Quotes from the NRA convention.
“Those left-wing groups are supposed to be so tolerant of everybody’s lifestyle, but they’re intolerant of our lifestyle.”
“Gun ownership is at an all-time high, and our violent crime rate is at an all-time low. We’re making a difference. The NRA is making a difference.”
Read more at the above link if you have the stomach for it.
[May 14, 2010] (NRA convention) – “If you think about the liberals in this country, they are like termites; they are eating away at the foundations of this country every single day.”
[Apr. 12, 2010] (Vanguard News) – The Jews hate Whites with all their soul. They are like termites on a wooden ship, and there’s no way of stopping their urge to destroy the wood on the ship. When the ship that is carrying them is sufficiently rotted away, they’ll be going down with the ship. This metaphor isn’t totally accurate, because they’ve managed to find another ship to latch onto (the UK) as the one they were on sinks (South Africa).
[Oct. 19, 2008] (Politico) – Oh! there are more than 30 million illegal in the country sending billions to their countries, and living here having “anchor babies” so they can milk off the system. They send what they make working and getting paid under the table to their countries, and we have to support them. They are like termites, they are sucking our blood very quietly, oh yeah, exactly as termites do when they invade a property.
[Nov. 18, 2006] Tom Good, of Dorchester, explains his opposition to marriage equality, “I’m a Christian ok. We have a right to vote on this because if we get to vote, they are going to lose. They are like termites, eating away the moral foundations of this country,” he says gesturing to the other side of the road. “The Bible says if the foundations are taken away then we have nothing.”
[Nov. 3, 2004] “Though not as horribly spectacular as events like 9/11, Bali, Madrid, this murder is the same. It is jihad. It is terrorism. Not a lone wolf, deranged “radical” or “extremist”, not a one-off, even though the media and govt like to call it that. It’s terrorism, just on a smaller scale, done by jihadis who don’t have the big bucks and organizational power like those 19 vermin who flew planes into buildings. Bit by bit, all around the world, they are like termites.
Multicultural trust? Never! Never trust Islam. It cannot be trusted. It uses our naive trust as a weapon against us. Idiot Mayor Cohen. Jewish mayor? He’s the last person who should be saying that.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
So how come we call them white ants here?
More quotes like this, Oui, and people will start calling you the Termiteater! 🙂
We’re gonna need something like a Godwin’s Law for termites.
Thanks for plowing through the ugly and stupid, so I don’t have to try to stomach it. Anyway, I can’t spare the time, this termite is too busy chewing at the fabric of wingnut society.
Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is an ancient concept recently returning to scientific thought that examines nature, its models, systems, processes, and elements — and emulates or takes inspiration from them to solve human problems sustainably.
Green Building in Zimbabwe Modeled After Termite Mounds (Habitat)
Thermoregulation and ventilation of termite mounds
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
We could certainly do worse than to emulate nature in our daily lives – oh, wait – we already have. An interesting and timely article, Oui.
Several species of Australian parrots and our southern most species of Goanna (giant lizard) use the constant temperatures of termite mounds to incubate their eggs.
This rather attractive red dirt mound was in the Pilburra.
More biommimicry stuff.
When an anti-human system has built a societal structure as massively impregnable to direct opposition as is the one under which we are all living…a structure in which corporate interests block any chance whatsoever for real reform by denying reformers media attention and thus denying them power…then perhaps the termite thing ain’t such a bad idea.
Just sayin’…
Chomp chomp chomp.
All those “illegals” sending their sub par wages back to their families, should elicit much less repudiation, than say, Haliburton, moving to Dubai or Qatar, BP headquartered in some little island chain, or Switzerland, or any other corporation, hiding in tax havens around the world.
At least the gardeners, fruit & vegetable pickers, & the nannies got their money the right way, they earned it.
The names & locations of the corporate cockroaches above may not be accurate, but the picture is.