Laugh all you want Mr. Townhall Editor. Make a joke about “feminists” who simply want the same right to make decisions about their reproductive health as you do. You want Viagra, Cialis and Levitra covered by your insurance program to make your penis function properly so you can engage in sexual activity, and you don’t want to bear the full cost of those medications.
Well, I want my daughter to have the same coverage by insurance companies to make contraception choices when she decides, before or after marriage, to engage in sexual activity, without having to pay for the full cost of her reproductive health. I also don’t want you to deny her contraception or the right to make decisions about her own body that I assume you as a man will also enjoy unless you are willing to pay the cost of bearing and raising the children produced by your decision to prevent her and other women from using contraception . You say you are pro-life? Prove it by protecting the rights of children born under any circumstances, even to single mothers.
I also don’t want doctors being authorized to lie about pregnancy risks so a woman is forced to carry a baby to term that may die in the womb or may result in her own death. Nor do I don’t want employers to be given the ability to discriminate against woman who use contraception, a right guaranteed under the Constitution according to the Supreme Court..
Nor do I want women denied health care just because it happens to have an effect on their reproductive organs.
I don’t want any woman, including my daughter, investigated for murder every time she has a miscarriage, nor do I want these women denied the right to proper medical procedures when that miscarriage results in incomplete discharge of dead fetal and placental material, running the risk of medical complications, disease and possibly death.
Mostly, I don’t want your proposed “Big Government” policies limiting the freedoms to which my daughter and every other woman in America is entitled. In short I don’t want your dirty, perverted ideas to ever mess with my daughter’s vagina, uterus or ovaries and her decisions about what is best for her reproductive health.
This isn’t a “feminist’ issue. It’s a human rights issue. So, yes, I support this proposed sex strike because maybe it will finally get your attention that women are full and equal human beings and no man’s property, much less the equivalent of cows and pigs.
Has the Pope weighed in on boner pills?
The Catholic Church is in favour of the use of Viagra, and issued a statement as such in 2004.
It also dropped the ban on the use of condoms in certain circumstances. See
And even Humanae vitae allowed women to use the pill for medical reasons. “15. On the other hand, the Church does not consider at all illicit the use of those therapeutic means necessary to cure bodily diseases, even if a foreseeable impediment to procreation should result there from–provided such impediment is not directly intended for any motive whatsoever. “
So yeah, nice snark Booman.
It was a serious question. So, the Pope is pro-boners.
Pro-treatment of medical issies and pro sexual relationships in marraige you mean. And pro responsible family sizes. for example.
By the way if you are wondering why the American bishops arn’t saying that, it’s the fact that the American Bishops are a law onto themselves and everyone knows it.
How else would people be screaming about the pill for medical conditions when that was seen as ok as far back as Humanae Vitae?
Boy, from an outsides looking in, the rhetoric from both sides is looking pretty rediculous on all this. And yep I’m talking this article too. Its a slogan a second on the merry go round.
Seriously, Sex strike? Someone makes a silly joke based on the plot of Lysistrata, a Greek Comic play, and suddenly its bieng touted as a policy? Gimme a break.
Is there any original thinking or attempt to understand the position of the other sides anywhere? Cause all I see is constant repeating of the same slogans at one another with peoples hands over their ears. And thats on both the left and the right.
Like it or not you are going to have to live with people who’s opinions you dont like and maybe the only way to crack them away from the Rush limbaughs of the world is to understand them a little and not call the other side screaming deviants and stupidly evil. Thats the power of Limbay and Beck and FOX. They don’t call people morons so people are more inclined to listen to them. They don’t mock people for their beliefs and in a world where conservitives feel under attack that gives conservitives a safe place to go, even if it does fill them up with hatred. Obama has the ability to listen and not call people compleatly stupid and thats how he gets concessions no-one else ever has. Thats how he is able to win, as he understands his enemy and does not dismiss them into an easy 2 dimentional slogan.
Or you can do (for example) what the california gay movement did right after Prop 8 and blame blacks and mormons. Its funny how fast the first got forgotten about infavour of acceptable bigotry. And yes people that blame everyong on Mormons are just as biggoted as those that blame things on Jews. PS I’m not a mormon, I’m Catholic. See how suddenly I got shoved into a nice tidy little box in your head?
Obama has the ability to listen and not call people completely stupid and that’s how he gets concessions no-one else ever has. That’s how he is able to win, as he understands his enemy and does not dismiss them into an easy 2 dimensional slogan.
First, you should learn to spell. Second, what I just quoted in a bunch of hogwash. Concessions no one else has? On what? Health Insurance Reform? The debt ceiling?
