
Wealthy Dallas brothers become SEC fraud target

AUSTIN, Texas – Brothers Charles and Sam Wyly, born a year apart during the Great Depression, are named in a federal complaint that accuses them of using offshore havens to hide more than a half-billion dollars in profits over 13 years of insider stock trading.

… In 2002, they each gave $10,000 to Texans for a Republican Majority, the political action committee then-U.S. House majority leader Tom DeLay and his associates used to raise and spend money to defeat Democratic candidates and elect Republicans to the Texas Legislature. DeLay and two associates continue to fight criminal charges related to that political committee.

Both Presidents George H.W. and George W. Bush received donations. And the brothers helped bankroll the famous Swift Boat campaign that helped re-elect the younger Bush in 2004 by tarring Democratic opponent, Sen. John Kerry.

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."