They sent a solid Princeton man to tell Hosni Mubarak that the jig is up. Who better to play the role of Grim Reaper of the Great American Empire than the son of Frank Wisner? For the uninitiated, Frank Wisner Sr. cut his teeth as the OSS liaison to the Gehlen Organisation in post-war Germany. He then became the first Director of the Office of Policy Coordination, a precursor of the CIA’s Directorate of Plans. He and/or Richard Helms headed up the CIA’s dirty tricks operations during the worst periods of CIA abuse (later chronicled in the Church Committee reports).
Wisner is most famous for launching Operation Mockingbird, and coining the term “Mighty Wurlitzer” to describe how he played the media like an instrument.
In 1948, Frank Wisner was appointed director of the Office of Special Projects (OSP). Soon afterwards OSP was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). This became the espionage and counter-intelligence branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. Wisner was told to create an organization that concentrated on “propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.”
Later that year Wisner established Mockingbird, a program to influence the domestic and foreign media. Wisner recruited Philip Graham from The Washington Post to run the project within the industry. According to Deborah Davis in Katharine the Great; “By the early 1950s, Wisner ‘owned’ respected members of The New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles.” Wisner referred to this apparatus as a “Mighty Wurlitzer”, referencing the theater organ capable of controlling diverse pipes, instruments, and sound effects from a central console.
It was Wisner, in 1953, who convinced Allen Dulles to set aside $1 million to launch Operation Ajax, overthrow Mohammed Mossadegh, and put the Shah back on the throne of Iran.
Wisner became depressed following the failure of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 and was eventually put on administrative leave. After serving for a time as chief of station for London, he was recalled and retired. He killed himself in 1965 with one of his son’s shotguns.
His eldest son was educated at St. Albans School (same as Al Gore, Evan Bayh, and Daniel Graham), and then Princeton University (Class of ’61). He spent his career working at the State Department, including in the sensitive posts of Ambassador to India and Egypt. He was Vice Chairman of American International Group (AIG) until a year ago. Before that he was a member of the board for an Enron subsidiary.
Yeah, who better to send on an errand to Cairo?
And he’s a “good friend of Mubarak’s”.
With friends like…
Good backgrounder, BooMan.
You can make this shit up.
Norman Schwarzkopf Sr.:
Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.:
Frank Gardiner Wisner:
Frank George Wisner:
I wonder what James Angleton, Jr., is doing these days? Oh. This.
But, it looks like he really isn’t related to JJA.
I’m not so sure. There really was a James Jr. who apparently worked for the CIA. But last I saw, he had a post office box in California, leading one to assume he was living nearby. That was years ago, though, and it would surprise me not at all if he ended up in Florida. It would surprise me even less if he was disinforming on UFOs to that community.
Btw – nearly everyone named in that piece is on Gordon Novel’s private email list. I’ve met some of those people – Hal Puthoff, for instance, who used to work with a guy whose kids I babysat, growing up. Very small world..!
There’s a very serious disinformation effort out in the UFO community. But it seems even the spooks are themselves being disinformed. I have no interest in trying to get to the bottom of all of that, but the pieces that float by me now and then are always fascinating.
Maybe I should walk over and say hello?
James C Angleton Law Office
523 W 6th St # 1211
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Make sure you keep your hands in plain sight and well away from your pockets or any bags.
James Sr. was a rough one.
From what I’ve read, the son really hated his father’s life. They weren’t close at all.
And I don’t believe, having looked at that stuff in depth – that the guy listed was James Angleton’s grandson. But you have to understand – I met a guy who worked for the CIA who showed me the obituary his family saw, many years before he was allowed to tell them he was still alive. you can’t believe what these spooks do..!
I had no idea, I assumed he was some retired diplomat or something, but jeez.
Hopefully nobody is calling up Henry Kissinger for advice.
Yeah – I remember waking at 2am somewhere in the last few days and turning on the TV, as I often do when I wake at such a strange hour, and hearing the name Frank Wisner and thinking I had entered a time warp.
Btw – did you know Richard Helms’ daughter Laili Helms speaks for the Taliban? You just can’t make this stuff up!
Sorry – I meant niece. Helms’ niece by marriage.
Also – how did you like “President” Mubarak appointing his intelligence chief as Vice President? Real democratic, wasn’t that.
It’s fashionable now. No more hiding. People are so newsblitzed that they don’t even blink. Witness Citizen Putin for all you need to know about that idea. He flaunts it.
Nothing recommends a tactic more than success.
