Why aren’t Republicans afraid to vote against funding the troops? Is it because they inoculate themselves by advocating nuking and torturing people? Or is it because their Democratic challengers never bother to make a big deal about abandoning our forces in the field?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Because we have a dysfunctional electorate.
Sending out the troops to wipe out the Permanent Enemy is Tough. Funding their efforts is not Tough. It’s the sending that matters. Anything beyond that is irrelevant. We can always declare “victory” and get going somewhere else when the going gets, um, tough.
Or is it because their Democratic challengers never bother to make a big deal about abandoning our forces in the field?
what CJ13A said.
It makes me long for the days when Democrats like Rep. Jack Brooks of East Texas roamed the land.
Story is told of how a political opponent tried to redbait Brooks during an election campaign. At his next rally, Brooks got up on the stump, pulled out his shotgun, and told the crowd that he dared his opponent to come call him a Communist to his face.
Opponent never showed up, end of redbaiting, Brooks won that election and several more in his illustrious career.
Texans, gotta love them.
Abandoning the forces in the field?! OMG. Why do you adopt such right-wing talking points?
Cutting funding would BRING THEM HOME, not leave them without bullets and shelter. No wonder the electorate is so “confused”…
stunning lack of irony with you.
Probably because the Dems are all too lazy to bring it up. Guess they are counting on magic fairy dust that they hope Obama has and they will all get free ponies. I never see any of these losers on TV complaining about anything but the mean ol’ WH. That is why they will lose if they don’t exert some effort with unemployment at 9.8%. No fight!