I wonder why no one has suggested setting up land mines along our southern border with Mexico before now. But, of course, we might do just as well with well positioned sniper and artillery teams. After all, land mines can kill wildlife, and that’s a bit callous. I think you want to have a better human:armadillo kill rate than you’d get with the land mine approach. Perhaps a more humane approach might be the Green Laser Escalation of Force (GLEF) kit.
The GLEF systems are mounted as an accessory to Common Remotely Operated Weapon Stations or CROWS, the turret system that provides Soldiers the ability to employ cameras, sensors and weapons from inside the protection of an armored vehicle. The non-lethal green-light laser gives Soldiers an interim step before escalating force while conducting daily operations…
“Green lasers have proven safe and effective as a non-lethal tool that sends a strong message without the need to employ deadly force.”
Now, I am being snarky, but setting up non-lethal motion-triggered green lasers (that are not backed up by actual lethal lasers) could scare the bejesus out of unauthorized interlopers and force them back across the border. That is, they could do that for a couple of days until people realize they are not backed up by lethal force.
Hey, there are probably some other brilliant ideas you can come up with to stop illegal immigration on the southern border.
Giant moat/canal with bloodthirsty crocodiles?
I was thinking that, but with GM parahnas designed for human prey….
you know…to bolster the GM jobs-market and bring Jobs home…
Yeah, like why not prosecute companies who are hiring them instead?
I don’t advocate doing that, but if I were seriously trying to solve the “problem,” that’s what I would advocate.
That’s the most absurd suggestion yet. We’re not trying to inconvenience Real American Entrepreneurs. We’re trying to bushwack their employees. Get with the program.
Anyone who seriously thinks that anyone in the government is trying to solve the “problem” of “illegal” immigration into the US is a rube. The “illegal” immigrant problem is just a drum that politicians use to whip their voters into a frenzy every few years to turn out at the polls and vote. Like abortion, or Medicare/Social Security. Or guns.
If the government ever found a way to stop “illegal” immigration the price of food in this country would skyrocket overnight and we might have to have a sane discussion about food subsidies. And that would just be for starters. But it’ll never happen – fake solutions to the fake problem are what politicians really want – things that make a big media splash and inconvenience a small fraction of the workers in very visible ways but that don’t stop cheap labor from entering the country.
I’ve come around to believing that they should deploy a Touchdown Jesus every 500 yards or so to create a natural electrified fence.
And tasers are non-lethal too! (Well? If you believe the people that sell the deadly electrocuting weapons to the police…)
And even if they are non-lethal… Any doubts that it can and would render some people permanently blind? And if the makers say it won’t (or even the military, for that matter), would you believe them given their goals and the fact that they won’t care if someone else goes completely blind any more than BP cares if it destroys an entire coast or the US government cares if they torture people to death?
Sorry, BooMan.
Not buying this non-lethal crap from anyone. Because the sellers and the buyers of these “non-lethal” pieces of weaponry don’t really care if they really are non-lethal.
They just care that you think that they are. The rest of it, like Fallujah or deaths from tasers, is considered acceptable collateral damage to them and their insane policies.
I have no idea whether they can blind you. Maybe they can. I’m not serious anyway.
Why try a new idea when we already have an effective technology we call The Media?
Ok… I think I misread that part about being snarky… I could have swore it said you weren’t being snarky before? lol
And this is why I usually read a lot slower. The higher the speed the less retention and comprehension on my part. Duh!
I propose a Maginot Line of loudspeakers at the border blasting Limbaugh’s show. That would drive them all back to their homes.
That’s the most reasonable suggestion I’ve heard yet.
Green lasers can be scary bright a very low power.
Red lasers are deceptively dim at dangerously high power.
Here’s a wild, bizarre idea. For a fraction of the money we’re pouring into a southern border Maginot Line, we could revitalize the rural Mexican economies NAFTA and American agribusiness helped destroy. Same for CAFTA and Central America. The supply is endless. Cut off the demand.
Abolishing NAFTA would help, too. Funny how these free marketeers think the marketplace is God for corporations, but workers aren’t entitled to the same rights to go where the market tells them to go.
Of course, this presumes the goal is to actually cut down on the number of undocumented non-citizens in the US. It’s not. If it were, the current, wholly ineffective strategies would have no traction at all, and employer enforcement and visa overstays (including by people with lighter color skin) would be more of a priority. Instead, the point seems to be the same that’s behind so much of the Pentagon pork: to enrich the contractors (Boeing’s making a lot of money on the fence, for example), and convince the yahoos that you’re Doing Something appropriately violent.
Don’t be silly.
Awesome. That would be a harmless and hilarious way to release overexcited border state energies.
Not to worry. The problems are being taken care of.
Drones ain’t just for furriners anymore. The Afghan invasion finally makes sense: it was just a big experiment on how to “control borders”. The armadillos can be spared from American security concerns, as long as they don’t get too uppity.
news.cnet.com/Drone-aircraft-may-prowl-U.S.-skies/2100-11746_3-6055658.html [Linking doesn’t seem to work with Chromium browser and BT.]
The French in the 1920’s had an idea that outdoes all of these.
They constructed concrete “dragon’s teeth” and manned pillboxes all along their border in a continuous line.
It worked rather well in the long term.
Today they have few border issues with immigration.
Oh, the construction was called the Maginot Line.
How about the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog guarding the border?
As I recall, it is able to deliver a sufficiently violent end that would most certainly satisfy the bloodlust of those wanting to set land mines.
Like Tim The Enchanter said, “Death awaits you……….with nasty, pointy teeth.”
Pass a constitutional amendment declaring free and open immigration from 2030. Ensure the EU does the same. Give the poor the same mobility we give the rich who exploit them.
You’ll see the problems of the global poor being fixed within fifteen years, I promise.
Immigration law is serfdom. The little brown serfs must stay where we put them.
Note, any attempt to refer to the concept of a nation in response to this suggestion will be met with bitter laughter. Tell it to the blacks and the first nations.