Not for calling Diane names…that’s just an excuse. I was banned because I suggested that she ask some hard questions of Noam Chomsky when she interviews him on her radio show in January, for generally not being on board with her from the moment that she backed the execrable JohnBoy Edwards in the Democratic primaries, and then right on through her acceptance…and in many cases, authorship… of many statements made on the site over the past several years suggesting that violent revolution of some sort is the only solution to the problems of the United States.

If you are at all curious about the finale, go here to see the last act of an ongoing mini-drama. From front-pager to bannee w/out changing a damned thing in my positions.

In her statement regarding this action, she claims that I daily called her a “star fucker.” I did not. I used the term once, in the following sentence.

Do not be a star-fucker, Diane.

The statement was not an accusation, it was a cautionary warning about the dangers of giving “stars” too much leeway.

My points…and I stand by them 100%…were that “the movement’ of which Mr. Chomsky is quite certainly the most famous member has absolutely, totally failed to make even the slightest dent in the encroaching right wing takeover of the US over the 50 years of its existence, and that hard questions need to be asked regarding that failure despite the undoubted talents and good intentions of its foremost proponents.

Diane is going through some hard times. I bear her no ill will, despite her imaginings, and I wish her the best.

In point of fact, I wish us all the best. When I write on these blogs, I write in that spirit. I fully expect the next presidential election to be another far-right victory. Maybe not Palin, but assuredly a return to Bushism. If we do not soon get our shit together on the left, it will be too late.

That’s all I have to say on the matter. I will not be returning there, and as I look over the history of leftiness blogging in general…from the demise of Daily Kos as anything but a twittering group of middle class faux leftists through the total incapacitation of My Left Wing by a cabal of Zionists and then down into what has become of The Wild Wild Left and the other so-called leftist blogs like Docudharma…as I look at the history of that so-called “movement” it occurs to me that some hard questions should be asked there as well.

So it goes.

Down like a motherfucker, it looks like.

So it goes.
