I always kind of thought of the audience for Kung Fu movies as a bit Sinophile, or at least Japanophile. Along with that, of course, comes an open mind about alternative medicine, alternative religion, and a broadened horizon about the world. While the athleticism of martial arts has an appeal of its own, the movies are infused with East Asian culture and the idea of master instructors and aspiring students. You can’t escape the influence of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shinto while watching Kung Fu.
That’s why I found it strange when I discovered that Chuck Norris was a buttoned down evangelical Christian. I’m biased, but I see that brand of Christianity as hopelessly pinched and provincial. It’s normally difficult to maintain those beliefs if you gain much exposure to the larger world, whether it be New York City, a conventional college campus, South Korea in the 1950’s, or the martial arts subculture in this country.
I am surprised by Chuck Norris’s religious beliefs and behavior but I don’t begrudge him his right to believe whatever he wants. That said, he’s crazy.
A video released this weekend by action movie hero Chuck Norris claims that America faces “1,000 years of darkness” if President Barack Obama is reelected.
“If we look to history, our great country and freedom are under attack,” Norris warns, standing next to his wife. “We’re at a tipping point and, quite possibly, our country as we know it may be lost forever if we don’t change the course in which our country is headed.”
The pair go on to explain that Obama won in 2008 because more than 30 million evangelical Christians stayed home on Election Day. “We know you love your family and your freedom as much as Gena and I do, and it is because of that we can no longer sit quietly or stand on the sidelines and watch our country go the way of socialism or something much worse,” Norris explains.
I would prefer it if people would refrain from trying to get various religious sects and denominations to vote as a bloc. But if evangelical Christians have common religious interests that can be translated into logical political action during this election, I would think preventing a Mormon from becoming president would be near the top of the list. Southern Baptists, in particular, have long taught that Mormonism is a profane heresy, and a cult. More importantly, they have found themselves in direct competition with Mormons as they do their missionary work. If they’ve put this much effort over this much time into preventing the legitimization of Mormonism, they cannot be unconcerned about the legitimizing effect of having a Mormon president.
Ironically, of the four candidates (Obama, Biden, Romney, Ryan), only the president is a protestant Christian. My point in bringing this up is less to sow division among the Republican base than to ask you to imagine what it would look like if the president decided to exploit those divisions in a way similar to how Chuck Norris is behaving. What if the Democrats launched a shadow campaign in the evangelical strongholds of this country in which they told people that electing a Mormon would lead to a thousand years of darkness and lead our country off to something worse than socialism?
The legitimization of Mormonism poses a more real threat to missionary evangelicals than, say, the legitimization of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s south side Chicago congregation. There would at least be some substance to the argument. But the Democrats will not do this. And the Democrats will not do this because it would be wrong and it would be inconsistent with the core American value of separation of Church and State. Congregationalists had their problems with Anglicans, and Anglicans had their problems with Congregationalists, but our country’s first presidents were all from Massachusetts and Virginia. That was made easier by the fact that Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, and the Adams were all unitarians or Deists rather than conventional religious believers. But the people of those states still consented to be governed by people of different religious backgrounds.
Without that consent, our country would have fallen apart. For the same reason, Romney’s Mormonism is not disqualifying. And it would be wrong to try to convince people otherwise. This is why I think it is wrong for Chuck Norris to appeal to evangelicals as a bloc and tell them to vote against the president. Why they’d vote against the only protestant in the contest is a mystery to me, but they’d be equally wrong to vote for Obama simply because he’s a protestant.
If evangelicals know their history, they know that Andrew Jackson was the first president to be a trinitarian Christian. If they applied the test that a president must believe in the Son, the Father, and the Holy Ghost, they would have voted against Washington, both Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe. In fact, they would have voted against Jackson, too, because he only converted a year after he left the presidency. The Democrats respect that history. That’s why there is no shadow campaign against Romney in the evangelical community. Too bad the opposite isn’t true.
That’s why there is no shadow campaign against Romney in the evangelical community. Too bad the opposite isn’t true.
The opposite will never be true. Just look at the present day(since Tricky Dick) GOP.
when Bill Clinton was our candidate?
What do you mean? Did Clinton’s people run some kind of shadow campaign against Poppy Bush?
