The Republicans are really being quite open about their intention to grind Washington DC to a halt. The best we could hope for is that perhaps they’re lying. After all, they’re only telling their base what they want to hear. The problem is, their candidates are serious about it. So, yeah, it’s a bad message to be sending to swing-voters who want effective, balanced governance. But at least they’re sending it. Anyone with ears to hear ought to listen.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Except they aren’t lying about their intentions. The question is how will Obama respond. These clowns seem to really think that Newt won his battle against Clinton.
you see, anyone who remotely paid attention will know that they haven’t cooperated with the President AT ALL, so I don’t know what the fuck they think will happen if the GOP takes over any chamber.
How many of those people exist?
>>swing-voters who want effective, balanced governance
Some have called them “the mythical middle”. I call them, “people who think the inability to make up their minds is a virtue”.
Most people I know who fit this description are repelled by both parties. It’s not so much being unable to decide as not seeing any appealing options.
I’ve long suspected that pigeonholing such people as the “middle” or “center” is a really misleading shorthand, leading to the DLC-style conclusion that one appeals to such folks by adopting half the other side’s platform. I’d love to see actual evidence that that reflexive tactic makes the Dems any less repellent to people not already sold on them. I’m not aware of any.
I don’t think there’s any question that the Republicans are going to prevent any solutions to our current problems from passing. They’re going to initiate investigations of baseless faux scandals.
Will the media even let people determine it’s their fault? Last time, there was enough independent information going through that people generally didn’t believe the Clinton administration really did anything bad. The NYT said it was baseless, but we should investigate anyway. Will they grant that the Republican ontology is total bullshit, or will we have to deal with truth-is-in-the-middle garbage for two years?
Or will they make Obama look like magic again? Give him someone to blame? Refocus non-conservative anger on the right? It’s a little up in the air right now, as far as I can tell.
What fateful events they were in the country’s history, the hearings and confirmations of Thomas, Alito, Scalia and Roberts to the Supreme Court. Forever and ever. They’ve used the court to unite the citizens behind them amd Thomas and his wife even decided to even give the defeated another, last kick in the face.