What do you have to do to lose your seat in Congress?
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is warning that the Obama administration’s contraception insurance mandate could put America on a slippery slope — to a totalitarian one-child policy…
“Women have a lot to lose under Obamacare, and I’ll give you an example. If you want to go into specifics, what the government can give, the government can take away. It certainly isn’t beyond the pale to think, in light of Kathleen Sebelius, the Health and Human Services Secretary — she said that it’s important that we have contraceptives because that prevents pregnancy, and pregnancy is more expensive to the federal government.
“Going with that logic, according to our own Health and Human Services Secretary, it isn’t far-fetched to think that the President of the United States could say, we need to save health care expenses — the federal government will only pay for one baby to be born in the hospital per family, or two babies to be born per family. That could happen. We think it couldn’t?
Anytime that Michele Bachmann begins a sentence with “Going with that logic…” someone should duct tape her mouth because whatever comes next is going to be painful.
Also, too.
What’s new in Stupid with you?
Scott Adams of Dilbert. But he’s always hated women:
Adams is probably projecting his own thoughts.
Oh no Seabe I love Dilbert.
Scott Adams opinion is we should bring political discourse in this country to the level of a drug addict. Limbaugh was probably flying on Vicodine or Percocet. Ignore the idiot we only feed his ego by caring what he says at all.
He’s a pretty terrible person lol 😛
Typical libertarian. What’s worse?
1. Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut and a prostitute 50 times in three days, and suggesting she post online sex tapes, for her position on women’s health, including contraceptives and ovarian cysts.
2. Consumers telling advertisers that they will chose, praise free market Jesus, not to buy their goods and services if they continue to support a radio host who called Sandra Fluke a slut and a prostitute 50 times in three days, and suggested she post online sex tapes, for her position on women’s health, including contraceptives and ovarian cysts.
I wish Utah would have waited until Romney was nominated to pass that law. Give everyone a taste of the future under the zealots.
My favorite part of the Bachmann quote: “it isn’t far-fetched”. Except everything that comes out of her mouth is far-fetched. I have never seen her get outraged over reality. Its always her crazy, fringe crap.
Answer: Either get voted as a result of a strong challenger running or get redistricted out by your own party for whatever reasons.
You won’t have Kucinich to kick around anymore.
Right-wingers seem especially prone to slippery-slope thinking. Santorum does it big time. I’m guessing it goes along with black-and-white thinking. To them, it’s not so much a slippery slope as a cliff from one quantum state to another.
I watched her on Piers Morgan the other day and it made me so upset listening to what she was saying that I went on PM’s site and posted,……I wasn’t the only one.
I can’t stand Romney(phony plastic man), or Santorum(give me a f-in) break on f-ng) contraception…or Gingrich (as a Georgian, voted for him…mostly hoping for a brokered convention)…but his ego is too big…you have to have some humility/self-awareness to be an effective leader (not Ruler, as Obama sees Himself…reference the use of “I”, and not “We” in His speech)
Sorry for the incorrect juxtaposition of commas and parenthesis, Arthur Gilroy, but this new i-phone has little tiny buttons on it!
I just caught myself..,parenthesis is singular… My bad..,parentheses is plural…so sorry…
Hmmm the pigs are gonna squeal about his, but from Levin’s ears to…
First on CNN: Levin says Limbaugh should be dropped from Armed Forces Network
Why wast perfectly good duct tape?