I wonder why no one has suggested setting up land mines along our southern border with Mexico before now. But, of course, we might do just as well with well positioned sniper and artillery teams. After all, land mines can kill wildlife, and that’s a bit callous. I think you want to have a better human:armadillo kill rate than you’d get with the land mine approach. Perhaps a more humane approach might be the Green Laser Escalation of Force (GLEF) kit.

The GLEF systems are mounted as an accessory to Common Remotely Operated Weapon Stations or CROWS, the turret system that provides Soldiers the ability to employ cameras, sensors and weapons from inside the protection of an armored vehicle. The non-lethal green-light laser gives Soldiers an interim step before escalating force while conducting daily operations…

“Green lasers have proven safe and effective as a non-lethal tool that sends a strong message without the need to employ deadly force.”

Now, I am being snarky, but setting up non-lethal motion-triggered green lasers (that are not backed up by actual lethal lasers) could scare the bejesus out of unauthorized interlopers and force them back across the border. That is, they could do that for a couple of days until people realize they are not backed up by lethal force.

Hey, there are probably some other brilliant ideas you can come up with to stop illegal immigration on the southern border.