Happy Tuesday! I took yesterday off, so this will be a short week for me.
Finny has his first sickness…he has a cough and a little chest congestion, but no runny nose. It’s been a long time since I had a little person get sick, so I’m kind of worried about him and think I’ll be calling the doctor this morning…
The Sarah Palin ads are a little disconcerting, don’t you think?
Sorry to hear Finn’s not feeling well, CG. Keep those liquids up!
As for Sarah, since I refuse to acknowledge her as a real person I, for one, can’t see the ads. The site looks the same for me as before (probably due to an older OS?).
Wishing everyone a great Autumn day! It’s lovely here in the mountains.
I was surprised the color was so good because of the drought but like yours it went pretty fast — we’re going to be bare earlier than I can ever remember.
We had a nice little snowfall here this morning. Also a wee bit early, I think. My housemate refused to believe it was really snow because the ground’s not white.
Nah, when to the Cleve in June but I think they were out of town. And now it’s “Progressive Field”. Just doesn’t have the same folksy ring to it, though I imagine everyone will still call it Jacob’s Field. I sure do.
Yeah but at least this time it would be one for the lefties. I can just see the Tea Partiers refusing to go to Indians games because they don’t want to have to do with those godless devil worshiperscommunistsKenyans socialists.
I’m back from my introduction to nuclear medicine. Mrs. ID says I now have a certain glow that wasn’t there before. I’ll get the results next week. Thanks for the good wishes!
We actually received a letter from the town last spring telling us we had left our lights up too long! They were upset about our light blue LED lights. Apparently white is ok with them. So no nuke power for them from me!
Just got done with an irritated letter to Governor Paterson’s office. He’s just fired the head of the DEC (Dept of Environmental Conservation), who was trying to tell Paterson about the impact of budget cuts on the agency, which is already seriously crippled.
We really need them now, with gas drilling on the horizon. Paterson fired a bunch of DEC regulatory officers recently too & created a slew of new positions to oversee the drilling process — while we’re still under a moratorium.
I hate to dis the disabled, but really, I wish his vision were clearer.
I predict another day of wall to wall tourists in our little village today. Yesterday, the locals were all making a few extra bucks by turning their yards into parking lots for the weekend. It reminds me of a “Jesus is Coming” sign posted just outside of town several years ago where someone had thoughtfully added, “but there’s no place to park”.
There was a reference to Brown County on the ABC show “The Middle” the other night. The dysfunctional family was trying to think of somewhere to take their bored Japanese exchange student.
Actually, we live in close proximity to a state park, a state forest and a national forest. Since we live in the village, all we normally have to deal with are the litterers and the street clogger-uppers.
That’s just because he’s a city fella. Us country folk know all about that kind of thing — well no pickups here because we live 1000 feet from the road; instead we get the hunter wandering through asking directions to the road and leaving their trash (including many beer cans) behind.
CBtE and I stopped at the convenience store about 20 minutes north of here yesterday…all confederate flag pickups and minivans with deer carcasses in the back. yikes.
Funny: because you mentioned deer carcasses I assumed those guys had been gun hunting. Probably because it’s just not that easy to bag deer with an arrow & I don’t really start seeing carcasses ’til gun season.
Once you leave the Philadelphia metro area, it’s not unusual to see Confederate flags. The Mason-Dixon line is only about 20 miles south of here, and there’s not much difference in culture between Lancaster County and Elkton, Maryland.
Got it. Once again I’m reminded that Ignorant hatred knows no regional boundaries.
There was an active KKK chapter here in our valley for a while. We’re 100 miles from NYC.
Thankfully, they’re gone now. All that remains are Paladino signs ..
I often had lost souls find me when I lived a half mile from the main road. I’ll never forget the furious banging at my front door one autumn day at about 6 am. I opened the door to three Asian men in what looked like culottes coming out of a black Lincoln Continental. They thought I was a hunting club.
As for the lawbreaking jerks who hit that deer here, I’m pretty sure they were locals. They were in a company pickup & they knew they were wrong — since they scurried in & out of the truck for their dying deer like the Keystone Cops. They broke at least 4 different laws in about an hour, from hunting out of season to going 70 mph on a 35 mph road when they left. I made sure they saw me watching. Jerks.
