It ain’t over til’ it’s over, and from what is being reported this morning, it ain’t. The Irish ship that was to be part of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, apparently, for technical reasons, never left port in the southern Mediterranean with the other ships.
But it is on its way now, and another confrontation with the Israeli Navy in international waters is likely, given the stupidity that just led to the massacre of peace activistis on the Mavi Marmara, the Turkish IHH humanitarian ship.
The ship is named after Rachel Corrie, a 23-year-old human rights activist, who was killed in 2003 by an Israel Defense Forces bulldozer while attempting to block the demolition of a house in Rafah. The ship was purchased by the Free Gaza Movement.
Video of the MV Rachel Corrie loading in dock.
The Irish Times this morning reported:
The MV Rachel Corrie is ploughing ahead with its attempt to deliver aid to Gaza despite yesterday’s attack by the Israeli navy on Gaza-bound ship the Mavi Marmara. The cargo ship, which has five Irish nationals and five Malaysians aboard, is due to arrive in Gazan waters tomorrow, a spokeswoman for the Irish Palestine Solidarity Campaign said. Nobel laureate Maireád Corrigan-Maguire, former UN assistant secretary general Denis Halliday, film maker Fiona Thompson and husband and wife Derek and Jenny Graham are the Irish nationals on board.
The vessel became separated from the main aid flotilla after being delayed for 48 hours in Cyprus due to logistical reasons.
Speaking from the ship today, Mr Graham said the vessel was carrying educational materials, construction materials, medical equipment and some toys. “Everything aboard has been inspected in Ireland,” he said. “We would hope to have safe passage through.” Speaking on RTÉ’s Today with Pat Kenny , Ms Maguire said none of the aid ships carry arms and are “purely humanitarian”. She said it was necessary for the vessel to complete its mission to assure the people of Gaza the world does care.
Free Gaza Movement activist Greta Berlin, based in Cyprus, said: “We are an initiative to break Israel’s blockade of 1.5 million people in Gaza. Our mission has not changed and this is not going to be the last flotilla.”
It has already been reported via Israel’s Army Radio that Israel was prepared to block the MV Rachel Corrie . Athough the vessel could reach Gazan waters by tomorrow, Berlin said it might not attempt to reach Gaza until early next week.
Irish Labour foreign affairs spokesman Michael D Higgins today called upon the Government to demand safe passage for the MV Rachel Corrie.
We are staying tuned.
Israel has said it will use “more force” on the next round…
They claim not to be at “War” with Palestine, yet defend this because they know deep down they are….
Godbless to the next wave, I hope the Intl Communities send them with protection. If Obama had any balls, he would have a destroyer accompanying them.
If Obama had any balls… Maybe Obama thinks the Israeli actions are good, you know, what’s good for Israel is good for the U.S. or something two-dimensional like that.
Amazingly, we (and most of the world) understood that what Bush did was not good for us or the World, maybe its time for the US to realize that Netanyahu and the Right-Wing of Israel is not good for them, the world or us.
Ya think?