Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Seriously…f*ck the unions that didn’t take up the fight against Citizen’s United. It was moronic of them to think for even a second that they would be able to keep up with the massive amounts of funds that other outside groups would be spending.
Are you going to disagree with your hated rival that the WH told outside groups to hold their fire, and so now they are sitting on their hands? Like why should unions put up money when they’ve been betrayed on EFCA?
It’s not so much they are sitting on their hands now, it’s that the de-clawing of the outside groups means they aren’t in any position to fight back. All their infrastructure has decayed in the last two years as the Obama administration has sought to exercise greater and greater control the outlets. So even if they wanted to fight, it’s going to be more difficult than otherwise. Their guns are rusty.
A couple of thoughts to help us keep some perspective:
It does little or no good to snipe at each other (unions, White House, etc.). Why? Because the massive sums of money corporations control dwarf the left’s collective resources. As a local union leader I know once said of General Electric, “They own entire countries. A US Senator is small change for them.” Once the Roberts Court handed down the Citizens’ United decision, the floodgates were going to open on us this fall.
There’s a limit to what money can buy in politics. The late David Nyhan, a longtime observer of Massachusetts politics used to tell the story of what he’d say to wealthy Republicans considering a run against Sen. Ted Kennedy (paraphrasing):
“The day you announce, you’ll have 40% of the vote. After you spend your first million, you’ll be at 42%. After your second million, you’ll be at 43%. And that’s where you’ll stay. If you spend another $10 million, you might get to 44%.”
Obviously Ted Kennedy is a special case, but the larger point still holds. Money only gets you so far in politics, and there’s an upper limit to how many votes you can buy.
Media campaigns are intended to confuse people. Direct GOTV efforts can help eliminate some of the confusion. This election, a I have said repeatedly, depends on getting out Democratic voters to the polls.
The onslaught of negative advertising might lull some Republicans into complacency.
As Russ Feingold says, “They’re dancing in the end zone.” Which has a special connotation in Wisconsin. Has to do with a famous Packers-Vikings game.
Oh wait. Aren’t you the one that told us to buck up, quit whining and get over it??? And vote?
Well, I will vote but to what end? We are massively out gunned. I saw ZERO legislation put up to overturn CU. Zip. And now the spineless dems are crying about being out spent? Boo hoo.
Oh, I forgot. We didn’t have 60 votes even though Bush got plenty of stuff through with 55.
And we wonder why folks are pissed off? REALLY???
I do not want to hear anymore about how screwed we will be if the rethugs take over. We’re pretty well screwed anyway with the dumbocrats in charge. So what the hell is the difference??
First of all Bush didn’t get a lot of stuff through. The one really sweeping pice of domestic legislation he wanted was social security privatization and it went no where.
Second, Bush always could count on quite a few Democrats voting with him. That has just never been the case in reverse, where Dems can never count on all Dems, let alone some Republicans.
Good point. The “bush got so much passed”meme makes me laugh. so? the corporate interests who are “outgunning us” (are they really? look at Meg Whitman, as one commenter pointed out) wrote the legislation. It’s not like Bush passed a lot of progressive legislation that Obama can’t seem to. and what are whiners going to do? give up? that’ll achieve a lot.
well .. we know the Tea Party is supported by Saudi Arabia .. because Faux gives the Tea Parties all the pub they want .. and we know who Faux’s second biggest shareholder after the Murdoch family.
The dlc and their supporters dislike working class people and it shows, in their constant attacks on unions, like the teachers unions,k and their cutting of services like social security to fund bailouts for the wealthy, and or cutting services on things like food stamps to pay for school lunch. Taxing the shit of cigarettes to pay for only child health care, while you force them to buy insurance they can’t afford. Not to mention blaming them for all racism in the country, when working class whites tend to live in less segregated neighborhoods than the upper class do. I’d be scared too if I were one of their members.
He does seem to be rather angry in most of his posts of late, actually since the Obama-Clinton showdown. Perhaps it has something to do with the events about which Steven D. writes. Interesting that at this time, in his eyes, the most important action is to destroy Rahm’s candidacy in Chicago, more important than defeating the tea party candidates, more important than getting Feingold and other good Democrats elected, and more important than fighting back against the Koch brothers and the US Chamber of Congress.
Jerome just hates Obama. That’s all there is to it. Whether it’s because he didn’t like his style of getting things passed or because he wanted Clinton, it’s clear that’s why he’s gone off the deep-end since then.
well, he kind of capitalized on a bit of sloppy phrasing on my part to make a big point about nothing. It’s not very interesting. The point is that the TARP money will be paid back, probably with interest, and that we are lucky we didn’t try to nationalize the banks.
The Best Congress money can buy.
Yeah, but so long as the unions can pour their uncounted tens of millions in on the Democratic side, we should be fine.
Oh, wait….
Seriously…f*ck the unions that didn’t take up the fight against Citizen’s United. It was moronic of them to think for even a second that they would be able to keep up with the massive amounts of funds that other outside groups would be spending.
Are you going to disagree with your hated rival that the WH told outside groups to hold their fire, and so now they are sitting on their hands? Like why should unions put up money when they’ve been betrayed on EFCA?
