It’s early yet, but things are looking fairly positive for Jack Conway in Kentucky. He’s up by about 5,000 votes with 15% reporting. Rand Paul is crushing Trey Grayson. Don’t cry for Mitch McConnell.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I will be very confident if the match up ends up being Conway v. Paul. Paul has clearly pissed off sane Republicans enough that their enthusiasm will be blunted.
If Conway can win, I think that instead of it being a toss-up, it will lean-Conway.
Moreover, check out this newest doosy on Paul:
I’m not sure which is more disgusting, but I don’t know why progressives think it will be a good idea to have Paul in the Senate.
I’m not sure which is more disgusting, but I don’t know why progressives think it will be a good idea to have Paul in the Senate.
Which progressives have said that? The only way any Progressive would have cared would if Mongiardo wins on the Democratic side, then giving the finger to McConnell would come into play. If Conway wins tonight, then McConnell getting a hot poker up his butt takes second fiddle to Conway winning in November.
No, I’m saying a lot of progressives would rather have Paul there than the GOP endorsed candidate, mostly over wars and drugs. I don’t think it’s worth it, though.
Either way, Conway is looking like the winner, and I while I don’t think it will be a cakewalk for him, I think we should pick that seat up 🙂
it’s too early to call Conway the winner. He’s losing badly in rural counties that haven’t reported yet.
Rand Paul is actually crazier than Jim Bunning.
Yeah, it could be a nail biter, I suppose, but roughly 50% is in with Conway leading 9%.
If you have to chose between Paul and Grayson .. you’d rather have McConnell’s pet in the Senate? I’d rather Paul .. for a variety of reasons .. one of which it would make the Democrats reform Senate rules quicker .. another would be poking McConnell is the eye
I think the main advantage would be that as the Tea Party’s highest elected official, he would immediately and constantly demonstrate why electing them is not a great idea.
personally, I just need this night to be over, so people will shut up about it. (I know wishful thinking, it’s gonna last for some time)
The big question though is if Arlen Spector loses, how will he vote for the remainder of his term?
He seems like a dude who holds grudges.
I hope that democrats have a chance to beat Rand Paul in November, once the electorate will find out what a strict libertarian is really about.
In the mean time, I’m afraid that his victory in the primary will make the political atmosphere in Washington even worse. And work in the Senate pretty impossible. I mean… those republican senators will be so scared of their far-right base… they’ll oppose and stall and bitch 100% of the time… instead of 90% of the time.
It’s imperative that democrats beat the more radical republicans in November. Because it’s the only way to make the republicans rethink their strategy of outrageous obstructionism.
Despite all the hype around Rand Paul, many more Kentucky voters chose to vote in the Democratic primary.
well .. Democrats do have a 600,000 voter registration advantage there .. what that says about the voters is another story
What about Spector-Sestak? Looks bad from what I see, but I don’t know Pennsylvania. Will the pols pull it off for Arlen?
It’s close. It all hinges on Philly.
Thanks, Booman.
From kos: Pennsylvania: 35.6 percent in, Specter 50.0, Sestak 50.0.
Got my fingers and toes crossed!
I really don’t give a shit. I think Sestak has a slightly better chance of winning in the fall.
CNN just called Kentucky for Conway, so, that’s a much more positive development. Conway vs. Rand is exactly what we needed to have a shot at picking up a seat in the Bluegrass State.
Well, I like Sestak, but its your state. Personally, I’ll take Roland Burris over Arlen and Roland is no prize.
MSNBC is behaving as though Sestak has won. Might be a touch premature, but I think they’re probably right.
Yeah, Politico has a page for this race:
So far 52.4% for Sestak..
AP called for Sestak..yeah…
KY Republicans rejected Mitch McConnel and the Republican establishment. After pouring $1MM into the special election for Murtha’s old seat, the Democrat won. And yet the entire media including so-called progressives on MSNBC are focusing on Specter’s loss and calling a repudiation of President Obama. The GOP lost 2 of 3 tonight, including the only D vs R election of the night and the President is the loser of the night?!
The President and Rahm Emanuel lost, but the Democratic Party won. The Republican establishment also lost. Democrats and Republicans are taking their respective parties back.