When I started to take the picture, there were a matched pair of sentinels but, as you can see by the flying ears in the weeds, as usual somebody didn’t want to hold still.
Snow likely. Blowing and drifting snow. Windy. Snow accumulation of 1 to 3 inches. Lows in the upper 20s. Northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts to around 55 mph. Chance of snow 70 percent.
Actually we haven’t had a hard freeze yet either, but several 30F freezes. We’ll see if our delphiniums, which are blooming a 2nd time this year, survive this round.
Also, our barometer is off the scale, down below 29, and I’ve heard some locations have set new records for low readings.
We’ve had an usually nice fall up until this system moved in, so I enjoyed that, and was doing some carpentry in Fargo, Fri and Sat sans jacket, so good we got that done.
This afternoon/evening the barometer hit record lows in MN, according to the Fargo Forum, it was 28.41 in Aiken, MN, which is about half way from Fargo to Duluth. Mine was off the scale here but appeared to be about 28.8. The lowest I’ve ever seen it.
My brother just said he lost power at his office in MPLS, MN. So that’ll be the next concern for folks throughout the area.
Here at the farm I have the wood stove cranked up, and LED strip lighting in the kitchen running off a deep cycle battery, so the pup and I are good to go.
Thanks WW. It was before the storm — I walked that way this morning and there’s a lot more light coming through now and lots more leaves on the ground.
Happy Tuesday! I took yesterday off, so this will be a short week for me.
Finny has his first sickness…he has a cough and a little chest congestion, but no runny nose. It’s been a long time since I had a little person get sick, so I’m kind of worried about him and think I’ll be calling the doctor this morning…
The Sarah Palin ads are a little disconcerting, don’t you think?
I hope that Finn is feeling better soon. Let Sarah waste her money here. (Or whoever is bankrolling her.)
Sorry to hear Finn’s not feeling well, CG. Keep those liquids up!
As for Sarah, since I refuse to acknowledge her as a real person I, for one, can’t see the ads. The site looks the same for me as before (probably due to an older OS?).
Wishing everyone a great Autumn day! It’s lovely here in the mountains.
Sorry to hear the little guy is feeling down. Hope that passes quickly.
Is the Faux channel still blacked out where you are? I was thinking, how nice (except for the sports programming)!
The local Fox station is still out. Any revenue that Rupert loses is fine by me.
Poor baby; I hope he feels better soon.
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Wow. What luscious colors!
We’re losing our color so quickly here. Much windy wind.
I was surprised the color was so good because of the drought but like yours it went pretty fast — we’re going to be bare earlier than I can ever remember.
We had a nice little snowfall here this morning. Also a wee bit early, I think. My housemate refused to believe it was really snow because the ground’s not white.
Oh-oh, weird black beard is pitching again tonight. But I’m sure they won’t let that magic marker voodoo freak them out.
They’re still going? I must be the only one in America not following things.
No, there are at least 2 of us.
Could not care less about MLB playoffs. And I’ve always been a big baseball fan.
No trips to Jacobs Field this year?
Nah, when to the Cleve in June but I think they were out of town. And now it’s “Progressive Field”. Just doesn’t have the same folksy ring to it, though I imagine everyone will still call it Jacob’s Field. I sure do.
Is the name change related to the insurance company or NC’s changing demographic?
I hate when they name stuff after companies — I guess I could just pretend they were making a political statement.
Far as I can tell, using a company name is a political statement .. …
I’m so tired of our corporate overlords. And I’m only 50 years old!
Yeah but at least this time it would be one for the lefties. I can just see the Tea Partiers refusing to go to Indians games because they don’t want to have to do with those godless
devil worshiperscommunistsKenyanssocialists.Considering the level of gut selfishness apparent I’d bet no one would forego a single game.
They’ll just call it Jacob’s Field.
And I’ve actually been working from home a few afternoons this week, so I have a happy baby. 🙂
Looking forward to a nice fall weekend here…what are you all up to?
I’m being introduced to the fascinating world of nuclear medicine later this morning. Didn’t stay up late studying for the test, tho;-)
Good luck with everything, ID.
Wishing you well, ID.
I’m back from my introduction to nuclear medicine. Mrs. ID says I now have a certain glow that wasn’t there before. I’ll get the results next week. Thanks for the good wishes!