You mean the fact he got a health care bill passed which no-one ever could, despite not actually having a filibuster proof majority, and tricking the GOP into actually cutting defense funds? Repealing DADT, Clintons compfomise?
So yeah, he did stuff no-one else was ever able to do. And by the way it was Holy Joe Lieberman that torpedoed the public option when he said he would filibister any bill with it in it. Try remembering what actually happened.
PS I’m Dyslexic. Nice of the caring tolerant progressive to pick on my disability, eh? rolls eyes
you picked a fight, got smacked down, and now you’re being a crybaby about it.
get some dignity.
How was what I said smacked down by a silly comment on my spelling? And I didn’t pick a fight, I just said what I think. If you dont think both sides havn’t had an eye on the election in their responses to this you need your head examined.
In fact, I would argue that this contraversy was started now precicely becasue of the primaries. Nothing gets the conservitive base riled up like liberals screming, and vice versa.
I’m just going to close my eyes since both sides are equally bad.
I think closing your eyes is the recommended strategy for when you’re raped by a person as well as for state sponsored rape
How about this?
Let’s stop messing around with invasive unnecessary medical procedures. Let’s pass a law that says that anyone woman seeking an abortion should first be ordered to wear a fetal heartbeat monitoring device around her neck with the volume set to ‘6,’ and she should do this for at least 96 hours prior to the procedure.
If she must go out in public during this time, she can apply for specially crafted headphones with no volume adjustment capabilities.
That way she won’t find the whole process humiliating.
Agreed. The invasive scanning method is a violation and an invasion. British Abortion clinics have been using standard scans (rubbing the sensor over the tummy) for years.
But my point was about the uncincious repitition of slogan after slogan in the article and the silliness of people seriously talking about a sex strike. It was bloody wierd to me.
I’m not a fan of hyperbolic rhetoric either. But. From where I stand the issue is that a small percentage of loud and well-connected people (mostly men) is trying to impose their religious beliefs – or, more precisely, their right to impose their religious beliefs – on everyone else.
There is absolutely no reason for me to “understand” their position, because it is one with which, first, no compromise is possible or desirable – rights are rights, period – and second, on which the law has been settled for a very long time. Society can make laws for the greater good that override religious belief. (Most recently, the Supreme Court took this up in the ’90s when affirming that peyote use was illegal even for tribes for whom it’s a sacrament.) Note that that’s for personal religious practice – not even for the ability of persons to impose their beliefs on others. That’s another whole layer of impermissible.
Meantime, while there are, I’m sure, thoughtful proponents of these measures – perhaps you’re one – they’ve triggered a whole lot of noise on the right which boils down to contempt for the rights and very personhood of 51% of the population. I think women – and their allies – have every right to be pissed about it.
If someone were advocating a return to Jim Crow laws (which were often justified by Christian scripture, BTW), would you be urging African-Americans to at least understand the other side’s legitimate concerns? Of course not, not least because you’d probably know that blacks would understand exactly what the rationale was, thank you very much. And in this case, so do women.
I oppose all those limitations on women’s rights, and am not shy about letting people know. Should I still be subject to a sex strike?
Heh, dont worry. In Lysistrata the sex strike broke down as the women kept trying to sneak off and have sex with their husbands. Its a funny play actually 😀
wow! you don’t say. I hear Beethoven’s 9th symphony isn’t so bad either.
Never much cared for Beethoven. I prefer Modern Clssical if I’m going to listen to classical music.
I prefer mixing pop and classical like Kalafina…
Regardless of how many man-children proliferate their sophomoric opinions concerning any dramatic action taken by American women in defense of their physical rights; it is the number of women that participate in that action that really counts. The Republican spin-masters are already downplaying the current popular push-back (against the Republican authored “war on Women” legislation) by organizing a counter PR campaign. This new Republican PR campaign propagates a message that says American women are actually MORE CONCERNED with the economy than with any other current “hot button” issues, including the issue of birth control.
WE need to watch out for the Republican propaganda PR machine simply because they control the mass media. The Republicans certainly are not going to announce when they start their PR counter offensive, so Democrats and progressives need to be very alert as to what new messages start filtering out into the national conversation. Furthermore the Republicans will make sure that the counter offensive message in this instance is spoken from the mouths of well known (NON-FOX) FEMALE commentators.
I know that if I was a young woman and a bunch of male jerks were writing legislation that restricted my freedom as to what I could do with my body, my reaction would be definitely swift, strong and violent. From my perspective this would be a direct infringement on my Constitutional rights as an American citizen and my revolution would not be TELEVISED!
Daily Beast posted a compilation of Hillary’s best speeches on women’s health.