I find it amusing that Bush thinks less of McCain as a man because he picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. Set aside that Bush selected someone who shot someone in the face and never even bothered to apologize. Set aside that Bush didn’t have the balls to replace Cheney even after he lied to his face about his role in the Valerie Plame matter. Bush’s brand of politics made some form of Palinism inevitable. He built The Stupid. McCain merely deployed it. Now the whole Bush team is going around trying to put The Stupid out before it engulfs their 2012 primaries. Good luck with that.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
So much Stupid. Cutting off nose to spite face.
Yes, it was in our paper today that Kasich has already made plans to call off the plans for a rail system in Ohio. My fine neighbors, who probably voted for this asshole, didn’t realize or didn’t care that there were plans to include our neighborhood in part of the depot/station location, which would have meant greater opportunities for jobs, better exposure and smarter traffic flow.
But hey, that 400 million in stimulus money is needed more elsewhere, right? Cause we are sitting pretty here in Ohio, yessirree.
You should write a letter to your local paper.
It should start out with, “Thanks a lot, idiots…”
Booman, this is a newspaper where in the Speak Up section of the Editorial page, one person last week complained that “this Liberal rag needs to balance the Lefties columns with some from the Right”. Odd, since on that very page, there was a slimy piece by Krauthammer and another one by Broder. And those are regularly printed with companion pieces by the likes of Brooks, Goerge Will, and half a dozen other Wingnuts.
So, pretty much screwed here.
I think Kasich’s decision is hilarious (in the dark Vonnegut sense). Run on creating jobs, then kill them within 12 hours. awesome: i hope more than a few of his supporters lost jobs as a result.
I’ve also written Ray LaHood, again, asking that th Ohio funds be directed to Philadelphia
Can we haz Chessehead funds, too?
that’s my next letter. christina’s parents live in madison, they are REALLY upset.
And where were the elected Democrats making these arguments? Saying the Pukes were gonna cost jobs.
Barret was making those arguments here in Wisconsin. I talked to him about it at a rally. So was Kind and ditto. I believe Feingold was as well, though I wasn’t able to see him in person this time around. Of course the media wasn’t covering the Democrats making those arguments…
Underneath his moronic aping of salt-of-the-earth grit, Bush naturally has something of the abrasive front-runner about himself. His recent eruptions have been surprising and delightful.
It is possible that I was not paying attention at the time, but wasn’t Bush Sr. who foisted Cheney on his son, because of junior’s already perceived incompetency to be president? In spite of it, after Bush’s election, a new word entered the American vocabulary: Bushism.
Bush’s dad suggested that Cheney would be a good person to vet his vice-president, not be his vice-president.
Yes, but then Cheney chose himself and we’ll never know if this was the true intention of Daddy Bush himself. Everyone acted then as if somehow Daddy Bush and Sonny Bush were two different people. That’s the power and wealth edifice we’re dealing with and will never be able to shake off.
It probably was the true intention. Or else Bush Sr. was even dumber than his kid. And given that he once ran the CIA, I doubt he was that dumb. Hell, they all knew each other since the time of Tricky Dick, at least.
Poppy isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.
His main accomplishment was being a social butterfly.
At least we will get some laughs out of Bush bragging about himself.
As to the real stupidity we see around us, thank you Ronald Reagan.
Never underestimate the power of the stupid side. -Teabaggin’ Darth Vader
Poor W doesn’t realize that HE is the original Sarah Palin.
Regarding Cheney, it’s not clear what role GHWB had in selecting him for VP, but there is a lot of evidence that after the 2006 elections GHWB sent “his” people to take over the running of the White House and had W fire Rove and sideline Cheney. You may recall that W’s foreign policy actually began to appear sane (except for the “Surge”, but that was more about military policy) in his last two years, including overtures to Iran instead of constant threats of nuclear attack.
There also is evidence that GHWB was really upset with W’s stupid war in Iraq (one need only read GHWB’s memoirs to find the most accurate and detailed prediction of what would have happened if the US tried to occupy Baghdad).
Let us not forget that while W was the darling of the Neocons and “the base” (what are now the Tea Partiers) GHWB was the Republican president they all wanted to forget. Reagan never liked GHWB and was always pissed off that he was forced to bring him in as VP in order to get the full support of the GOP for his presidential run in 1980. He refused to endorse GHWB’s presidential campaigns until 1992 when, with Alzheimer’s already well underway, he read a prepared speech to the GOP convention on behalf of GHWB — and even then his praise was mild.
Its hard to believe and very difficult to stomach when I watched, but I saw a preview of Lauer’s big interview with Bush and the promo closes with Bush saying “Let’s talk about waterboarding.”
I guess “now watch this drive” after the pseudo-serious press statement wasn’t macabre enough for the guy.