The White House makes an announcement:
“The White House is set to make news and history this afternoon when it announces the new social secretary. Jeremy Bernard, currently the chief of staff to the U.S. ambassador to France, will become the third person to hold the job in the Obama administration. But he will be the first man and the first openly gay person to be the first family’s and the executive mansion’s chief event planner and host.”
Now, I could makes some jokes about how much better the music is going to be, but my real concern is for Reps. Steve King of Iowa and Paul Broun of Georgia. Will their heads explode? Some people might ask who will be the first to shoot them, but that would be in bad taste and quite possibly merit a visit from the Secret Service. So, instead, I will inquire about their health. Do you think they’ll be okay? I mean, Mr. Bernard has been serving in France.
Rightie radio will have a field day with this. The French Connection.
The White House party planner is now a historic position? As if state dinners weren’t already gay enough to begin with.
For fuck’s sake, we’ve already had a gay president 160 years ago that we just don’t talk about. This country sometimes…
Who was that?
Abraham Lincoln.
>>Abraham Lincoln.
is this a serious comment?
The President often suspected of being gay was Buchanan, who is the only bachelor President and lived for many years with a male friend.
I was actually thinking Buchanan, but yeah, they were both rumored to be gay. Who knows, it was the nineteenth century.
really? I’d have to read up on that again—surely would have been news to his wife, and 4 sons. I don’t recall (from the abridged Sandburg bio) seeing anything to suggest Lincoln might have been gay..
Buchanan, though…..hmmmmm
Abraham Lincoln’s mother or grandmother (the 19th century book I perused on the internet a while back had located slightly conflicting records iirc) was a “servant” in a household originally located in VA. Draw your own conclusions.
that would be ol’ Honest Abe Lincoln, which is why the [openly] gay Republicans call their club “the Log cabin Republicans”. The closeted gay republicans call themselves “Family Values Republicans.”
Pam Geller has arrived.
Do you remember the criticism of Obama that Lieberman was his mentor in the Senate? Apparently Rand Paul’s mentor is Al Franken. At least, that is what Paul told Letterman last night.
Al will have plenty of fodder for a “…Lying Liars…” sequel before very long, if not already.
Speaking of Broun, he should resign. Immediately.
I think it’s hilarious. I can’t wait for them to try and make a fuss out of this.
Wow. Obama is really going after the LGBT vote. This and DOMA. Now if he’d go after the progressive vote, he may stand a chance in 2012.
Boner’s and CANTor’s head will blow right off.
I’d bet thtat privately, Boehner doesn’t give a damn who’s the WH party-planner, but Cantor?
yeah, I’d expect the Tea-hadist heads to launch into beeeeyootiful fireworks before too long. Always works with the hateful Right to punch up a little more hatred for those ‘not like us’….
stand a chance in 2012? wtf are you talking about? is this snark?
heh heh booman said, “heads”
Only if Alanis Morisette is God. [chirrup]
If not, this will:
At West Point, no less ….
Nice. No Land Wars in Asia would be my mantra…if I had a mantra.
Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
You mean, you’ll put down your rock and I’ll put down my sword, and we’ll try and kill each other like civilized people?
I have had my problems with this POTUS. I could post a list.
But he does seem to have something that I consider very important.
A twisted sense of humor.
Do you think Obama has finally accepted that the Republicans are never going to like him so he might as well mess with them for laughs? I mean, they make up stupid shit so here, he thinks, here’s something real you can go on about for a couple of news cycles. Maybe while they’re occupied with this topic, he’ll slip some recess appointments under the radar.
He’s been doing that since he atarted running in the primaries.
He always makes fun of them and they don’t know it.
At the first State Dinner, they had arugula from the garden.
fun fact, didn’t know about that. thanks for posting
Gee, I cannot recall the last time any new hire was listed as “openly heterosexual”. Jeezus, can we ever get past this nonsense?
Ken Mehlman used to be called a “closeted heterosexual.”
Larry Craig was “heteroflexible.”