I hope everything went well, and that you passed with flying colors. 🙂
Thanks CabinGirl! I’ll know more on Mon. The test equipment was pretty cool. Good thing we’re lucky enough to have insurance.
Hey, maybe the town can use you to power the Xmas lights and save some money. 😉
We actually received a letter from the town last spring telling us we had left our lights up too long! They were upset about our light blue LED lights. Apparently white is ok with them. So no nuke power for them from me!
I like the sending of the registered letter — ’cause you know it would have been so difficult to just come over to your office and say something.
P.S. Hope your nuclear glow lights up good tidings from the docs.
Ah, but the registered letter creates a useful paper trail if the issue winds up in court.
Hope this means Finn’s feeling better, CG.
Just got done with an irritated letter to Governor Paterson’s office. He’s just fired the head of the DEC (Dept of Environmental Conservation), who was trying to tell Paterson about the impact of budget cuts on the agency, which is already seriously crippled.
We really need them now, with gas drilling on the horizon. Paterson fired a bunch of DEC regulatory officers recently too & created a slew of new positions to oversee the drilling process — while we’re still under a moratorium.
I hate to dis the disabled, but really, I wish his vision were clearer.
Now I’ll do dishes & try to forget.
I predict another day of wall to wall tourists in our little village today. Yesterday, the locals were all making a few extra bucks by turning their yards into parking lots for the weekend. It reminds me of a “Jesus is Coming” sign posted just outside of town several years ago where someone had thoughtfully added, “but there’s no place to park”.
There was a reference to Brown County on the ABC show “The Middle” the other night. The dysfunctional family was trying to think of somewhere to take their bored Japanese exchange student.
Well, they would have felt right at home here, as we seem to have an abundance of both. Here’s my favorite dysfunctional family.
The city folks coming to see the fall color here are sometimes called leaf peepers. Is there some kind of fall festival going on by you?
Here its the exact same attraction😉
At least you don’t live in a state park like we do — where some tourists believe there’s no such thing as private property.
Actually, we live in close proximity to a state park, a state forest and a national forest. Since we live in the village, all we normally have to deal with are the litterers and the street clogger-uppers.
No one firing rifles out of their pickups, then, to kill a deer in front of your neighbor’s house. Aren’t you lucky!
That’s just because he’s a city fella. Us country folk know all about that kind of thing — well no pickups here because we live 1000 feet from the road; instead we get the hunter wandering through asking directions to the road and leaving their trash (including many beer cans) behind.
CBtE and I stopped at the convenience store about 20 minutes north of here yesterday…all confederate flag pickups and minivans with deer carcasses in the back. yikes.
Wow. Your season starts early. It’s about another month ’til gun season here.
Just can’t help seeing those guns as a Freudian metaphor ..
Archery season starts early, but these guys had a gun in the minivan, so I’m not sure if its the regular season or not.
Just checked — your gun season starts Nov. 15, according to the site I looked at.
Maybe they’re setting up camp.
What I wonder about more, really, are the Confederate flags in Pennsylvania.
Funny: because you mentioned deer carcasses I assumed those guys had been gun hunting. Probably because it’s just not that easy to bag deer with an arrow & I don’t really start seeing carcasses ’til gun season.
Once you leave the Philadelphia metro area, it’s not unusual to see Confederate flags. The Mason-Dixon line is only about 20 miles south of here, and there’s not much difference in culture between Lancaster County and Elkton, Maryland.
Or Rising Sun.
Got it. Once again I’m reminded that Ignorant hatred knows no regional boundaries.
There was an active KKK chapter here in our valley for a while. We’re 100 miles from NYC.
Thankfully, they’re gone now. All that remains are Paladino signs ..
I often had lost souls find me when I lived a half mile from the main road. I’ll never forget the furious banging at my front door one autumn day at about 6 am. I opened the door to three Asian men in what looked like culottes coming out of a black Lincoln Continental. They thought I was a hunting club.
As for the lawbreaking jerks who hit that deer here, I’m pretty sure they were locals. They were in a company pickup & they knew they were wrong — since they scurried in & out of the truck for their dying deer like the Keystone Cops. They broke at least 4 different laws in about an hour, from hunting out of season to going 70 mph on a 35 mph road when they left. I made sure they saw me watching. Jerks.
