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Winningprogressive recently posted a piece here called The Progressive Majority vs. the Paper Tiger Tea Party. In the article it was suggested that the numbers are on the side of “progressives” rather than…rather than what, exactly? Tea Partiers? Winningprogressive offers numbers of people who showed up for various rallies as proof of this idea.

Well…forget about the “numbers” at gatherings. First of all, those numbers are always jiggered to support whichever side is doing the jiggering. Numbers lie, always and forever. Further, the Tea Party supporters…and I do not necessarily mean the Tea Party members, I mean those who support many of the memes that seem to float above Tea Partier heads like dialogue balloons in comics…are by their very nature anti-joiners. They want to be left alone by any and every group other than their own kind.

They are white, working class/lower middle class and rural/semi-rural, many of them. They do not generally like people who do not look like them…and not just skin color either. How people dress, how they act. And they are pissed. They are pissed because they feel (accurately or not, no matter) that they are not being adequately represented in the federal government. To them, Washington is all about people in expensive suits who use a lot of big words and look down on them as uneducated hicks.

They are also pissed because they see this culture as one that is degenerating.

Check it out.

The Lady Gaga fans ain’t gonna show up at the polls, but the Tea Party fans are damned well going to vote this time.

Bet on it.

The Tea Party?

A paper tiger?

More like a big wind, seems to me. And the coalition that elected Obama? It’s beginning to look like a house of cards. Like a group of people many of whom are not truly committed to change. Like people who want the easy way out. “Oh, we’ll elect Obama and he’ll change everything!!! And then when he proves unequal to the task over a two-year period…a herculean task, at best…it’s “Oh well. Life sucks” and they’re outta there.

You do know what happens to a house of cards in a big wind, don’t you?



Booman has recently been writing a great deal on the subject of weak and/or pissy “progressives”, and he is right on the money.

The Dems have less than two months to:

1-Discredit the right-wing leaders.


2-Motivate the Dem base.

Think that they can do it?

I don’t. Not if the pissiness continues, for sure, even with the media behind them. And the media is behind them. Bet on that as well. The Corporate PermaGov is scared to death by this new Know-Nothing Party.

The Know-Nothing movement was a nativist American political movement of the 1840s and 1850s. It was empowered by popular fears that the country was being overwhelmed by German and Irish Catholic immigrants, who were often regarded as hostile to Anglo-Saxon values and controlled by the Pope in Rome. Mainly active from 1854 to 1856, it strove to curb immigration and naturalization…

The PermaGov does not like boat-rocking. Profits tend to slide off the deck in rough seas.

But have they waited too long? Should they have attacked Sarah Palin when she was just a fledgling starlet instead of a full-blown media star?


But they didn’t.


She sold media time.

And now they are about to pay the price for their own short-sighted, quarterly profits-driven greed.

I wish that winningprogressive was right, here. I really do.

But…I’ve been out and around in the boonies recently.

Gonna be a lot of pickup trucks parked near the polls this time.

That is an iron-clad guarantee.


That line from W. B. Yeats’ poem The Second Coming?

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Like dat.

Poetry as prophecy.

November gonna be nasty.

And the lacking-all-conviction, lacking-all-political-wisdom, self-righteous leftinesses have earned this November.

Sorry, but that’s the simple truth of the matter.

You cannot just stamp your foot and expect 60+ years of political, econmic and cultural decline to go away. It doesn’t work that way. But the grind-it-out reality of political change doesn’t mesh well with the “I want mine with ice cream on top. Now!!!” mentality of the TV and post-TV generation of so-called progressives. I am only recently beginning to understand the massive hate that Hillary Clinton engenders in leftiness circles. She’s been grinding and grinding for 40 years in an effort to get something done.

Anything, by any means necessary.

And the above it all, insular, middle class leftinesses done fucked up again. No staying power.

No wonder the really savvy pols do not fully put their trust in so-called “progressive” forces. They’re here today, gone tomorrow, as tenuous as a light morning mist. Blow on ’em and they fold.

Station WTFU once again signing off.

Gotta go get ready for Armageddon.
