve been trying for the last two days to start this damned computer. Every now and then it acts like it’s going to start, gets to a certain point and then cuts off again. I’m beginning to think it’s on its last legs.
I hope everyone’s Saturday and Mother’s day is and will go well.
I was using an unfamiliar laptop the other night and it was doing the same thing. I finally plugged in the AC power and found the battery was almost out of juice at 5% charge. It worked fine after that. Sadly, its usually not that simple, is it?
A 331 foot tall Swamp Gum tree was recently discovered in Tasmania. Which makes it the tallest tree in Australia, the tallest hardwood tree and the tallest flowering plant in the world.
Redwoods grow bigger, but they are classed as a softwood and they don’t produce flowers.
This one, which I took a photo of a few years ago, is a mere 285 feet tall.
And they probably would, if they flocked (I’ve never seen more than a family trio), and if they had binoculars in order to spot their prey way, way down below.
I, otoh, will simply photograph the lovely red tassels that will soon blossom in profusion on the seven-foot swamp gum we recently planted just down the slope from our house.
If you have a penchant for heights, we’ll take you on the Air Walk when you are here. It’s nearish to the really tall tree, with plenty of other forest giants readily seen from the trails around the Air Walk.
I would enjoy that, Mrs. ID – not so much. BTW, I highly recommend the hot air balloon for nearby treetop viewing, having experienced the hardwood forests here from that perspective.
Yes, its really lovely, but sometimes quite chilly when the burner is off. I think I have photos stashed somewhere of the non-digital variety, a scanning project I’m hoping to get into next year.
Oh, and one caveat we discovered while treetopping here in farm country, it scares the living crap out of farm animals, thereby really pissing off the farmers, which turns out to be a distinct disadvantage if one is so low on fuel that one is forced to land in the aforementioned farmer’s pasture way back in BFE. They’re much heavier than they look when not buoyed up with hot air and difficult to pack out to the chase vehicle over great, cow patty infested distances:(
The power went out (high winds) around 2 am and isn’t back on yet. The teenaged boys are acting like, well, teenaged boys. And we’re hanging out at B&N and using their internet when I really just want to hang out at home.
And BooMan won’t even buy me a replacement travel mug for my morning coffee. No matter how much I beg. :::sniff:::
I think I’m going across the street to play with iPads at the mac store when it opens.
A cautionary tale about naming your son John Wayne.
John Wayne Bobbit
John Wayne Gacy
In Thailand, when women find out that their husband has been keeping a second wife on the side, they occasionally give him the Bobbit, known there as a “Bangkok Haircut”.
No they don’t, and just incidentally, we’re still on a Thai food kick here at Casa de Sook. Tonight we’re having vegetables in a coconut milk, chili, tamarand, roasted coconut, palm sugar, and peanuts sauce. With noodles.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you Moms! Here’s hoping you get lots of pampering, cause you certainly deserve it! I’ll be serving lasagna for Mrs. ID’s Mother’s Day repast.
Glad you’re having a nice day and that you got Mrs. ID’s project finished.
I saw above where you noticed the ROBO-RATER isn’t working. I’m hoping it isn’t gone for good. I’m way to slackerly to go back to hitting every comment in the cafe again. 😉
She loves to run through the creeks making as big as splash as possible and then throw herself down in the water. She reminds me of little kids jumping in rain puddles.
Yay! It’s Friday! And I’m taking the afternoon off ad starting my weekend early. 🙂
You’re too early on starting a new cafe too — I put up a link to the FFF in the old cafe just as you were doing this. Off to go copy my comment and re-post …
Happy weekend, early bird.
What, too early? For AndiF? Surely you jest. 🙂
What are you up to this weekend? I’m planning to recover from my long week by playing with a certain baby and getting my hair cut.
We’re going to Cincy to see Jim’s Mom on Saturday and on Sunday, we’ll have Mother’s day with my family.