Linked through James Baker III Institute for Public Policy, chaired Working Group for report GuidingPrinciples_USPostConflictPolicy_Iraq.pdf. WOW, some credentials … SAIC, Hatfill, Fort Detrick and specialist anthrax , South Africa’s chemical warfare, Mossad, shadow government Washington DC … There must be someone up there with a guiding hand, you can’t make this shit up, can you?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Is this possible stealing identities to cover-up such a crime? Remember the unscathed passport found in the rubble of WTC?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I heard from some people at Microsoft that right after the attacks, some MS experts were called in to go through the computers of the hijackers.
Where did they find the computers?
Plenty of hijackers and thus laptops/computers and data for MS to analyze …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
This is news!!!???
It’s a gang, folks. An ongoing criminal conspiracy. Been that way since the end of WWII at the very least. Would anybody here be surprised if a mafia family indulged in a little father-to-son succession? Of course not. But here? In the OH so upstanding Democratic Republic 0f American? Heavens, no!!!
Wake the fuck up.
This is the largest criminal conspiracy ever. Makes the Mafia look like grade school playground bullies.
Wisner Jr.? Hell, he was the one that sold India the Brooklyn Bridge of all energy scams. Traded ’em incredibly overpriced electric works for a bribe of weaponry. When he escaped totally unscathed from the Enron debacle? All the proof you’ll ever need. He’s a made man. Can’t be touched.
Bush I? A spook. bet on it.
Bush II? Not smart enough to be a spook, but smart enough to take spook direction. Bet on that as well.
Y’all have so thoroughly bought into the mainstream media and the educational system’s myths about the righteousness of the American Way that you can’t see the spooks for the trees.
Wake the fuck up.
There’s no news here. Just another move to co-opt another movement. That’s what they do. Co-opt or attempt to assassinate.
ElBaradei has already been chosen as the safe successor.
The Great Game continues, just as it did in T. E. Lawrence’s time. When Lawrence realized that he had been used he changed his name, joined the RAF…and then later when he was outted, he tried again in the Tank Corps…as an enlisted man and tried to hide his shame. (Or alternatively, he tried to continue his own spook life under different aliases. We’ll never know. You never do know about spooks.)
You’re being used, too.
Wake the fuck up.
Wisner Jr.’s been on my own watch list for about 10 years, and his father for much longer.
Lisa’s been writing about it here, as have I and some others…plus we didn’t exactly score a journalistic coup regarding it. It’s all over the internet.
Or of course…snarfle on back into the leftiness sheeple herd and bemoan such unexpected bad news. And then forget the fuck about it as soon as he media present you with another hottest thing ever rumble.
I do keep trying.
What I find most interesting about this post and the responses is that if I had to guess I think it likely that less than 1000 people even know the level of details about Wisner the father or son that are presented herein.
BTW, that’s why it’s so easy for the few the manipulate the many – always has been and will always be so until our species gets a clue and starts using the technology that now exists that makes it simple even for the lamest to get a clue.
Jessie Jackson, Jr. and Harold Ford, Jr. attended St. Albans as well. Just thought I would note that to add some diversity to the mix.
If the guy can get somewhere with the Egyptian government and prevent a massive crackdown then I don’t care if he’s reincarnation of Alger Hiss.
His State Department experience is why he was chosen to do this.
I’d put that “State Department” experience in quotes. State often provides cover for CIA.
Frank Wisner in Cairo. The Empire’s Bagman.
This is how economic imperialism works. The British mastered it first and the U.S. added massive amounts of money and muscle to the game after WWII. Anyone who considers themselves in any way a “progressive” has no right to use that word if they do not understand how the game works and at the very least recognize the main players when they are forced to break cover to take care of some kind of emergency business.
All the rest is empty, news-driven bullshit.
Bet on it.
Just to add some emphasis to AG’s comments please, dear readers and posters, at least make an attempt to realize, and if possible, to understand that everything is connected.
I’ll write the point again EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED and I do not give a rat’s ass if you are thinkin’ MARCO, micro, globally, community, our spaceship or the “known” universe.
So, today, when a spook burps in the bowels of Langley do any of the people [sons, daughters, in-laws, really close associates] “connected to” the “original” cast members [referred to those in the media being in the pocket of…] of Mighty Wurlitzer respond with a fart ?
Well they do even more in that their farts set in motion a whole gaggle of newly found geese [ahh new connections built on old connections] to perform acts that will, over time [which due to our creativeness no longer requires years, weeks, days…], find a connection with the mass that is termed humanity.
Everything anyone does does matter the only unknown is the time required to ascertain the connection. Yep the connection is there [instantly] it is just that humanity ain’t that smart/clever to realize this and then to understand it.
Ahh time, I remember it well.