No one accused Clinton of being of the wrong religion. No one said his religious beliefs were dangerous.
I have a deer that hangs out in my carport. I call her LB, which stands for ‘light bulb’. She doesn’t have one, can’t find hers and forever lives in the darkness of her own mind. LB meet Chuck.
That the Evangelical in Chuck can morph itself into asking its bretheren to vote for a man who denies its faith and beliefs in the name of denying a dark skinned man who shares its Christianity from holding our highest office calls for Chuck’s Kung Fu to go limp.
Ya, Chuck’s been hit in the head too many times.
Sorry, but Obama does not share their Christianity. In my experience many evangelicals have as much contempt for non-evangelical, mainline Protestants as they do any other variant of Christianity that is not theirs.
This even includes people from the same denomination. The life of a friend of mine in Georgia revolves around her evangelical church, which is ostensibly Methodist – but it’s a totally different culture and mindset from the stereotypical, button-down, upper Midwest Methodists I knew growing up. They have much more in common with Southern Baptists than their own co-religionists elsewhere. Make that doubly true for the schism between traditionally white and traditionally black churches.
This isn’t about religious dogma; it’s about tribes. Mitt Romney is, culturally speaking, much closer to the tribe of white evangelicals than Barack Obama can ever be, Mitt’s religious apostasy notwithstanding. The strength of both evangelical churches and Mormon temples are their social structure; a lot more people care about that community than about the actual religious beliefs. Evangelicals can imagine Mitt Romney in their home church community.
They can’t imagine Barack Obama there, even though, in many ways, the behavior of the Obama family is as close or closer to the evangelical ideal. The whole point of Williamson’s bizarre column attacking Obama for having daughters rather than sons was to delegitimize the Obama family for a reason other than the obvious, unspoken one: they can’t imagine Barack Obama in their church because he’s black. Period, end of story.
A thousand years of darkness would be 500 years longer than non-native Americans have been here. Hell, I’d say the native Americans are halfway through their thousand years of darkness.
A reason why true evangelical fundies should vote of Obama as that would hasten that apocalypse they so long for.
As someone who used to be a martial arts student, let me tell you: there’s no shortage of people in the martial arts in the US who happily soak up the martial training and ignore — or simply pay lip-service to — any philosophical/spiritual background. They’ll argue fine points of traditional lineages on one hand and not question their own assumptions of white American superiority on the other.
That’s not to say all martial arts schools are filled with people like that — far from it. But they’re not uncommon, either, and they tend to congregate and mutually reinforce their attitudes.
What?! ONLY 1,000 years of “darkness”!? Seems hardly to state the true long term danger from Obamacare! And those new (weak) “finance” regs! Not to mention a possible (slight) tax increase on our nation’s Heroic Plutocrats! (shudders at the horror)
Also, too, excellent dog-whistling, Grasshopper Chuck! “darkness”–yes, indeedy. Get the brethren to go to the “light”, Chuck…
Yes, Dems (and progressives) tend to take the high road, while today’s “conservatives” (like this Norris turd) wallow (and revel) in the filth and hate. Just part of our “polarized” nation, I guess. Not that one would want to make a value judgment, haha…
One hopes our epitaph is not “They would not fight fire with fire”….
You fight fire with fire and you get burned.
Unless you truly believe in a version of the hatred the right is putting out, you CANNOT compete with them. True Believers will win out over wannabe’s every time. It’s one of the reasons that Mitt isn’t cruising to a Bush v Dukakis victory right now. Mitt is a wannabe.
One of my favorite sayings my father used to tell was: The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword speaks louder at any given moment … until it breaks.
Leave the hatred to the Right. It takes too much energy to keep it going.
“The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword speaks louder at any given moment … until it breaks.”
The Democrats don’t need to drag religion into the mix. Everyone knows by now that Mitt’s a Mormon and they either don’t know what that means or they don’t care. It would make the Democratic campaign look ugly and they really don’t need to go there.
What I find amusing is the “celebrities” the Republicans have chosen or allowed to be spokespeople for their party. Most of them are just nuttier than squirrel turds, like Ted Nugent and Chuck Norris, and that doesn’t even count the bizarre performance by Clint “The Chair Man” Eastwood. Throw in Victoria Jackson for some comic relief and you’ve got a circus sideshow of goofballs.
