I just had lunch with and interviewed Manan Trivedi, who is a candidate for Congress from the 6th district of Pennsylvania. I bought a new recorder to bring me into the digital age, and it worked great. However, it saves in WMA, and my MacBook won’t read it. I have a PC around here somewhere, so I can do a conversion there and get my files that way, but I am trying to limit the pain-in-the-ass factor here. Plus, I don’t want to have to do that everytime I use my new recorder. The advice I got by browsing Google told me I had to upgrade to QuickTime Pro, but that costs money. So, what’s the deal? Have they gamed this so I have to buy something to listen to my files, or is there a free way to get this done?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
VLC will play pretty much any audio or video file.
Get it here.
beautiful. that worked like a charm. Now I need a new thread. Thanks!!
rats, quicker’n me….. Been using Mac since ~2005, and use either VLC or, when it gets bogged down (happens a lot with the old CoreDuo MBPro of mine), I use QT with Perian…or poke around Real or Windows Media Classic.
IF all else fails, then I’d fire up Parallels, and my XP partition/Virtual machine….and convert the format of the file to something I can use with the Mac more easily…
TMI, but I’m glad you’re good to go….
Glad you got a solution. Here’s another free one, much recommended, works as a free plugin to Quicktime.
looks like it’s solved, but here’s another one that works w/ macs; it’s primarily a music oriented app, but says it works w/ WMA data:
Damn Booman should of asked the ponders first. Forget Google.