What was the top political moment of 2010? I don’t know. Personally, I would go with Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) apologizing to BP executives for the president being critical of their company and strong-arming them into setting aside a two-billion “slush-fund” to compensate victims of the Gulf oil spill. But maybe you preferred Rand Paul’s rejection of desegregated lunch counters or Sharron Angle’s 2nd Amendment solutions or Christine O’Donnell’s dabblings with witchcraft. It could be something else. It could be Speaker Boehner. It could be the repeal of DADT. It could be “This is a big effing deal.”
What say you?
April 17, 2010…
I didn’t know you had a political wedding. 😉
Aren’t they all? Deficit spending, cost overruns, preening for the cameras…
Wasn’t that the fund amount $20 billion?
Er… $20 billion minus the extra ‘that.’
l would have to say obama rising from the ashes after the midterms. kind of a phoenix moment, as it were…at least he appeased the beltway pundits and the fanboyz with his mastery of legerdemain, eh.
enjoy the victories, pyrrhic tho they may turn out to be, because it’s going to be a very long and ugly two years until the 2012 elections.
I nominate the coordinated, universal attempt by corporate America and governmental America (including both political parties) to shut down Wikileaks (Amazon, credit cards, Paypal, smears and lies about Wiki and its founder), while the corporate press cheered.
There were lots of important other events, but that probably has more long-term significance than any other.
That is, this was the most significant of events which actually happened. Probably the most significant political fact of 2010 was that absolutely nothing was done (save some impotent minor actions of the EPA) to address CO2 and climate change. Given the new political climate for 2011 and beyond, this was probably the last chance while there was still a chance.
Oh, I’m sorry … we’re supposed to be celebrating the greatest President in human history. Nevermind.
You win best post here, and here: http://www.boomantribune.com/story/2010/12/27/112326/70
high five, especially on the latter thread.
As a card-carrying member of the professional left, it would be hard to pick just one.
The DADT repeal will have a large effect on future civilian legislation. It is a question of how long the civil rights legislation takes.
The START treaty is huge.
I’m still stuck on “You Lie!” to the president of the United States during his State of the Union, by Joe Wilson, Idiot from SC. Still stunning to me! Maybe because I’m stuck in this state a few yrs. out of necessity. Yep, that was my “political moment of the year” as nothing affected me that way since. Just stunning!
Agree! And this was the big disrespect that gave so many others ‘permission’ to expand on that disrespect! And they took that permission and ran with it!
I was agreeing with BooMan’s choice until this one came up. Thanks for reminding me.
This and the Supreme Justice shaking his head in disagreement with Obama’s opinion about the Citizens United opinion.
Profound disrespect of a President, and calculatedly so.
Passage of health reform
#1: The Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla ship Mavi Marmara, killing 8 Turks and one American and the shameful response of American/Western media in presenting only the Israeli military’s side of the story. Equally shocking was the failure of the U.S. Congress to condemn the attack. If Iran had been the aggressor instead of Israel, it probably would have resulted in a ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ moment and been the impetutus to attack Iran. But Israel killing Americans, no problem.
#2: The revelation from WikiLeaks that Hilary Clinton ordered the spying of top UN officials, thus confirming what our enemies have been accusing us of for years; i.e. Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, most Latin American countries.
Jan Brewer signing SB1070 is the obvious choice for me.
Harry Reid wining re-election despite the fact that everyone hated him. But Sharron Angle was just WAY too crazy to replace him. He won by five (or more) points even. I was truly amazed. Hundreds of us Dem volunteers in my county alone worked like dogs to make it happen and we succeeded. But the margin was what really blew us away. Sharron Angle killed her own chances with her extreme dose of racism and xenophobia at the last minute. She thought it would scare white people into voting for her. Instead it scared Latinos (many of which would not have otherwise voted) into voting for Harry Reid. They totally put him over the top.