Now that I’ve broken the proverbial Ice by introducing myself, I’d like to say I consider myself quite lucky to have found this site. And I’ll try to pop in every once and a while and would appreciate any pertinent Blogs or info that the hosts of this site may want to send my way.
Bio: I’m a retired Union Organizer who still chips in once in a while by doing political cartoons for the UFW as I was trained by Fred Ross Sr in a modified IAF Saul Alinsky style UFW Organizing techniques. I also worked for the SEIU during the John Sweeney era, prior to Andy Stern becoming President of the International. In fact, a lot of my old UFW Brothers and Sisters have segued over to the SEIU. Even the current UFW is part of the SEIU Change to Win Alliance. So there’s some of my Blah-Blah-Blah. Thank you and hope you have a great day! Go Steelers!(Tommorow is Superbowl Sunday 2/6/11)
Yours in Solidarity,
Alberto Escalante