Some people seem strangely surprised that Moammar Gaddafi appears to be completely insane but every time I have heard something he had to say he appeared insane to me. And this goes back two and a half decades to when he first responded to Reagan’s bombing that killed one of his daughters. He’s a loony-tune. And if Gaddafi is preparing to blow up oil pipelines, as Time reports, then I don’t know how effective it will be for Obama to pressure the oil industry to put pressure on him.

If the threat to Europe’s oil supply is so great and the humanitarian risks so dire, then maybe Europe can intervene on their own for a change. It’s not that what happens in Libya is not our problem, but why does it have to be our responsibility? John Boehner told me that we’re broke. So, if we’re broke, then let someone else kick Gaddafi to the curb.