What is Finn giving you for moather’s day?
My affluent republican uncle is in from NJ to attend his granddaughter’s graduation at IU. Must remember to stay away from political discussion at breakfast tomorrow.
You should take him to the Nashville House so he’ll be too busy stuffing his face with fried biscuits to rant about this country’s plunge into socialism.
Got safely through breakfast by sticking to the kids, grandkids, etc. graduations & future plans. I successfully resisted the urge to cry, “Plastics”.
Hiya ID,
I stopped long ago arguing with my relatives about politics. It seemed only FMom and I had our view and all the rest had the opposite view.
Hi Family Man! Yeah, there’s not much point arguing with an 80 year old. He’s not going to change now. Fortunately, my brother and I seem to have turned the family attitude sharply to the left and our kids are all following along;-)
I’m always shocked at what a solid block of red the south is. Just browsing through Facebook is like a journey into robot-land.
Lots of wing-nuttery around here too, with only the occasional island of sanity. Its gotten so I can’t stand to read any comments to news items coming out of Indianapolis anymore. Thank FSM there’s a big state university near us that generates at least some leftiness.
This week’s theme is A Day in Your Life. Click here for the diary.
I’ve got just the thing to post!
You certainly did. Just perfect.
Good morning everyone,
I’ve been trying for the last two days to start this damned computer. Every now and then it acts like it’s going to start, gets to a certain point and then cuts off again. I’m beginning to think it’s on its last legs.
I hope everyone’s Saturday and Mother’s day is and will go well.
Take care
I was using an unfamiliar laptop the other night and it was doing the same thing. I finally plugged in the AC power and found the battery was almost out of juice at 5% charge. It worked fine after that. Sadly, its usually not that simple, is it?
Dang! Omir’s Robo-Rater doesn’t seem to be functioning for me this morning.
It hasn’t been working for a couple of days — it looks like his site has gone away. 🙁
I sure hope it’s temporary.
A 331 foot tall Swamp Gum tree was recently discovered in Tasmania. Which makes it the tallest tree in Australia, the tallest hardwood tree and the tallest flowering plant in the world.
Redwoods grow bigger, but they are classed as a softwood and they don’t produce flowers.
This one, which I took a photo of a few years ago, is a mere 285 feet tall.
Wow, a whole flock of kookaburras could sit in that old gum tree.
And they probably would, if they flocked (I’ve never seen more than a family trio), and if they had binoculars in order to spot their prey way, way down below.
Amazing and wonderful. Somebody needs to get up in the canopy and get pictures of it when it flowers.
Yep, somebody should.
I, otoh, will simply photograph the lovely red tassels that will soon blossom in profusion on the seven-foot swamp gum we recently planted just down the slope from our house.
If you have a penchant for heights, we’ll take you on the Air Walk when you are here. It’s nearish to the really tall tree, with plenty of other forest giants readily seen from the trails around the Air Walk.
BTW, the one in the photo was taller, but it lost its top to a lightning strike.
I think this is the base of the same tree in the above photo. That fern tree is probably about 15 feet tall. Welcome to what is left of Gondwanaland.
I would enjoy that, Mrs. ID – not so much. BTW, I highly recommend the hot air balloon for nearby treetop viewing, having experienced the hardwood forests here from that perspective.
The trees look like broccolli from that vantage point, don’t they? I loved treetopping when we went ballooning 🙂
Yes, its really lovely, but sometimes quite chilly when the burner is off. I think I have photos stashed somewhere of the non-digital variety, a scanning project I’m hoping to get into next year.
Oh, and one caveat we discovered while treetopping here in farm country, it scares the living crap out of farm animals, thereby really pissing off the farmers, which turns out to be a distinct disadvantage if one is so low on fuel that one is forced to land in the aforementioned farmer’s pasture way back in BFE. They’re much heavier than they look when not buoyed up with hot air and difficult to pack out to the chase vehicle over great, cow patty infested distances:(
That Air Walk looks interesting. Definitely need some photos from there…
Happy Mom’s Day. I hope you’re being thoroughly pampered.