We had a hunter’s bullets hit our living room window.
Holy crap!
Some of these people are truly insane. They just don’t understand what they’re doing.
Hope no one was hurt.
Good to see you again!
You too. 🙂
Wow…that’s scary. Were you home when it happened?
No, thankfully.
My parents live on the edge of the forest and growing up we would have all sorts of snowmobilers or bikers, hikers etc. lost and asking for help.
That’s scary stuff.
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This photo is blocked now. I’ll check back later on. We’ve got lots of fog here.
Surprisingly enough, we do not.
Love this photo, Andi. The contrasts are great.
I’m glad someone likes the early morning around here. Myself, I’m a sunset kinda guy.
Love the faithful sentinel lower left.
My favorite time of day has always been first light, when you haven’t been to bed.
I love early morning but being a geezer, the all-nighter lost its charm several decades ago. 🙂
Nah, you’re not a geezer yet.
I hit the big 6-0 in September so I think that makes it official. 🙂
Hah! Youngster!
Happy belated birthday!
I wish you the same, Andi! Sorry I missed it.
From your photo I figured we were about the same age. But no!
I credit the way the gray hair blends in so well for my youthful appearance. At last my blah hair color pays off. 😉
I missed this earlier so belated thanks. 🙂
I wouldn’t even try it now. I’d probably just die.
Having had a few sleepless nights when I went through menopause, I can assure you it’s survivable but your grumpiness level can go off the charts.
When I started to take the picture, there were a matched pair of sentinels but, as you can see by the flying ears in the weeds, as usual somebody didn’t want to hold still.
Oh! Somebody created a perfect photo. I often think the picture would be better if I walked away.
It is a beauty.
I think the picture would be better if you walked into it. 🙂
Thanks – maybe someday….
The hospitality is great AND there are fried biscuits;-)
Snow likely. Blowing and drifting snow. Windy. Snow accumulation of 1 to 3 inches. Lows in the upper 20s. Northwest winds 25 to 35 mph with gusts to around 55 mph. Chance of snow 70 percent.
And a happy Halloween to you too. 🙂
Hey, it could be balmy again by then!
Eek! I’m not in a snow frame of mind yet. We haven’t even hard a hard freeze yet though we’ve been close.
Actually we haven’t had a hard freeze yet either, but several 30F freezes. We’ll see if our delphiniums, which are blooming a 2nd time this year, survive this round.
Also, our barometer is off the scale, down below 29, and I’ve heard some locations have set new records for low readings.
Yeah, the snow probably clinches it. We had t-shirt temperatures today – I’m no where near ready for snow yet.
We’ve had an usually nice fall up until this system moved in, so I enjoyed that, and was doing some carpentry in Fargo, Fri and Sat sans jacket, so good we got that done.
This afternoon/evening the barometer hit record lows in MN, according to the Fargo Forum, it was 28.41 in Aiken, MN, which is about half way from Fargo to Duluth. Mine was off the scale here but appeared to be about 28.8. The lowest I’ve ever seen it.
My brother just said he lost power at his office in MPLS, MN. So that’ll be the next concern for folks throughout the area.
Here at the farm I have the wood stove cranked up, and LED strip lighting in the kitchen running off a deep cycle battery, so the pup and I are good to go.
Good to see you, NDD! Wishing you well.
Oooo, brrrr! Stay warm, NDD!
Keep warm! Here in the Hudson Valley it’s been quite warm. We’ve got some windows open.
Just wait ’til Friday ..
Is supposed to get cold? Sigh.
It wasn’t just another Tuesday though — Indiana had a big storms and I spent most of the day without power.
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We’re just starting with the rains now…
From the radar it looks like it settled way down on its way to you — I hope that’s the case.
Glad you’ve got power back, Andi.
Love today’s photo! Beautifully done. Still so many leaves, too! Is this before the storm or after?
Thanks WW. It was before the storm — I walked that way this morning and there’s a lot more light coming through now and lots more leaves on the ground.
Big wind this morning. I’m just hoping the power stays on, and the roof too.
I hope everything stays on for you too. Sounds like this is a big storm.
We’ve only got rain so far. It’s supposed to get windy here later on.