I had already written Sarah Palin out of my mind when thinking about the Republican primaries. Should I start reconsidering? I have a hard time taking taking that silly woman seriously. She quit her job as governor because she hated the job. What makes her think she’d like a job that’s 10,000 times more difficult? If she runs, she’s going to do a half-ass job of it. She isn’t going to live in Iowa for six months eating chicken dinners with all 99 country executives. She isn’t going to sit down and do two, three, or four interviews with every small paper in the state. All her opponents are going to those things, but Sarah won’t. Donald Trump was never going to do all those things either. If Sarah runs it will be because a failure to run will slowly erode her stature and interest for the American people. When was the last time anyone asked what Dan Quayle thought about anything? John Edwards is about to be indicted, not given a talk show or a lucrative book deal. If she runs it will be because she needs to run to keep the money rolling in. She likes to get paid for doing basically nothing.

Yet, if she’s on the ballot, she’s going to shuffle the deck a bit. You could probably say goodbye to her Mini-Me, Michele Bachmann. She could probably snag third place in Iowa, assuming she hadn’t hopelessly alienated the caucusers there. That might help winnow the field a bit faster than would otherwise be the case.

I’d say that I hope she does it, but I really don’t. I’m tired of her act. It wears on me. I’d like to say goodbye to her and put the starbursts all in the past. Let her go join Qualye, Kemp, Edwards, and Lieberman in some hall of irrelevant shame.