Um, not.
The power went out (high winds) around 2 am and isn’t back on yet. The teenaged boys are acting like, well, teenaged boys. And we’re hanging out at B&N and using their internet when I really just want to hang out at home.
And BooMan won’t even buy me a replacement travel mug for my morning coffee. No matter how much I beg. :::sniff:::
I think I’m going across the street to play with iPads at the mac store when it opens.
What a Grinch. Not even a replacement coffee mug? After you birthed his child?
Colin got an iPad. Wow is it cool.
And Happy Mom’s Day to you. But CG has cured from asking about it. Hope Colin is good about sharing.
Thanks, Andi. And some mothers don’t have kids. So in honor of your mother henning, happy day to you, too.
Hey thanks — always nice to have my pestering skills appreciated.
We’re off to get some guilt-inducing mother henning from the Queen Mother Hen. See ya.
A belated happy mother henning day to you too. Sorry that I cured you from asking about Mother’s Day. :/
Happy mother’s day to you too!
I did go play with the iPads, and it is really cool. That labrynth game in HD is really fun.
Maybe someday I’ll be able to afford one. Probably when the second or third generation comes out…
Well that stinks. And so does Booman — I suggest getting a copy of Lysistrata while you’re at B&N and reading it aloud.
Why read it when you can you live it? 🙂
I was hoping that just the hint would be enough to get you the new travel mug but wotthehell might as well really make the point. 🙂
At least you’re not reading The Wit and Wisdom of Lorena Bobbitt.
A cautionary tale about naming your son John Wayne.
John Wayne Bobbit
John Wayne Gacy
In Thailand, when women find out that their husband has been keeping a second wife on the side, they occasionally give him the Bobbit, known there as a “Bangkok Haircut”.
seems a bit extreme in the case of the coffee mug. 🙂
Those Thai women don’t take a whole of crap, do they?
No they don’t, and just incidentally, we’re still on a Thai food kick here at Casa de Sook. Tonight we’re having vegetables in a coconut milk, chili, tamarand, roasted coconut, palm sugar, and peanuts sauce. With noodles.
Oh the Air Walk looks so cool — we’re ready to go!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you Moms! Here’s hoping you get lots of pampering, cause you certainly deserve it! I’ll be serving lasagna for Mrs. ID’s Mother’s Day repast.
It looks to be a picture perfect day down here. The temperature is just right and only a few clouds in the sky.
Hope all you Moms have a wonderful day.
Hi Family Man! I’m having a nice day and not even a mom;-)
Got Mrs. ID’s client project finished and ready to go this morning, so I’m pretty happy about that.
Hiya ID,
Glad you’re having a nice day and that you got Mrs. ID’s project finished.
I saw above where you noticed the ROBO-RATER isn’t working. I’m hoping it isn’t gone for good. I’m way to slackerly to go back to hitting every comment in the cafe again. 😉
And more importantly, I hope Omir is doing ok.
He’s been over at dkos recently. I’m sure that he’s okay.
That’s good.
Glad to hear that. The Great Orange is a place I very seldom venture into, so thanks for the news.
Posting over there has been particularly frustrating lately, even for comments.
click for larger
So that’s what this sinking feeling is all about! 🙂
I’m just shocked at how quickly Monday has arrived this week. How could that happen?
I wish all my sinking feelings were like that picture.
I guess I’d rather it did happen than not happen at all.
True enough. I’m thinking last fall’s plan with Friday’s off is worth revisiting.
The Green. The Green. (Even Bebo is tinged with green.) My eyes! So, is she fishing or bathing?
She loves to run through the creeks making as big as splash as possible and then throw herself down in the water. She reminds me of little kids jumping in rain puddles.
Good for her. Someone needs to remind us old fogies what childish joy looks like.