Sen. John Thune of South Dakota was the only guy who worried me and he announced today that he isn’t running.

U.S. Sen. John Thune said Tuesday that he won’t join what’s expected to be a crowded GOP field of presidential hopefuls next year, concluding he would have a difficult time fundraising and that President Barack Obama would be tough to beat.

So, it’s Tim Pawlenty, Haley Barbour, or Mitt Romney then. Unless you want to tell me that Sarah Palin or Newt Gingrich is going to win the nomination.

Oh, yeah. There’s that guy Jon Huntsman of Utah who is quitting his job as Obama’s ambassador to China to run against Obama and tell everyone what a miserable president he is. I guess the folks who want a grown-up and don’t mind Mormonism will vote for him.

All I know is that the Republican primaries are going to be a circus. The only two guys I can see possibly running the country are both Mormons, and one works for the Obama administration and the other pioneered his health care approach. And they’re going up against Caribou Barbie, Newt ‘Family Values’ Gingrich,’ and a guy who thinks the Citizen’s Councils weren’t so bad.

And The Donald. Don’t forget The Donald.

And Man on Dog.