When I found out that Tucker Carlson was impersonating Keith Olbermann in emails to Stu Bykovsky, I thought the proper punishment should probably be death. I mean, I am fervently into second chances and I think forgiveness is super-important, but a society that can’t kill its sockpuppets and email impersonators is a society that has lost faith in itself. Do we want to live in this new feminized America?
On the other hand, Michael Vick? Who wants to defend the guy? But he’s not Dick Cheney. He’s not George W. Bush. Tucker Carlson thinks he should have been executed. Ben Roethlisberger raped someone. Should he be executed? I’m tired of this stupidity. Call me when people start calling for the execution of the people who brought us the war in Iraq.
that is seriously weird
‘Do we want to live in this new feminized America?’ What does this mean? Fascinating.
The Situation with Tucker Carlson, May 25, 2006:
I remember thinking at the time that the Wingnuts were fascinated by the original Vick story way, way beyond anything normal. I couldn’t figure out what excited them so much. Hours and hours of hate radio was devoted to it. I guess Carlson is trying to glom onto that.
Look how the Wingnut blogs/FoxNews stir in non-political ugly crimes into their mix. They use repulsion and stupidity as a blunt weapon.
If PETA had gone after some Wingnut/Conservative for doing the same thing they would have defended him by saying that dogs are just property.
Mike is a black man, he done a bad bad thing, and he done his time. However, to some, any black man who done any bad thing is a thing that should be put down. To Tucker, Mike is the equivalent of a dog.
Also, don’t forget, Tucker is dead. He just looks like he is alive. But he ain’t. He’s really a vampire commentator.
He’s got his bowtie tied too tightly.