It’s not so much they are sitting on their hands now, it’s that the de-clawing of the outside groups means they aren’t in any position to fight back. All their infrastructure has decayed in the last two years as the Obama administration has sought to exercise greater and greater control the outlets. So even if they wanted to fight, it’s going to be more difficult than otherwise. Their guns are rusty.
A couple of thoughts to help us keep some perspective:
“The day you announce, you’ll have 40% of the vote. After you spend your first million, you’ll be at 42%. After your second million, you’ll be at 43%. And that’s where you’ll stay. If you spend another $10 million, you might get to 44%.”
Obviously Ted Kennedy is a special case, but the larger point still holds. Money only gets you so far in politics, and there’s an upper limit to how many votes you can buy.
money may only buy so many votes, but it can buy a lot more incentive to stay home…
if somebody were willing to front me a wad of cash to stay home and not vote…hmmmmmmmmmmm
See also Whitman, Meg.
I hope they send a copy of their work to Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Thomas and Kennedy.
I don’t want to believe those judges are completely corrupt. Just completely ideological and stupid, immensely stupid.
Citizens United will go down in history as one of the most scandalous decision of the Supreme Court. No question.
Can’t be as scandalous as Dred Scott. But it’s the runner-up.
SCOTUS said Dred Scott was property. Now they say all of us are commodities. Maybe you’re right after all.
disagree. selfish, arrogant and some cruel, self-pitying, bitter
Media campaigns are intended to confuse people. Direct GOTV efforts can help eliminate some of the confusion. This election, a I have said repeatedly, depends on getting out Democratic voters to the polls.
The onslaught of negative advertising might lull some Republicans into complacency.
As Russ Feingold says, “They’re dancing in the end zone.” Which has a special connotation in Wisconsin. Has to do with a famous Packers-Vikings game.
Oh wait. Aren’t you the one that told us to buck up, quit whining and get over it??? And vote?
Well, I will vote but to what end? We are massively out gunned. I saw ZERO legislation put up to overturn CU. Zip. And now the spineless dems are crying about being out spent? Boo hoo.
Oh, I forgot. We didn’t have 60 votes even though Bush got plenty of stuff through with 55.
And we wonder why folks are pissed off? REALLY???
I do not want to hear anymore about how screwed we will be if the rethugs take over. We’re pretty well screwed anyway with the dumbocrats in charge. So what the hell is the difference??
what are the legislative steps to undo it? I might get a start on writing to my congresscritters
I thought the House passed a bill dealing with CU and the Senate filibustered it.
Yes. The DISCLOSE Act — another one of those sexy acronyms. Senate inaction killed it.
world wouldn’t matter if Democrats and Independents had been energized by passionate, innovative and fearless leadership.
First of all Bush didn’t get a lot of stuff through. The one really sweeping pice of domestic legislation he wanted was social security privatization and it went no where.
Second, Bush always could count on quite a few Democrats voting with him. That has just never been the case in reverse, where Dems can never count on all Dems, let alone some Republicans.
Good point. The “bush got so much passed”meme makes me laugh. so? the corporate interests who are “outgunning us” (are they really? look at Meg Whitman, as one commenter pointed out) wrote the legislation. It’s not like Bush passed a lot of progressive legislation that Obama can’t seem to. and what are whiners going to do? give up? that’ll achieve a lot.
there is a story US Chamber of Commerce is using foreign money to run political ads. So the Tea party movement funded by ____ (China) maybe..
well .. we know the Tea Party is supported by Saudi Arabia .. because Faux gives the Tea Parties all the pub they want .. and we know who Faux’s second biggest shareholder after the Murdoch family.
The dlc and their supporters dislike working class people and it shows, in their constant attacks on unions, like the teachers unions,k and their cutting of services like social security to fund bailouts for the wealthy, and or cutting services on things like food stamps to pay for school lunch. Taxing the shit of cigarettes to pay for only child health care, while you force them to buy insurance they can’t afford. Not to mention blaming them for all racism in the country, when working class whites tend to live in less segregated neighborhoods than the upper class do. I’d be scared too if I were one of their members.
money is speech. corporations are people.
Another related story from Think Progress:
Also, have you seen Jerome’s comments about you at MYDD? Any reactions?
I defer to Steven D.
Thanks, I read that, though I was specifically referring to this post by him about TARP:
He does seem to be rather angry in most of his posts of late, actually since the Obama-Clinton showdown. Perhaps it has something to do with the events about which Steven D. writes. Interesting that at this time, in his eyes, the most important action is to destroy Rahm’s candidacy in Chicago, more important than defeating the tea party candidates, more important than getting Feingold and other good Democrats elected, and more important than fighting back against the Koch brothers and the US Chamber of Congress.
Jerome just hates Obama. That’s all there is to it. Whether it’s because he didn’t like his style of getting things passed or because he wanted Clinton, it’s clear that’s why he’s gone off the deep-end since then.
well, he kind of capitalized on a bit of sloppy phrasing on my part to make a big point about nothing. It’s not very interesting. The point is that the TARP money will be paid back, probably with interest, and that we are lucky we didn’t try to nationalize the banks.