No matter how hard they are trying, the Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot. They lack cohesion and organization and a legitimate purpose as a party. May they continue to flounder and fail.
How they must have missed their once and future movie action hero/star Schwarzenneger.
hmmmmm….Where WAS DerSchwarz?
I guess the current incarnations of R’s don’t believe in California? Maybe they hope it will evolve into Utah?
Eastwood also a CA resident and his marital and paternal history makes Ahnold’s look almost puritanical.
Here’s some more comic relief.
During the 2012 presidential election, Norris first recommended Ron Paul, and then later formally endorsed Newt Gingrich as the Republican presidential candidate.[44] After Gingrich suspended his campaign in May 2012, Norris endorsed Republican presumptive nominee Mitt Romney, despite Norris having previously accused Romney of flip-flopping and of trying to buy the nomination for the Republican Party candidacy for 2012.[45][46]Wiki
Why don’t they stop embarrassing themselves?
Can’t analyze a nut, so here is a linkt to his Beliefs, Association and Mission.
“It has already been established that Mr. Norris’ faith is a heady mix of Christianity, New Thought and Zen Buddhism. A closer inspection reveals that his peculiar brand of Christianity is strictly of the charismatic Word-Faith variety.”
Somewhere he is linked to the Gospel Ministeries of T.D. Jakes and people like Oliver North. Does Norris have influence with Christians?
Why would you prefer that, Booman? You speak approvingly of efforts to try to promote bloc voting based on other commonalities…age, race, educational and economic levels, etc. Why are those efforts correct and this one not correct? Other than the fact that this one is a RatPub effort andf yours is a DemRat one, of course.
What’s that you say?
The Dems are right and the Rats are wrong?
Y’see, this political thing cuts two ways. The Republicans are not the only party playing cutthroat partisan politics. It takes two to tango, and the tango we are dancing now is increasingly vicious. There is really no side here that is innocent or in any way morally correct on any level whatsoever. Obama is a mass murderer just as was G.W. Bush, only he’s slicker at it. Obama has…and will continue to do so, bet on it…coddled the Wall St. thieves that have pummeled this country down into near-third world levels of debt, unemployment and imprisonment just as will Mitt Romney. This has also been done in a very slick manner.
What we really have here is a choice between styles of criminality. You favor the DemRat style because it is more intelligent. Perhaps because it is younger, beter educated and more racially inclusive as well. Great.If that’s the only set of choices that we have, ‘m with you 100%. But let’s experiment a little with some truth while we are at it, OK?
Who knows?
Maybe something will come of such an effort other than a bullet to the brain.
What a coincidence: Bill Moyers interviews Mike Lofgren
Just read the interview t the link. Wow. Bill Myers is a national treasure. The interview is with reading. Every word. I m going to buy the book.
Thank you for posting the link.
Chuck Norris is a rich actor. He is a Republican. Republicans are playing to the so-called “Religious Right”, a politicized set of denominations and connectional networks that they created to defeat Jimmy Carter.
Did I say that Chuck Norris is an actor. And a loyal Republican. And an actor.
Like Sue Myrick and Virginia Foxx, it seems that his religious language does not spring from his own religion but from the desire to help his team win.
Just which evangelical church does Norris belong to?
Ironically, of the four candidates (Obama, Biden, Romney, Ryan), only the president is a protestant Christian.
C’mon. You know that to a Republican or Southerner-at-Heart (but I repeat myself) any black Christian denomination is not a Real Christian ™ any more than non-Missouri Synod Lutherans are.
But on the topic of Norris and “Freedom” – I keep hearing and reading the word freedom from the Wingnuts all around me and I have to wonder, freedom from what? What freedoms has Obama taken away? Guns? No, the only change to gun laws is to allow people to take firearms into national parks. Free speech? Religion? What?
After much thought and listening to these wingnuts talk at our local establishments when they think everyone around them agrees with them, I have to conclude that by this they mean the freedom not to have any tax dollars go to any dark skinned person unless that person is currently in the military or playing college sports for their state university.