I’m shocked to learn that Sen. Jim DeMint is implacably opposed to ratifying the START Treaty. On the other hand, it sounds like it has a good chance of being ratified in the lameduck session after the elections. However, I’d like to know what all these Republicans mean when they say that their votes are dependent on ‘nuclear modernization.’ For example:
“Things depend entirely on the administration’s commitment to nuclear modernization,” said Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander (Tenn.). “There are a number of us on the Republican side, led by Sen. Kyl, who want to make sure that we continue this path to make sure our nuclear weapon force is up to date.
“What we’ve seen, and the facilities that we have today, is really very appalling. It’s like building a Corvette in a Model T plant. So we’re withholding judgment.”
The same sentiment was echoed by Bob Corker who is also from Tennessee. I can see how they might be lobbying for massive expenditures to update the facilities at Oak Ridge. But the talking point is being repeated by senators who have no obvious parochial interest.
Ratifying the treaty requires 67 votes. Senators elected in special elections (Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Florida) will take office immediately rather than in January, possibly changing the partisan ratio in the Senate and making ratification more or less difficult.
This is code for tossing lots of needless spending at the big miitary contractors, especially GE, Raytheon, etc. “Nuclear Modernization” is all about finding a way to keep spending money on the missiles that treaties like START are designed to eliminate. The presence or absence of particular geographic intereset isn’t that relevant. Mostly it’s about feeding the beast no matter what.
What this person said.
It’s like talking about clean coal when discussing climate change solutions.
Makes me want to run a Daisy commercial against the Repubs.
The 2 issues aren’t connected
I hope this treaty gets ratified because it is vital to limit nukes.
I wonder if the Repubs are having trouble letting go of the Cold War.
It’s a phony issue. Plutonium Page on DKos did a diary about this issue some months ago.
What the Republicans really want to do is abrogate the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty in the name of modernization.
As I understand it, the US nuclear arsenal is continuously modernized based on the date of manufacture of the weapon. And the technology is modernized as well, within the terms of existing treaties.
Jim DeMint has gone from crazy to dangerous.
Right on the button, TarHeelDem. The Right complains that simulation testing isn’t enough. They want to return to underground testing. That’s what this is about.
Having been a professional programmer and written some physics simulations in graduate school, I’m inclined to think they are right. But, of course, I don’t have access to the classified information necessary for an informed opinion. So, I have to fall back on thinking about all the buggy programs and failed simulations that I have seen. There’s nothing like blowing one off to see if it really works. Of course, once is not enough for statistics. and there you are on the slippery slope. There’s not an obvious answer.
OTOH, I’m inclined to think they are not right (small r), considering it’s Jim deMented.
Wasn’t START an initiative of St. Ronnie’s?
And concluded by Poppy Bush. Yep.
It’s all about being an obstruction and raising the “Democrats don’t care about national security” canard again.